Yun Li said this. She vomited out a mouthful of blood, then turned to look at Yan Shu and Lan Ji who were seriously injured.

Yun Li rarely caught the sadness in his senior brother's eyes. It was loss... What is the sadness of losing?
She doesn't quite understand, but she can relate to it.

The two of them staggered back to the underworld. Yun Li lay in the underworld water, spitting bubbles. Cheng Yan hugged Yan Shu and felt very distressed. He floated to Yun Li and planned to speak out.

As a result, when I saw Yun Li's eyes full of decadence, I didn't know why, but I couldn't bear it.

"Chengyan, do you think...can Lan Ji recover?"

"As long as you don't die," Cheng Yan said.

"I handed Yan Shu over to you. Is this how you protect her?"

"Protection? She's here to protect me!" Yun Li said in a deep voice, her eyes reddening, "If it weren't for you, a fool, my senior brother and I wouldn't have been put together. If you had investigated clearly earlier, you wouldn't have done something like this. Big basket, now, that dead soul must find a way to heal its wounds, what do you think he will do?"

Cheng Yan was stunned by what he said.

What will he do?Yun Li suddenly stiffened and softly uttered three words.

"Thank you Zhiyan."

There is a pair of twin brothers and sisters in the Xie family. Xie Zhixing and Xie Zhiyan are both extremely yin bodies. Xie Zhixing is not in the Xie family, but Xie Zhiyan is. I am ready to say that Xie Zhiyan is on the way to receive an endorsement.

She re-sticked the talisman paper, and thinking of her manager's embarrassed expression, Xie Zhiyan decided to finish the endorsement shoot.

Yuumi lay on her knees, drowsy.

Zhou Hailan drove her nanny car and took her to the filming site.

"Ah Hai, after this filming, I want to go back to Xie's house as soon as possible." There have been many incidents recently, and Xie Zhiyan knows very well that she cannot stay here forever. This is a very dangerous thing.

Xie Zhiyan has been warned countless times by her family and Yun Yan, but she is still very careful.

Zhou Hailan slightly blamed himself, "It's my fault." He took the initiative to take the blame on himself. Although he didn't know why the Xie family insisted on Xie Zhiyan going back, in order not to delay the filming progress, Xie Zhiyan still stayed. This was Zhou Hailan's fault. Hai Lan is very grateful. It is a blessing for every agent to be such an obedient artist.

"It's okay, Ah Hai." After Xie Zhiyan said that, she felt a dull pain in her heart for some unknown reason, and that uneasy feeling came to her heart again.

She took two steps forward. The figure in the studio began to blur, and everything around her also blurred.

In the next second, Youmi opened her eyes and said in horror, "Zhiyan, there is something!"

Xie Zhiyan's eyes widened, and a big hand grabbed her, and the unrecognizable dead soul whispered in her ear.

"Really, I finally caught you."

The prey that Yan had coveted for a long time unexpectedly walked into his trap without warning.

Yuze has been trying to catch Xie Zhiyan for a long time. He did it once last time. He was seriously injured by the golden light later, and he never dared to get closer. Later, he found that the golden light was a throw, and it was gone after one use. He threw Xie Zhiyan As a food reserve, this time the food reserve also has its meaning.

Xie Zhiyan felt cold all over, and the talisman on her body turned into fragments and peeled off her body bit by bit. She was locked in a space, and a figure walked out of the darkness. Although his face was destroyed, Xie Zhiyan recognized it immediately .

"Yu Ze?" She was slightly surprised, "Why you?"

The child she had sworn to protect now turned into a sharp knife, stabbing herself fiercely.

Yuze glanced at Xie Zhiyan, his eyes full of coldness, "Just stay here." For some reason, he didn't want to eat the prey in such a hurry.

The Yan in his body kept reminding him, "Brother, eat her quickly. If I eat her, I can have a body!"

She wanted to be like Xie Zhiyan, wearing Xie Zhiyan's skin.

"Shut up." Yuze warned in a deep voice.

At the same time, in the real world, Zhou Hailan opened his eyes in a daze, and a pair of boots appeared in front of him. He looked at the tall and handsome man in front of him, his whole body stiff.

"Where is my sister?" he said, looking at the man on the ground with cold eyes.

Xie Zhixing had just received the news and planned to pick up his sister. However, his sister disappeared and her manager slept on the ground like a dead pig.

"Zhiyan...she was still here just now."

Xie Zhixing's expression suddenly changed, and he cursed angrily, "Damn it!"

He hurriedly called and said, "Yun Yan, where is my sister? Where is my sister?!"

"Your call has been hung up." A female voice rang out as soon as the call was connected, and Xie Zhixing threw the phone angrily.

Yun Yan promised to take good care of his sister, but now he has no sister, and his sister disappeared right before his eyes. Where can he find an explanation? "

Yun Li appeared in the room dragging his exhausted body. Shen Jiaojiao ran over and threw herself into her arms. Seeing that Yun Li was very tired, he whispered, "Are you injured?"

Yun Li had no strength and could only nod, with a look of helplessness and pain in his eyes.

"Star Spirit, I need you to do me a favor."

Yun Xingling threw aside the toy he was using to comfort Shen Jiaojiao, and his eyes fell on Yun Li. "You are in some kind of trouble." It was an affirmative sentence. He could see that Izu Yunli was not in a very good condition. , but compared to the previous times, it was pretty good, but not much better. It was probably a serious injury.

It is normal to be injured on a mission. If you come to your guide after being injured on a mission, it means that the mission failed and you were seriously injured.

"Do you still remember the tracking charm I put on Xie Zhiyan? Yan Shu is injured, so you can only help me find her. If I find Xie Zhiyan, nothing will happen to her."

Yun Xingling's expression changed, "You mean...Xie Zhiyan was taken away?"

It is not a good thing for an extremely yin body to be taken away. If he were a dead soul, he would definitely tear him apart and swallow him whole. After all, it was the best food and it tasted delicious.

But now is not the time to think about that.

"You guard Shen Jiaojiao, and I will come back as soon as I go." As Yun Li's guiding spirit, Yun Xingling is definitely one of the more powerful guiding spirits. His ability is not inferior to that of Lan Ji Yanshu, a relatively powerful guiding spirit. , and even a little beyond.

Yun Li collapsed on the bed, suddenly thinking of Shen Si, the tip of his nose felt sore.

Shen Jiaojiao lay in her arms and whispered, "Well, I'm being bullied. Let's go find Baba, okay?"

Looking for Ba Ba?
Yun Li subconsciously wanted to curse. Shen Si might still be entangled with that blonde girl. How could she still want him?

Maybe he would have to be rejected and be pissed to death by those two people.

However, not long after Yun Li left the underworld, Yun Wenshu was worried about his junior sister and went back directly. After handing Lan Ji to Cheng Yan, he appeared in front of Shen Si. He thought that his junior sister would return to Shen Si, but it turned out that When he saw Shen Si and the blonde opposite him, he was completely stunned.

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