Shen Si doesn't like others slandering the people around him. Even though Jin Siya has been his attending physician for many years, she has worked hard without any credit, and she did help him, but it was all in exchange for equal value, without any favors. When it comes to exchanges, some people just get what they need.

"Doctor Jin, I think it's time for you to leave. We, Mr. Shen, want to be alone with Madam." The one who spoke was Chen Chen. Chen Chen gave the order to expel the guests. If Jin Siya didn't leave, he went up and dragged Jin Siya away.

She was also brave enough to openly provoke Shen Si and speak ill of Yun Li in front of Shen Si, without any discernment.

Jin Siya left aggrievedly.

I didn't expect Shen Si to be so protective of such a woman, so it would be even harder for her to sow discord.

She still refused to leave and headed towards the guest room eager to find the apartment. Unexpectedly, Chen Chen followed her.

He warned in a low voice, "Dr. Jin, don't forget who helped you get to this point. Mr. Shen does not ask you to repay kindness with kindness. You must not repay kindness with kindness."

"Of course I know." Jin Siya bit her lip, "I'm just worried that Mr. Shen will be deceived by someone with intentions. What if that woman plots something against Mr. Shen?"

Chen Chen chuckled, "You are wrong about this. Mr. Shen would like his wife to plot evil against him."

The sound of "Madam" was very harsh, harsher than anything Jin Siya had come into contact with. E-country was called Madam. She once fantasized about becoming Shen Si's wife, but now everything has turned into bubbles. It's all because of this woman who suddenly appeared.

She took what was rightfully hers, her man.

"Assistant Chen, do you really like that woman that much?" Jin Siya laughed in amusement, "How can you safely confuse a woman who doesn't know her true nature?"

"No, Madam is a very good person." Chen Chen chuckled, "Compared with some women who don't know how to be generous, she is already much better."

The woman who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth is herself.

Jin Siya almost bit her lip. She finally spent the night in the guest room with tears in her eyes, thinking that Shen Si would blame himself for saying such harsh words. In the end, Shen Si stayed with that woman all night until morning. Then he left in a hurry.

Yun Li vaguely smelled a familiar scent, and when she opened her eyes again, she saw a man in a white coat examining her.

The man has dazzling blond hair.

Why is it blond again?She had a stern face, but she could still see the sullenness on her face.

"Miss, do you dislike me so much?" Jio blinked, "I admire your beauty very much, but I didn't expect that you don't like blond hair. Most of us in E country are blond."

It is true that there are many blond people here, and Xie Zhiyan is also blond, which shows that this is not uncommon in E country.

"I'm sorry." Yun Li restrained her hostility. She didn't expect that she disliked blond hair to this extent. It was all Shen Si's fault. Who told him that he was not clear with the blond girl, and it also affected her own aesthetics.

"Miss, don't drink so much in the future. You almost beat someone to death yesterday." Jio sighed softly, "If Si hadn't taken you away, you would have beaten them all on purpose."

"I only hit one." Yun Li emphasized, "Just hitting one is nothing."

"Mr. Shen still has to clean up the mess for you, and you also have to feel sorry for the man who loves you, don't you?" Jio smiled helplessly, "Fortunately, Mr. Shen's legal team is very powerful, and almost no one can beat him."

Yan Kuan, who was beaten, did not dare to offend Shen Si. Naturally, he would not confront Shen Si head-on. Even if Yan Kuan was angry and he was a great director, it would still be a bit troublesome to clean up.Yun Li thought of Shen Si and his expression froze, "Then why hasn't he come to see me yet?"

"I guess I don't want to." Jio laughed, "Mr. Shen is a workaholic, he has always been like this."

In the hospital, Yan Kuan was hiding inside. He did not dare to express support and admitted that he had done some bad things to many female artists. This would ruin his reputation and was the last thing he could do.

But the death text message on his phone told him that if he didn't follow the instructions, something terrible would happen. In desperation, he could only obey and looked at the evidence with a look of despair.

He planned to spend the rest of his life in prison.

Unexpectedly, Yun Li is actually related to the Shen Group and is the wife of the president of the Shen Group. Isn't this purely funny when someone like this comes out to film a movie and instead of being the heroine, she just becomes a female lead?

From the beginning, he had to know that Yun Li was a wealthy person with a strong backing. He had already treated her as an ancestor, and he still wanted to take advantage of her?
Now my intestines have turned green and are of no use.

He lamented and issued a statement announcing his withdrawal.

In Xie Zhiyan's bedroom, Xie Zhiyan's complexion has improved a lot after the past few days of recuperation. Her brother Xie Zhixing has secretly or even tied her up at home, telling her that she must withdraw from the circle.

She doesn't want to be the canary in the family, she just wants to make money through her own efforts.

Unfortunately, things didn't work out as she wanted. With her frail body, she could barely be used as food for ghosts.

Zhou Hailan called and seemed a little anxious.

"Zhiyan, Yan Kuan has withdrawn from the circle. Have you gone to see VB? He is the number one hot search topic and is about to explode."

This was the first time I heard Zhou Hailan use this adjective, and it seemed like it was really a big deal.

Thinking that she still had a drama waiting for Yan Kuan, Xie Zhiyan couldn't help but click on it. She happened to see Yan Kuan molesting several actresses and doing such shameful things, and a feeling of disgust came to her heart. I knew this circle was very chaotic, but I didn't expect it to be so chaotic. Those innocent girls were just ruined?
There are also some money transactions, in short, there are many, densely packed piles, with pictures and truth.

It was outrageous. She clenched her fist and said to Zhou Hailan, "Ah Hai, I want to file a lawsuit, but Director Yan wants to withdraw from the circle, so please pay my breach of contract fee first."

Xie Zhiyan's breach of contract fee is not unusually high, and combined with the fees of other actors, which are denser, Yan Kuan will be completely bankrupt. Bankruptcy is only minor, and he will be imprisoned. If it is serious, he will be imprisoned for a lifetime.

"Then we will file a lawsuit until he is sentenced to life imprisonment."

"What are you talking about?" Xie Zhixing's voice sounded from far away. Xie Zhixing, dressed in a crisp suit and elegant, walked in and took a look at his sister's face first.

"It seems to be a lot more rosy, and I will be able to go out for a walk soon."

Xie Zhiyan twitched her lips. She could have left a long time ago, but she was kept locked up by Xie Zhixing and was being served at home. She felt a little uncomfortable, but her brother was really serious.

She could only be forced to accept it.

"I want to ask my brother for a favor." She whispered.

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