In the dark night, a person and a beast made subtle breathing sounds. The swallowing beast's snow-white long tail covered Yun Li at some point. Its green eyes were spinning, and then it approached Yun Li and took a smell.

It's a good, fragrant and soft thing.

The Devouring Beast has been trapped here by this bad guy since he can remember it. This guy crazily absorbed the energy from his body, and then used his energy to weave a net to trap him. After hundreds of years, he has almost become accustomed to it. Waiting for death until another unlucky guy is also trapped here, Yun Li is that unlucky guy, so when the Devouring Beast sees her, he feels particularly kind. This woman has a sweet and warm breath all over her body, and she is very similar to those bad guys. Guys are completely different.

Yun Li had a good sleep. She rarely had dreams, especially sweet dreams. In the dream, Shen Si did not die, but got rid of his identity as a missing person and lived as a real human being.

This should be Song Ruyu's biggest expectation. His son can live his life safely. He has experienced so many lives, but he only chose to be born in this life. Isn't this the result he wants?

However, everything outside has been turned upside down, and the city lord's new favorite has disappeared.

Shen Si pinched the rather arrogant fox. The fox's ears were pinched and it screamed. She let out a whimper and begged for mercy, "I don't know, I don't know where she is. Can you please stop touching my two ears? Please Please sir, woo.”

Fox ears are the most sensitive. Just when Shen Si was thinking about how to cook this fox, he saw a figure walking quickly in front of him. It was Song Sinan. Song Sinan stepped forward and rescued the fox. He said in a dull tone, "I know where she is."

A man knows where his concubine is?Shen Si's face darkened.

"you know?"

It seems that as long as the other party agrees, he can kill the other party. If the other party does not agree, he will also kill the other party.

However, Song Sinan was facially paralyzed, even more paralyzed than Shen Si. He said expressionlessly, "He went to the formation."

Shen Si froze and raised his eyes almost in surprise, "What is she doing in the formation?"

"Sure enough, you know!" Song Sinan bit her lip, "It's because you didn't tell her anything that she took the risk alone."

Song Sinan thought that Shen Si would blame himself. He liked Yun Li so much, so he would definitely be in pain, so he helped him find Yun Li as soon as possible, but now Shen Si is not an ordinary Shen Si, but Shen who has lost his memory.

All he could think about was why Yun Li wanted to find a formation?These two people seem to be working together. If they are working together...

"Throw him into the cold prison!" The cold prison is the coldest prison in the underworld. It is said that ghosts and monsters can be frozen to death there, making people unable to survive or die.

It can be seen that Shen Si is really angry.

Two ghosts came up and tried to drag Song Sinan away. Song Sinan's face turned red, "You guy, you... why are you catching me?"

"Stop his mouth." Shen Si said in a deep voice, and then his dark eyes dimmed. He stepped out and walked out. His steps were steady, but if you look carefully, he was a little faster than usual. He got to know the little fox who had been following Shen Si again. but.

She stretched out the fox's head and bit her lip secretly. She didn't expect that bitch to really get the attention of the city lord.

Two men were quarreling over her at the same time, and even almost started fighting. It was a disaster for beauty!She bit her lip secretly, thinking of the legend of the City Lord's Mansion and what those people said. She had to go and take a look. This was a matter of life.

Just as Chen Ruyi was about to leave, a black mist floated in front of her. In an instant, the mist turned into blood mist and penetrated into her body. Then she regained consciousness and slowly got up from where she was, with a pair of scarlet eyes like snakes. His pupils turned briefly, then spun in a circle.

"This body is not bad, but the strength is too weak. If it can possess me..." She exposed the tip of her tongue and licked it gently, her eyes full of lust and plunder.

Jidu was originally supposed to be his world many years ago. He was the reincarnation of the evil snake that brought disaster to the world. He was so powerful that he was subdued by the Taoist priests in the human world. He planned to go to the underworld to conquer his world. However, he was defeated again by his ex. Several city lords sacrificed their lives and crushed him to death under the capital. In the past few years, as the city lords became more and more useless, he took advantage of the opportunity and slowly accumulated energy, preparing to break out of the formation.

Relying on the energy of the Devouring Beast, he temporarily recovered one-third of his strength, but for him, it was enough.

After all, there are little ghosts here, and the only one who needs to be afraid of is the black-haired man.

The man's aura was terrifying. He even felt the aura of the previous city lords who had sacrificed themselves and sealed him.The two auras are very similar, both are equally powerful.

If he were at full strength, he could still consider seizing power directly. Before his strength was restored, he could only endure it.

Snake's nature is to be cold-blooded, tolerant, and smart and powerful. He is the best among them. Hei Mei thinks that she still has the ability to ambush people.

No one will see through it in a short time.

He walked out in a swagger, and when he came into contact with the air outside the formation, he felt a sense of comfort. However, the next second someone rushed in front of her and slapped her hard, "Vixen, where is the city master? !”

What a courage!Hei Mei narrowed her pupils, about to tear these wanton people to pieces and eat them. He suddenly froze and looked at the handsome woman in front of him with the same pair of snake eyes. She was from the same race?

Still a red snake.

Fan Ruoruo's father is a snake, and his daughter is also a snake tribe. Their family has been rooted in the city lord's mansion for many years. The last city lord was said to be a bear. This generation is the strongest in their snake tribe, so his father is in the position.

Chen Ruyi came back to her senses and looked at Fan Ruoruo with a slightly appraising look.

She is a very weak Red Snake, not strong enough to be a bed-warming concubine. In addition, he is still very picky, so he can only save his life for the time being and wait for him to find a better one. It seems that he can consider it.

"Why don't you say anything?" Fan Ruoruo thought that the other party had been beaten stupid, and his face darkened, "Don't show off to me. If the city chief leaves Jidu, we will all die."

Hei Mei sneered, even if the city lord did not leave Jidu, they would all die. He raised his hand and lifted Fan Ruoruo's chin, "If you serve me, I can spare your life."

Fan Ruoruo's beautiful eyes widened. She stepped back and stared at Chen Ruyi as if she had seen some wild beast.

"Chen Ruyi, are you crazy?" She bit her lip, "Why are you here teasing me instead of hooking up with the city lord? Or are you saying that you foxes are all vegetarians?"

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