"Yan, shut up." Yuze spoke again, but Yan didn't listen this time. She turned into a ball of red soul and emerged from Yuze's stomach. Feeling his sister's resistance, Yuze cursed secretly, " Damn it." Then he was deprived of all power and could only watch Yan take the lead.

"Brother, you've gone too far!" Her cold voice sounded, and a ball of ghost fire continued to expand around her, with countless ghost faces making ghostly laughter in the ghost fire.

As one of the twins, Yan's strength cannot be underestimated.

"You can't hold on any longer." Yan curled his lips and smiled, "My brother and I will never get tired."

she says.

Dead souls have a steady supply of energy unless their source of life is cut off.

Countless hellfires roared towards Yun Wenshu. Yun Wenshu's figure flashed, and the corners of his robe were burned by the flames. In almost a moment, the flames spread all over his body, and the next second a spiritual shield covered him. He saw a formation slowly emerging from Yun Li's hand and heading towards Yan, enveloping Yan like a golden cage.

For the first time, there was something akin to panic in her eyes full of sarcasm.

"You, what did you do?!" She glared at Yun Li. Who would have thought that Yun Li had practiced various formations since he was a child and was proficient in the formation Qihuang technique. She was not as strong as Yun Wenshu and could not do it. Senior brother is able to remain calm when facing dead souls like this.

Only in the auxiliary formation and offense, a line of balance was created. No matter what she was doing, she could do it, but she could only do it a little bit.

Almost consuming most of her spiritual power, Yun Li controlled Yan, then raised his lips and looked at Yuze behind Yan. Yuze's face was dark, and his red pupils were staring at Yun Li, as if he wanted to tear her apart completely.

"Senior brother, this guy is still easy to deal with." She reminded Yun Wenshu, "I checked the ancient books, and it is recorded in the ancient books that if one of the twins dies, the other will die, and if one is seriously injured, the other will also be seriously injured. , so I say, senior brother, chop him as much as you want, even to death."

"You!" Yuze said angrily, "Damn woman!"

He cursed, and the next second he was nailed to the wall by Yun Wenshu's sword. Yun Wenshu's face was gloomy. He grabbed Yuze's neck and said viciously, "It was you who touched Lan Ji?"

"It's just a Blue Ji hibiscus flower. What's worth it for you to go to war?" The ridicule in his eyes continued, but Yun Wenshu easily broke his neck in the next second.

Just twist it off and he won't die.

Unless the dead soul is seriously injured, it will not die easily.

Yan slapped the formation desperately, and the formation became weaker and weaker. Just when Yun Wenshu pinched a blasting talisman and stuffed it into Yuze's stomach, the protective shield shattered, and Yan's fingers scratched Yun Wenshu's back.

In an instant, with a "bang", the three of them turned into fireworks, but Yun Wenshu was fine. This kind of talisman only had an effect on dead souls. He fell down safely under the protection of the spiritual shield.

Yuze and Yan, on the other hand, were dying and leaning against each other. Yan angrily scolded Yun Wenshu, "Despicable and shameless recyclers, why do you think I will surrender? If it weren't for you, none of this would have happened?"

"You have killed ten second-level recyclers." Yun Wenshu said in an indifferent tone, "You have to pay the price for this."

"Ha." The coldness overflowed from the corner of Yuze's mouth in an instant. He was covered in blood and blood, and he said, "They deserve to die. If they can cooperate obediently, I can give them some mercy, but they just don't like to cooperate. If you have to kill them all, then..." His pupils opened, and then ten dolls flew out of the villa. Those familiar faces made Yun Li feel suffocated.

No wonder... I couldn't find the body. It turned out that it had been made into a doll a long time ago.

"Since you want to play, then have fun with your former companions." As soon as he finished speaking, Yuze passed out and his body turned into a handful of black soil. There were tears of unwillingness in Yan's eyes. She lay on her brother's back. In my arms, I chose to leave with my brother.Although it is painful, if you can stay with your brother, you will feel at home wherever you are.

The puppets all have second-level strength. After refining, they are even a little more than second-level, but they are evil spirits after all.

Evil spirits should be subdued.

Yun Li took a step back. She suddenly heard the rules of the Soul Recycling Bureau, and then thought of Shen Si who had slipped through the net.

"Do we have to subdue them? These people are all former companions. Do we also want to send them to hell?"

Yun Wenshu was stunned, with a rare look of astonishment on his face.

Looking at the junior sister who couldn't bear it, he said, "You are still young, leave all these to senior brother."

How could this kind of executioner thing be possible...

Before Yun Wenshu could take action, the blade of the Floating Light Sword in Shen Si's hand let out a low cry, and in an instant a golden light burst out, and those evil spirits turned into a ball of ashes under the shroud of golden light.

Yun Wenshu was stunned on the spot, looking at Shen Side with a bit of hesitation in his eyes, but more of a surprise.

He even said the same words to those dead souls who had seen Shen Si.

"Who the hell are you?"

It's just that the former refers to "monster".

Shen Si put away his sword extremely calmly, and looked at Yun Li, "Aren't you leaving?"

Yun Li Leng had a stern face, "Why are you leaving? Are you going with me? Are you dreaming?"

She asked three questions in a row and treated Shen Si coldly. After walking out of the confinement, Yun Li breathed a sigh of relief. She only felt that the disappearance of the brother and sister was very strange. It was more like they were not dead, or... still alive. ?

Cheng Yan's voice rang in his ears, "Well done. Those brothers and sisters are indeed not dead. They are vessels. How could vessels die?"

Utensil... Yun Li was stunned, so it was Utensil that turned into a dead soul.

So why does this vessel turn into a dead soul?
"Because of resentment, their master grew up in an orphanage. After being bullied, he died with deep resentment. After their master died, they relied on resentment. In the end, the resentment of the orphanage nourished them, and later they He turned into a human form and grew up in an orphanage. The man named Yuze was his elder brother. He was raised by the Xie family, so he was kind to Miss Xie's family. Even though he knew that she was extremely yin, he had not done anything yet. "

He could have won by a tiny margin, but he lost to the people's hearts and to himself.

"Okay, this bureau will take that thing away by itself, and you should go about your business." Cheng Yan urged, and then began to disappear.

Cheng Ji was very busy. She and her senior brother looked at each other tacitly. The latter walked forward, while the former glanced at Shen Si and ran away decisively. When they got into the two familiar cars, Yun Li He urged, "Hurry up."

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