"That vixen is useless." Yun Li said.

"But if you're like this, be careful if the city lord cuts off your head. He's very capable, and he's more than enough to deal with you."

Hearing this, Yun Li frowned, "Do you know something?"

"Of course I know everything." Fan Ruoruo said quite confidently, "I even know what kind of person the city lord is, and he also has a particularly beloved woman. You are a man and can only be favored by the city lord temporarily. , if you want to continue to stay with the city lord, the first person you need to get rid of is Chen Ruyi."

This is killing someone with a borrowed knife.

Yun Li reacted immediately. This woman was also powerful. Now he came over to remind her that he wanted to do things for her, and also came up with an excuse to manipulate her. She was Shen Si's beloved woman. Anyone who heard this would be shocked. Yun Li is the only one who doesn't harbor grudges. She knows who that woman is and is very confident.

The woman Fan Ruoruo was talking about was herself.

She asked Cheng Yan that some short-term memories would be lost and they would be fully restored after leaving the underworld. Recovery was just a matter of time.

"What do you mean, Miss Fan, is that I only need to deal with that vixen?"

She didn't stop pretending to be stupid and simply showed her cards.

Fan Ruoruo raised her lips, "You are a smart man, much smarter than Chen Ruyi's stupid fox. That fox only thinks about things she can't get, and bites people randomly."

"Do you have any grudge against that lady?"

Yun Li asked in a low voice.

That fox was indeed unlikable, but it would not be as hostile as Fan Ruoruo, unless the fox did something to Fan Ruoruo.

"She is a ghost who drained my father's essence." Fan Ruorui curled her lips, "The old man died on this woman. Believe it or not. Anyway, I have said everything I should say. Don't you believe it?" Never mind."

"I believe it." Yun Li responded. After all, Fan Ruoruo could tell that the other party was also interested in the city lord and was willing to leave herself to Shen Si. This showed that she was ready not to be the city lord's wife and to give up the opportunity to others. .

It's certainly not something ordinary people can do.

"Zhiqu." Fan Ruoruo continued, "If that vixen drains the energy of the current city lord again, then there won't be a single ghost in Jidu who can be her opponent."

so smart?

It turns out to be the ability to devour. This ability is very rare among dead souls, but it is the most unsolvable.

Therefore, dead souls often need to disguise themselves, the kind that can kill with one blow.

This fox is indeed good at disguising, but the disguise is not deep enough. She is very hostile to him, and has not been able to grasp Shen Si for a long time. Her Taoism is too shallow, so she can still deal with it.

Fan Ruoruo left quickly. Before she left, she gave Yun Li a self-defense weapon and a microphone. Does the underworld also use microphones?She thought that such high-end gadgets could only be found in the underworld.

Yun Li calmly accepted the other treasures given by Fan Ruoruo. They were all good things. She would not refuse anyone who came, and the other party also gave them to her as a thank you gift, but... Yun Li still didn't know whether the other party had something wrong with her. clear. "

She even discovered that Fan Ruoruo was definitely not the kind of simple woman on the surface. The fact that she could endure humiliation and bear the burden of being by Shen Si's side without being driven away was enough to prove her strength.

Yun Li sighed and pinched the pendant around her neck. This was what Shen Si had given her before. It was an amber pendant that could save her life. But now, she could only rely on the amber necklace to feel what Shen Si was doing. A familiar scent.

She suddenly missed Shen Si a little. They had lived together for so long, why had he changed?At night, the smell of blood woke Yun Li up. She rubbed her eyes and slowly opened her eyes. It was dark all around, but she could see clearly. Her cat-like eyes were wide and round, and she couldn't even breathe. Then it became a little lighter, and she watched the man approaching a little bit, with forbearance in her eyes.

The smell almost made her nauseous.

What did he do?Why is the smell so strong? It's also the blood of ghosts.

Could it be that...he went to kill ghosts?In these decades, Yun Li never thought that the child she saved and her future lover would be like this, killing innocent people indiscriminately and cruelly, almost responsible for all the shortcomings of dead souls.

Or maybe he was a dead soul, and that chilling feeling came to his heart.

Yun Li resisted the urge to annihilate his relatives out of justice and only showed a fragile little face.

"Sir, you are..."

"Went to the arena." He said quietly.

The gladiatorial arena is also the most famous underground training ground in Jidu. The ghosts there are all carefully selected, and they are especially good at fighting. They are all very tall and powerful, and they can kill them directly when fighting ghosts. In the past, as long as he couldn't control them, When he can live there, he will fight all night and defeat all the ghosts before coming back.

Some were directly killed by him. This was a rule in the arena and allowed to kill ghosts.

No one is responsible for serious injuries or deaths.

Many of those ghosts were evil spirits and deserved to be killed, but Yun Li obviously misunderstood. She was trembling with fear. Is it because of his murderous intent or the smell of blood all over her body? Shen Si couldn't tell. She only knew that she was different from the ghosts. It was like a kitten, so fragile and tight that it could be strangled with one hand, so he began to explain.

However, Yun Li only heard about the arena and did not understand what an arena was. Her eyes turned red and she asked one word at a time, "Did you do something that was outrageous?"

How is it possible that the dignified city lord is still being forced to ask if he has done anything bad?He came to power by stepping on corpses, even if they were an eyesore to innocent people, he would still kill them without leaving a trace.

But this "harmful thing" sounded pleasant to his ears.

"I can kill you too." He lifted Yun Li's chin and said in a cold voice. His dark eyes were full of fun, as if the woman in front of him was just a little toy.

For Shen Si, it was just a plaything, a pet that he accidentally saw and wanted to keep by his side.

Yun Li closed her eyes. Even if she was strangled to death, she would not really die. It was difficult to kill a recycler. The easiest way was to eat the recycler. She did not believe that Shen Si would eat her. Damn, he's not the kind of person to be so cruel.

In addition, the past memories will not disappear for no reason. She is gambling, the kind of gambling that will succeed.

Sure enough, the man let go of his hand and said in a low voice, "You are not afraid of death."

"Thank you, sir." Her voice was always distant, "I just don't know if you will regret it in the future."

"No." He said directly.

There was no hesitation at all, and there was even a hint of provocation in his eyes.

This was still Shen Si. Yun Li thought that when he first met Shen Si, this man was full of the powerful aura of a superior.

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