Yun Li looked at Shen Si blankly, and saw that Shen Si had already taken the wine in her hand and poured it into her stomach for her.

The next second she vomited blood from her mouth, which was displayed in front of her.

"Reincarnation II has been opened, and Liang Xiaohe's death has been confirmed for the first time."

"Turn on..."

She fell down softly, got up again, and continued to look the same as when she arrived.

Yun Li suddenly thought of a survival game he played before. One of the bloggers said that he had to die at least twenty times before he could pass the game. To convert it to her head, she would have to die at least... a hundred times. She thought It’s scary to think about.

But after reincarnation, she still looks like that with the red hijab.The surrounding scene did not change until the door was pushed open with a creak. I thought it would be exactly the same. However, the person walked directly to Yun Li and roughly lifted her hijab, revealing a pair of scarlet eyes.

The man was still handsome, but his eyes didn't look very human. Yun Li subconsciously exclaimed, but the owner of the body hugged the man, "Xu Lang, you finally came to me."

I bet this is still a drama about elopement?

Yun Li was stunned. The man named Xu Lang squeezed Xiaohe's hand tightly and stuffed a black pill into Liang Xiaohe's palm, "Take her and I will take you to sneak out."

Why sneak out and take medicine?Wouldn't it be better if she ran on two legs?

The body can start to move again. The last time it was a wine glass, this time it was a pill. Yun Li guessed that taking this pill would make him burp.

That Xu Lang urged, "Xiao He, eat quickly, he is coming soon!"

Yun Li chose not to take it, and she continued to remain silent until Xu Lang snatched the pill away and stuffed it into her mouth. She was still lamenting why an NPC was so strong when she had already vomited blood and died of poisoning. .

It's really scary that NPC will force the player to die.

When she died this time, she did not directly enter reincarnation. She saw the man named Xu Lang starting to rummage through the cabinets, looking for something, and then took away all Liang Xiaohe's jewelry.

It turned out to be a little thief.

"Reincarnation Three has been opened, and Liang Xiaohe's death has been confirmed. Friendly reminder, if you die twice or more, you will get unexpected clues."

"Death ten times, something terrible will happen."

Something terrible?Yun Li was stunned, so the number of deaths is not unlimited, but there are regulations?This is much harder to play than the game.

Yun Li entered his third reincarnation. This time, there was no official Xu or Lang. It was quiet outside the house, as if there was no one. When Yun Li entered Liang Xiaohe's mind, he found that he could control all the other's limbs, except that he could not speak.

Each time she dies, there will be a different and unexpected outcome.

"Sister, are you hungry?" A childish voice sounded. She saw a child in green clothes standing in the corner, looking like a glutinous rice dumpling. He was holding a plate of snacks in his hand. Yun Li guessed that the plate of snacks was poisoned. Yes, absolutely cannot eat it.

She wanted to politely refuse, but the child began to cry, "Sister, don't you like me anymore?" His eyes were red, and it was difficult for others to refuse, and Yun Li's intention of refusing came to an abrupt end.

"I don't like eating pastries." She blurted out directly, and even her voice recovered.

"You're lying!" The child's face turned ferocious, "Ni likes Mr. Xu, likes Xu Lang, likes Master Wang, and likes Miss Qiu next door, but they all don't like me!"

As he spoke, he took out a small knife from his arms and stabbed Liang Xiaohe in the heart.

Blood sizzled and flowed all over the floor.Wait, she was killed by a child?

She won't die with her eyes closed!

"Reincarnation Three has been started..."

Yun Li still couldn't remember how she died. She only knew that the first two times she was poisoned, and the last two times she was either smashed to death by something or fainted by the smell in the room. In short, she hadn't died yet. When she walked out of this house, she died six times. Six times, she wanted to curse.

So is this BT with hidden missions?
It wasn't until the seventh time that she could move, speak, and take full control of the initiative. Yun Li pulled out a hairpin from her head and prepared for a sneak attack. A familiar figure walked into the room. He was wearing the groom's official clothes. When Yun Li saw him, he didn't care. Chapter 21 rushed in front of him and was about to kill him. The sharp knife was about to pierce his heart, but someone pinched his wrist. He thought he was going to die again, but fell into a generous embrace. Shen Si sighed The voice rang in my ears.

"You want to kill me?"

Yun Li was stunned, and she raised her head blankly.

" won't kill me?"

"Why kill you?" Shen Si sneered, "Are you afraid of being killed?"

Yun Li shrank her neck, but she was afraid of being killed.

"Sister." A child's voice came from the corner. Yun Li suddenly felt horrified when he heard the voice. This child was too cruel.

"I'll eat, I'll eat." Yun Li blurted out, but the next second, the child was knocked unconscious on the ground. The one who let go was Shen Si. He simply took the child's life without giving it to him. Chance.

Yun Li sighed, Shen Si should be the protagonist. He would not hesitate at all, he would just kill and kill.

"Have you been killed six times?" Shen Si frowned more and more. After hearing what Yun Li said, he immediately looked at her hesitantly, "Six times?"

As if mocking him.

"Do you have any clues?" She asked angrily but still asked.

"We have gone back hundreds of years. Everything in Zuifeng Tower is constantly reincarnating. What you see and come into contact with may become different people in a few hundred years."

"And the courtesan Liang Xiaohe is the beginning."

"You mean, the key to solving the mystery lies with Liang Xiaohe? But Liang Xiaohe has been dead for hundreds of years." Yun Li hesitated slightly, "Is it possible that she caused reincarnation?"

"It's not her, but I can't break away from her."

Shen Si was silent. At this moment, there was movement at the window. Yun Li was stunned for a moment. Shen Si in front of him had already hid at the screen. Xu Lang, dressed in black, jumped in from the window. When he saw Liang Xiaohe, he pulled her hand. The arm said, "Xiao He, let's elope."

Yun Li: ...Don't think I don't know you want to give me medicine. She kicked Xu Lang hard and cursed, "You thief, you still want to lie to me. Maybe Liang Xiaohe is really the one." You killed me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Lang was kicked and fainted, and Yun Li breathed a sigh of relief.

At least she wouldn't die due to a strange cause of death. As a result, she became dizzy the next second and fell to the ground.

"Reincarnation Seven has been opened and Liang Xiaohe's death is confirmed."

"How did I die?" Yun Li floated in the sky and asked. The other party hesitated for a moment and seemed to be disgusted and said, "I'm exhausted."

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