The tree fell and the hozen dispersed. When she saw the man with red eyes and downcast eyes, it seemed that he had something unspeakable. Yun Li did not intend to embarrass this delicate flower in the entertainment industry. She walked straight to Huo Na, raised his wrist and started to pinch his pulse. , the body that has been eroded by the dead soul will naturally become weak, and even in severe cases, death shock will occur. For example, if the fire is possessed by an ordinary-level dead soul, it will naturally be able to hold on. .

It's a pity that this dead soul is not a good guy, it is still a general-level dead soul. It has been possessed for a long time, and its lifespan has begun to decrease. As for how much it will be reduced, it all depends on destiny. Next to him, Yu Ze stretched his neck to see, There was a bit of hesitation in his eyes.

"Will he really wake up?"

Yun Li made a "shush" gesture, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and looked outside the door. There seemed to be some movement outside the door. Soon the sound turned into the sound of banging on the door, and then several annoyed voices came, " Didn't it say that both Naruto and Uzawa are in this hospital? We have been looking for a long time, but there is no one."

"On this floor, could someone else lie to us?"

"It's a reporter." Regarding reporters and insiders' instinctive fear, Yuze shrank his neck, "I don't want to see reporters, you find a way to drive them out."

This man is really used to being served by others, and he treats others as if it were natural.

Yun Li put down Huo Nai's wrist, then walked to the door and opened the door. Her handsome face instantly appeared in front of the three reporters. The three of them were stunned at the same time, staring at this rather outstanding and beautiful woman, their eyes full of tears. Stunning.

For a moment, I forgot what I was doing.

"May I ask you to know..."

The other party swallowed his saliva and said loudly.

"You were just talking about Emperor Naruto and Mr. Uzawa, right? I heard that they were transferred to a private hospital. People from China Entertainment personally handled the matter."

private hospital?

The other party glanced at Yun Li suspiciously and saw that her expression did not change, but she looked calm.

Doesn't sound like a lie.

"Can we go in and see?"

Yun Li raised his eyebrows, "This is a top VIP ward. The elders of my family are resting in it. You contradicted me. You cannot afford it."

"And if you are wandering around here, I can definitely call the security guards and arrest you all." As soon as she finished speaking, Yun Li raised her lips, "Don't you know the Xie family of e country?"

Hearing the name of the Xie family, the suspicion on the other party's face turned into panic. Anyone who wanted to offend a top wealthy family would do whatever they could to avoid it.

So the three people looked at each other and left decisively.

After the others left, Yun Li turned around and found Yunze looking at him with a smile, "Sister, are you very good at lying? Are you really from the Xie family of e country?"

"Half of the Xie family." Yun Li curled her lips. After all, when the master marries into a wealthy family, she, as an apprentice, can also be related to him, right?
"Are you from the Xie family? Why should I tell you?" She laughed back, "I'm just curious, why does Huo Nai live in the same ward with you? Don't you have a private room?"

The details that had been deliberately ignored were brought up again at this moment.Yuze's face darkened a bit, and he looked at Yun Li with a bit of coldness in his eyes.

"Sister was joking. That's because there are not enough wards in the hospital. In addition, the previous room for Hokage was temporarily given to someone else. That person is said to be dying."

about to die?
"Which ward?" Yun Li raised his eyebrows. After asking for a long time, he finally found someone who could ask.

"1444, sister, go ahead." Yuze urged. He smiled softly, but his face was very sickly white. There was a bit of perfume in the air, a little bit, but it made people dizzy inexplicably.

He doesn't look like a bad person, but Yun Li always feels that he is weird. He exudes a weird aura, as if this person has two skins from beginning to end. This is one, and he was violent before. One piece.

She can't see through Yuze, but the top priority is to go to 1444 to see clearly whether that person is a colleague, whether he is a human or a ghost, you always need to know.

She closed the door very gently. After Yun Li left, the smile on Yunze's face disappeared, and he cursed secretly, "Idiot, do you really think this is the same as those guys who want to die?"

He was cursing the air, but soon the space in front of him suddenly trembled twice, and a black mist flew into Yuze's palm, accusing him, "She must have discovered my identity now, brother, what should I do? I don't want to Captured.”

"An earth-level recycler is not a heaven-level recycler, nor is he a top ten elder. What do you have to be afraid of?" Yuze sneered, "So what if I sell you? Who calls you stupid for doing this easily?" Something about being discovered.”

The more he scolded, the harder he got, and the coldness at the corner of his mouth deepened, until Heituan shrank and left with a look of grief and anger.

This is equivalent to telling her to fend for herself and find her own solution, this cold and heartless brother!

The black shadow went back silently. In room 1444, on a special hospital bed, there was a woman wearing blue and white hospital clothes lying. The woman was unconscious and her body was covered with tubes. She was probably undergoing treatment. When Yun Li approached, , a dark wind swept her away. When she entered the ward, something seemed wrong. Until the familiar ward disappeared, and the woman lying on the hospital bed turned into a bloodless face lying in an ice coffin. Eyes closed.

She just didn't know if she would wake up suddenly. If she suddenly opened her eyes, she would be shocked.

Yun Li bit her lip, walked slowly towards the ice coffin, and saw the face clearly in front of the ice coffin. That face was very young, and she was also a beauty among the recyclers. All the recyclers were beauties. Her body It was intact, but the aura of the soul on her body was very weak, almost nonexistent. When she stretched out her hand, her eyes opened in vain, and a pair of scarlet eyes stared at Yun Li. Soon the blood faded, and she opened her mouth. , "Where is this?"

Oh ho, I'm awake.

Yun Li thought she was going to pretend to be asleep for a long time, but she couldn't stand this poor acting.No wonder Huo Nai's identity can be easily seen.

Yun Li explained, "This is the cemetery specially built for you by Chengju."

Then she reached out and pinched the woman's neck, smiling a little proudly, "Are you the aggressive dead soul? And where is the intelligent one? Or is it neither of you, there is someone else?" ?”

"You!" The woman was choked and couldn't move. She yelled angrily, "When did you find out?"

"I didn't know it at first." Yun Li curled her lips, "It's just that I really can't stand your acting skills. The more I watch, the more I feel that this kind of thing shouldn't happen."

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