Chapter 76

"No." The little black ball made a muffled voice, "Most of the dead souls are ugly. As their power becomes stronger, they will gradually return to their human appearance."

After saying this, Chen Qiushui laughed out loud, "What about you? What are you like?"

Black Ball was silent and didn't say much. He just floated quietly beside Chen Qiushui.

Who knows, how can a person who has become a dead soul remember the past?
The lifespan of dead souls is unlimited. Most of their lifespans are long and lonely. Just like the recyclers, they are mortal enemies of each other. In fact, they only have one goal in life.

Not dead.

In the middle of the night, Shen Si was leaning on the hospital bed on one side to handle official duties. He had a serious look on his face. It was two o'clock in the morning, but Shen Si was still at work. Yun Li felt the weak light and couldn't fall asleep.

Until Shen Si closed the computer, a pair of hot eyes in the darkness fell on her, with a hint of serious aggression. He looked at Yun Li like this for a long time, and he looked away.

A full moon hung in the sky outside the hospital. Yun Li turned over and saw the outline of half of Shen Si's face in the moonlight.

His eyes were lonely and cold, and his whole person was like a sculpture.

Yun Li suddenly felt her throat was itchy, so she called out to Shen Si.

"Shen Si, are you like this every day?"

Although she knew that the body of the omitted person was different from ordinary people, and even working overtime was different from ordinary people, she once went to a company where overtime work was particularly serious, and the oppression was more severe than that of the General Administration. She resisted the pressure for a long time, and was even arrested. Many omissions.

It shows that today's society is still very friendly to omissions.

The kind that can be added continuously if you join the immortal class.

"This way? That way?" Shen Si raised his eyebrows, frowned, and looked at her.

Facing those cold eyes, Yun Li suddenly couldn't breathe. Right here, the only light in the room disappeared, and a pair of scarlet eyes in the darkness watched this scene through the window.

Yun Li was stunned, and the feeling of death swept over her again. It was a very bad feeling, and she particularly disliked it, especially because the dead soul next door was really unpredictable. According to Yun Xingling, he was a very powerful dead soul. Soul.

The black ball hit the glass twice, and cracks appeared in the glass. At this moment, Yun Li turned on the light. In the daytime, the black ball had nowhere to hide, but it was not a black ball. It was a monster with dozens of tentacles. monster. was a dead soul. It kept climbing on the glass opening, and the cracks in the glass opening became deeper and deeper. Then Yun Li pulled out the soul-bound soul.

"Shen Si, stay back!" After saying these words, the glass shattered to the ground.

The figure of the dead soul rushed towards Shen Si quickly, and its huge tentacles were about to wrap around Shen Si.

If it were a wise dead soul, he would definitely attack Shen Si's brain without hesitation.

Shen Si watched the ugly thing rushing towards him.

The coldness that was finally suppressed came to my heart.

The shield in front of him unfolded, and the dead souls were ejected directly and landed on the ground. The pool was still moving, and the body was still exuding a strong stench.

"Where did that thing run up here?"

Shen Si was puzzled.

Yun Li was dumbfounded. Logically speaking, dead souls would not appear at the same time. They regarded each other as food and would kill each other. Two dead souls would not appear in one area at the same time.

There is another possibility, which is to interrupt.

The kind that disturbs each other.Chen Qiushui and the dead soul broke into someone else's territory.

What Shen Si's blood seduced during the day was not simply dead souls, but something else... For example, this giant octopus with tentacles, although it was uglier than an octopus, was slimy, as if it had come from a smelly ditch. Same as climbing in.

Fortunately, Shen Si has the ability to protect himself.

Yun Li breathed a sigh of relief and threw the soul-binding spirit towards the big octopus. The soul-binding spirit wrapped tightly around the big octopus. The opponent was obviously a little slower and had no time to fight back. He was tapped by Yun Li's spiritual power.

However, the next second, the soul-bound spirit was forcibly taken back. Yun Li covered his heart, and a trace of blood flowed down the corner of his mouth.

"My dear, I've been tricked." After Yun Li said this, he started to cough up blood. The big octopus that was originally on the ground slowly turned into a ball of blood. If you look carefully, there is a black talisman in the center of the blood.

The black water was gradually absorbed by the talisman paper and disappeared.

That was another way of casting a curse to kill. Yun Li unexpectedly attacked, and the two curses were superimposed on each other, which hurt Yun Li's roots. This woman's heart was really cruel.

Yun Li had to admire him.

Shen Si didn't know when he got up and came to Yun Li's side. He gently stroked Yun Li's back with his generous palm, seeming to comfort her. She hadn't had this kind of comfort for many years. She raised her slightly confused eyes and couldn't help but swallow. He took two sips of saliva.

Looking at Shen Si from this close range, you can see his face that is completely flawless.

There are plenty of handsome guys among recyclers, and that's because they have the freedom to choose their own skin.

Yun Li is a natural recycler. After she left this world, she was fished out by her master so that her skin would not melt and disappear.

Shen Si belongs to humans, and there are very few humans who can be as good as the Recycler, or even better.

Shen Si is an exception.

"You...what did you do?" She swallowed.

"Take care of you, you're cold."

In Shen Si's opinion, the temperature on Yun Li's body was very dangerous, and it had reached the point where she needed to keep warm. Yun Li was speechless. She wanted to say that it was okay, because the body temperature of the recycler would be a little lower, but in the next second, Shen Si was already on her The beds in the VIP ward are somewhat different. For example, the beds are larger than other beds, big enough for two adults to roll around on them.

Shen Si held her tightly in his arms without hesitation, and pursed his thin lips. There was no ambition or aggression in his eyes, and even the aura around him became softer.

Yun Li sighed and let Shen Si hold her in his arms.

There were already mixed feelings in my heart.

"Xiao Hei, do you think he will fall in love with me?"

Yun Li didn't feel any joy when a child he had been raising liked him for a while. Instead, he really had the illusion that he was committing a crime. He started in five years and never made it to the bottom of the page.

"He has a face that is liked by others." Yun Xingling said decisively.

What he said was indeed correct. Shen Si's face was very attractive, and it didn't look like he would take the initiative to like people.

In fact, Shen Si's body temperature is also a little low. The two of them lying together are no different from two ice cubes rubbing against each other. If there is a difference, it is the softness of the ice cubes and where the ice cubes come from. Softness.

The corners of Yun Li's mouth raised, and Shen Si hugged her to his heart.

It wasn't until the breathing in his arms became steady in the second half of the night that something called "desire" appeared in Shen Si's calm eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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