But what about Shen Siren?Where did he go?The effect of the Miqing Powder was indeed powerful. Her whole body felt as if it had been split open. Yun Li couldn't help but rub her waist. She turned her back. There was a little incense burning in the room. The smell was very light. She smelled it. The taste brings me back to sleep.

When she fell into a dream, she saw a figure slowly walking up to her and gathering the quilt around her body. The quilt was thick, but her hands and feet were cold. Maybe the underworld was too dark, so Yun Li let out a low voice unconsciously. Groaning, muttering something to himself, "It's so cold..."

It was indeed cold, and she shivered from the cold until a warm body enveloped her. She found a comfortable position in this embrace and fell asleep. The man's hold on her waist increased, and she opened her arms. With his eyes open, he saw Shen Si's handsome face right in front of him. He was indeed unrivaled in beauty.

Whether he was a loser or the current city lord, Shen Si had a face that could make people fascinated. She took a deep breath and quietly reached out to touch Shen Si's face.

She also exclaimed in surprise the next second, and then she was held in someone's arms. The other person reached out and rubbed her head, and said in a low voice, "Aren't you sleepy?"

"Enough rest." Yun Li responded in a low voice. She was indeed not sleepy, and she had slept for two nights, but in Shen Si's opinion, her body needed to be recuperated, and the temperament she had developed since she was a child Tell Shen Si that he must be gentle to women. Even if he becomes a dead soul, he still has some remaining rationality.

The woman's breath was very familiar, with a reassuring smell. He buried his head in her arms and sniffed, his voice still dull, "Who are you?"

Yun Li wanted to tell the truth, but Shen Si wouldn't believe it. He would only think that he was making things up. The out-of-control dead souls would kill everyone. She could only coax patiently, "I actually If you don’t belong to this world, why don’t you come with me to the human world? It’s a prosperous and beautiful place, and you will definitely like it.”

Shen Si's thin lips tightened, "Why do you like it there? It's not even as good as the underworld."

Yun Li choked, so he still retained a small part of his memory, right?But this... is also ridiculous.

"Shen Si, do you remember the Shen Group and the Shen family?" She asked tentatively, "Maybe your name is Shen Si."

"Remember, these are all things that happened during my lifetime." He said indifferently.

"What about Yun Li?" She swallowed subconsciously, wanting to wait for Shen Si's answer.

"I don't know her." Shen Si's black eyes darkened slightly, "Who is she?"

Yun Li gave a bitter smile. Shen Si really didn't remember her. Even if he saw her familiar face, he wouldn't recognize her. This shows that she doesn't actually hold that much weight in the other person's heart.

At this moment, Song Sinan sent a message to her, "Have you solved it?"

Yun Li wanted to say that she couldn't handle Shen Si at all. Shen Si was almost invulnerable. Who could do this, even if the King of Heaven came, she could only curse in a low voice, "Are you going or not?!"

The deliberately lowered voice was particularly obvious in Shen Si's ears. His dark eyes were fixed on Yun Li, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his lips for a long time, "I'll go, what can you give me?"

The ugly face of the capitalist appeared again. Yun Li thought that she had been squeezed for 200 years and almost left without slamming the table. Therefore, Shen Si was essentially a capitalist boss through and through, and she really hated it.

"I can give you... whatever you want, money and wealth, you can have it."

It's just that the property is returned to its original owner, Yun Li thought, but Shen Si's expression was tense. His dark eyes delicately flashed across her face, and an unexpected feeling of uneasiness emerged. Yun Li lowered his neck subconsciously, until Shen Si Si opened his mouth and said.

"I want you, will you give it to me?"

Isn't he simply humiliating people by saying this?
Isn't she just on his bed?Still can't run.Yun Li chuckled, "If you accompany me to the human world, I will be yours."

She said it all. If Shen Si doesn't agree again, it will be his fault.

He was silent, walked up to Yun Li and kissed her lips, then stood up and left. After Shen Si left, Yun Li's heart felt heavy. She thought that this incident was not Shen Si's fault, nor was it her fault. Shen Si, none of these things will happen, so it is her fault in the final analysis. She frowned slightly until a figure floated in quietly.

It was Song Sinan. He was still dressed like a butler, looking at her solemnly, with a somewhat complicated look in his eyes.

"What do you see?" Yun Li raised his eyebrows. Song Sinan responded and said, "Shen Si is not as described by outsiders. He did not kill the former city lord. On the contrary, he also solved a big problem for him. trouble."

"It's just that there are rumors that he is murderous."

"He's really a good guy."

It was rare to hear such a high praise from a colleague. Yun Li smiled lightly and said, "So it's the people here who want to seek asylum for Shen Si?"

"Perhaps so."

Song Sinan did not dare to be arbitrary.

"In this case, he has to leave. What's the point of continuing to stay in this underworld?" Yun Li frowned, "You go out first, and I'll change my clothes."

In some respects, Ms. Yun was also quite strong. She changed into a pair of light clothes, which were sent by Shen Si's messenger. They were women's clothes.

This meant that she had to face the mad bees and butterflies in the city lord's palace as a woman.

And the fox maid told Chen Ruyi a long time ago that Yun Jiang is a woman, her name may be fake, and the city lord is not the same.

Chen Ruyi gritted his teeth angrily, wishing he could skin the little bitch.

The fox maid added, "Miss, you have to think about it, does that little bitch have other motives for seducing the city lord?"

"I don't care if she has other agendas." Chen Ruyi snorted coldly, "If she dares to coax the city lord to leave Jidu, don't blame me for being ruthless."

No one knew the secret. She only learned when she was living in the old city that the monster was sealed under Jidu. Once the new city lord leaves Jidu, the monster will emerge from the ground and eat them all. .

Chen Ruyi doesn't want to die yet. She has been living in the city lord's mansion for nothing, how can she give up all this to others?
"Let's go see that little bitch. If she has other agendas, kill her." Chen Ruyi was resolute. She wagged her tail and swaggered over because without her fur, she couldn't continue to turn into a vixen to seduce Shen Si. , can only use the original appearance.

Chen Ruyi is the better-looking among the foxes, but she is not as good-looking as that little bitch. The little bitch looks like a living vixen, and she is the most annoying kind.

I don’t know what good means he used to seduce people. (End of chapter)

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