Isn't it strange that there is not even a woman's clothes in such a huge villa?

However, thinking about how hard it was for him to stay with Shen Si for so many years, if he was driven away rashly, all his previous hard work would be in vain.

A dark color flashed across her eyes until Shen Si got out of the car and he opened the door, revealing Yun Li inside and the little Jiao'er who was held in Yun Li's arms. That Xiao Jiao'er was also the true president.

His face is carved from the same mold as Yun Li, but his eyes are quite similar to Shen Si's, and his small mouth is almost a synthesis of all the high-quality genes of the two people. To say that they are not biological children, No one will believe it.

So Shen Si really has a daughter, who is still five or six years old.

"Brother Shen, your daughter is so cute." Jio approached her and said politely. He looked handsome and had a sunny smile.

With his fluffy blond hair, he looks quite approachable.

Yun Li knew him, and naturally also knew his blond hair. For some reason, she had a psychological shadow on blond hair.

"Blonde hair, blond hair, mother." Shen Jiaojiao buried his face in Yun Li's arms and whispered, "I don't like blond hair."

Jio's face stiffened.

Instead, Shen Si's eyes swept over jio and looked at Jin Siya behind him. Jin Siya pursed her lips tightly and her eyes were a bit broken.

"Si, are these your wife and child?" Jin Siya tried to hide her unwillingness and forced a smile, "I didn't expect you didn't even notify me of your marriage. I thought Miss Yun was just following you. .”

"Not married." Yun Li corrected, "I did follow him." She admitted openly, "Dr. Jin, can I take my child in?"

Jin Siya was stunned. Is she asking for her opinion?
She is the hostess, why should she ask for her opinion?
And they are not married, which means that in Shen Si's heart, this woman is of no importance at all. Even if she gave birth to a child, she was not favored by Shen Si.

"This is your home." Shen Si frowned slightly, "You can come in if you want."

Yun Li's expression was really ugly. She looked past Jin Siya and looked at her, "Isn't this the home of you and Dr. Jin?"

"This is not my home either."

She pursed her lips, with a hint of mockery in her eyes.

Her home is in the Underworld, where she grew up. There are Yun Yan, senior brothers, and many people like her. They are truly her friends and family.

Shen Si is the missing person and the target of her mission.

Stop fooling yourself Yun Li.

She reminded herself repeatedly, but these words were fleeting and could be forgotten in the next second. She was like a stranded fish. Shen Si stood on the shore, patted her fish tail, and told her, "He won't She eats it in stew.”

She believed it, and was torn apart and swallowed, leaving nothing behind.

Seeing that there was still a misunderstanding between the two, Jio pulled Jin Siya and wanted to leave. Jin Siya refused to move and continued to stare at Shen Si stubbornly.

"Si, do you still need me to leave?"

"You haven't packed your things yet?" Shen Si raised his eyebrows and spoke in a low tone.

Jin Siya's face turned pale, she didn't expect him to be so impatient.

"I have a lot of stuff here, and I can't move it all in a short time. Si, you don't want me to be homeless, right?"

"Ms. Jin, as far as I know, you have five or six properties under your name, and the latest one is right next door." Chen Chen's voice broke in, and he chuckled.

Jin Siya glared at the man who was trying to undermine her, but Chen Chen continued, "I will pack Miss Jin's luggage and leave as soon as possible, so that I can turn the guest room into a utility room to store my wife." and the lady’s things.”

As soon as she finished speaking, Jin Siya's anger reached its peak. This man was deliberately irritating her. She knew clearly that she couldn't stand women like Yun Li the most. He dominated Shen Si and enjoyed the mistress as a matter of course. all rights.If you can't position yourself correctly, you are not even qualified to be a mistress.

"I know." She calmly returned to the villa silently.

I happened to see Yun Li walking out of another room.

She doesn't plan to live with Shen Si.

In Jin Siya's eyes, she was only qualified to stay in the guest room. Tsk, it turned out that she was almost the same as herself.

"You worked so hard to give birth to Si's child, and you get this kind of treatment. It's nothing more than that."

She didn't dare to say this in front of Shen Si, so she could only say it to Yun Liyan herself.

Yun Li frowned and glanced at Jin Siya. It was said that this woman was still being rescued a few days ago, but she was discharged from the hospital now?Why do you feel like your brain is not healed yet?

She won't say anything to the patient, lest the irritated person faints and has to pay for it herself.

"This villa belongs to me. Mom can do whatever she wants." Xiaodou Ding Shen Jiaojiao said with all her strength, "A woman like you who wants to be in a position doesn't even consider her own weight. How can you compare to my mother?" ?”

She said it with extra confidence, as if Yun Li was really the most outstanding mother in the world.

Yun Li was surprised by Shen Jiaojiao's confidence.

And protection.

Her heart warmed slightly, this must be due to Yun Xingling's good teaching. Yun Xingling started teaching her since she was a child. Now, even Shen Jiaojiao has gradually gotten rid of the viciousness of the dead soul and is on the track of a normal child.

"You!" Jin Siya stared at the child. She really didn't like it no matter how she looked at it. She was still the son of Shen Si and this woman. Jealousy spread in her heart. She began to spit out sour water. In the end, she just stamped her feet and turned around to leave. .

"That auntie is scared."

"There's nothing wrong with what she said." She got this treatment.

Being kept in the dark and being taken advantage of.

Isn’t this all your own fault?After all, Shen Si is the omission. He has lived longer than others, and his strength is even higher than most people. This kind of man is the most terrifying.

He can advance as he pleases, retreat as he pleases, and be extremely free and unrestrained.

And she is just one of thousands of recyclers. She will be reincarnated when she dies. They are two kinds of people.

One day, Shen Si will show his evil claws and throw her to the ground.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?" Shen Jiaojiao's little face was full of worry, "Don't you want to come back? Then since you don't want to, how about we sneak away again?"

"Do you still want to run?" A questioning voice sounded. Yun Li subconsciously raised his head and found the man standing on the steps with his eyes narrowed, his face full of sternness, "Come up."

He couldn't help but go up and grab Yun Li's arm and take her upstairs.

Shen Jiaojiao cried and howled, and was finally thrown to the nanny by Shen Si.

"You don't have to treat a child like this." Yun Li bit his lip, "Jiao Jiao is just a child."

The distress shown in her eyes gave Shen Si a pause, followed by a burst of anger.

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