It wasn't until she discovered that the perfume smells were not from the same woman that she realized that Shen Li had cheated on several people at the same time.

Several women.

"Isn't father busy?" Shen Si was silent for a moment and then said, "He was on a business trip in country B recently."

As soon as the words fell, there was complete silence.

Mrs. Shen's eyes widened, as if she couldn't believe what she heard. In country B, on a business trip?Didn't he say that he was out socializing and she thought he was having sex with some little goblin, but in the end, he just let it go and ended up with a foreign girl?

In an instant, Mrs. Shen's face turned pale. Chen Juan poured her a cup of tea. She was so angry that she threw the tea cup to the ground.

The sound of breaking a porcelain cup sounded, and Shen Si frowned, "Do you need me to send someone to take him back?"

"No need." Mrs. Shen snorted coldly, "Just do your own thing well."

The husband is unfaithful, the son is poorly raised, and the daughter is a loser.

Mrs. Shen even wanted to die.

In the past, she could tolerate it because Shen Li still loved her, but now she couldn't bear it at all.

But for the time being, these are nothing. She is soft-spoken. Even if she takes the position of Mrs. Shen, she still has no say in the family. She can only call her natal brother to complain.

The people in her natal family will not sit idly by. After all, they are the ones who want to cling to the high branches of the Shen family for the rest of their lives.

When Chen Juan saw Mrs. Shen contacting her mother's family again, she felt dissatisfied, "That group of people will only suck your blood. They are not good people. Madam should have cut off contact with them long ago."

Mrs. Shen sneered, "In the past few years, relying on the Shen family, my family's business has just improved. If I turn and throw them aside, who can I rely on in the future? Can I rely on a husband who doesn't come home!"

And Shen Li may not think of him as his only wife in the future. There are so many vixens out there, and they are becoming more and more charming, and I am afraid that she will be so fascinated that she can no longer walk.

Chen Juan said distressedly, "Madam is also pitiful."

"I'm not pitiful." Mrs. Shen sneered, "Those who can't sit in Mrs. Shen's position are pitiful."

"Go and deliver the things that my parents just sent to Qiao Ruyi."

As the second wife, Qiao Ruyi already has all the advantages. She is a junior, but she has no control over the entire Shen family. The Qiao family is a big family, so it can be said that Mrs. Shen has no status at all in the family.

Every time she thought of Qiao Ruyi standing in front of her, a mouthful of blood would choke in her throat and she felt very uncomfortable.

When Qiao Ruyi is gone, will she be able to live a good life and be able to succeed.

"What are you doing to please her, madam? Does she still lack anything good? Usually, the eldest and second young masters always come to her place. They send precious jewelry and supplements in piles after piles. They don't necessarily come to show their respect to you, my wife." .”

"It's really outrageous."

Chen Juan couldn't help complaining.

Mrs. Shen was jealous deep down in her heart. Shen Si was partial to Qiao Ruyi, so it was fine, but he deliberately ignored her and turned a blind eye to her stepmother. Some rumors spread, and she was less able to talk to those noble ladies. Share the confidence.

But so what?Who told her to plot against Shen Si? She hated her stepson and wanted to please him, but couldn't. In addition, she had hurt him overtly and covertly when he was a child. There was already a gap between mother and son, and it was not just a normal gap.

She sighed, "Now I can only make mistakes."

"Is it possible that Madam wants to..."

There was a bit of cruelty in Mrs. Shen's eyes, "Since I couldn't touch him before, I don't believe it this time."

"Contact that Jin Siya and ask her to prepare. Doesn't she want to be Mrs. Shen? I will make it happen for her." Chen Juan lowered her eyes silently, "I understand, Madam."

She knew that the person named Jin Siya had liked Shen Si in his early years. Later, after being coerced and induced by the madam, he obediently listened to her, so much so that Jin Siya had been secretly passing news to the madam in the past few years.

Madam was quite satisfied every time she learned that Shen Si's condition worsened, and occasionally gave Jin Siya something to use on Shen Si. Shen Si had gradually lost control in the past few years, and she even thought that she would have it at her fingertips right away. right.

As a result, everything was broken when Yun Li appeared.

Jin Siya woke up quickly in the hospital, with Jio standing by her side with a tired look on her face.

"Senior brother," she called in a low voice, "Where is Si?"

"Ha." Jio sneered, "I took care of you all night and I didn't see you say thank you. Is Shen Si the only thing on your mind? Shen Si doesn't appreciate your kindness at all!"

"I remember hearing Si's voice. There was no way he would give up on me." Jin Siya struggled to get up, and then she realized that her whole body was numb, and her face was filled with pain, "I want to go find Si."

"Shen Si won't see you." Jio said in a deep voice, "Do you still remember the woman you provoked? Shen Si misses her. He is still holding their daughter, who is already five or six years old!"

"You're lying!" Jin Siya bit her lip, "How could he be five or six years old? He must be adopted and has nothing to do with Si. I'm going to ask Si."

Jio felt that he might not be able to control her anymore.

He sighed, "It's up to you. If you're looking for death, don't blame me for not helping you."

If Jio hadn't been too lazy to care about him because of her former school friendship, she might have tricked him away, and would have caused him, his senior brother, to suffer.


"You mean, your father went to see that blond sister?" In the bedroom, Yun Li looked tense, and Shen Jiaojiao complained next to him, probably saying that Shen Si went too far and provoked other women. Hearing this once was enough, but hearing it twice made her even more angry. She couldn't help but curse.

He simply didn't take her seriously.

It was obvious that Shen Si was very attractive, and there were a lot of women around him.

There is no shortage of her.

The collection suddenly sounded, and Yunli was pulled back from her thoughts. She looked at Xie Zhiyan's name above, and then remembered that Xie Zhiyan had returned to Xie's house safe and sound. She wondered if there would be any sequelae.

"Hello." Unlike Xie Zhiyan's female voice, there was a very gentle male voice on the phone.

"I'm Xie Zhixing, Xie Zhiyan's brother, are you Yun Li?" The other party's tone was a bit serious for no reason.

"I am." Yun Li responded.

"If so, I will send a driver to pick you up tomorrow. My sister wants to see you."

Yun Li twitched the corners of his lips and informed him like this?Without leaving any room for rebuttal, what kind of person is this?

"Let me check the time. If it doesn't work, please make an appointment another day." Yun Li was not a person who would give face, so she said directly.

The person on the other end of the phone was obviously taken aback.

Was she just letting herself wait for notification?

Xie Zhixing's eyelids twitched hard and he said, "I will pick you up personally."

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