Chapter 29
"Manager Su, after reading the announcement, everyone reacted a bit fiercely."

In the office, Zhong Zixin reported the conclusions of secret observations to Gu Xinyue.

After listening to Zhong Zixin's words, Gu Xinyue gave her a meaningful look.

"Are they less supportive of the new policy?"

Not only do they not support it, most of them feel that they are at a disadvantage.

Zhong Zixin hesitated to speak. She really couldn't understand why everyone couldn't understand Gu Xinyue's good intentions.

"They are so ignorant."

"Masters are never understood." Seeing Zhong Zixin so worried, Gu Xinyue joked.

Suddenly, Zhong Zixin received a message: Cheng Shishi finally arrived at the company.

"Manager Su, how do you plan to settle her?"

You can't really arrange for Cheng Shishi to sell goods, right?

Gu Xinyue said innocently: "Why not? It is the chairman's intention to let her become a salesperson. I am just a manager, how can I disobey his instructions?"

The corner of Zhong Zixin's mouth twitched, and she really admired Gu Xinyue for being able to speak so confidently about public revenge and private revenge.

"Then I'll take her to the store now?"

Gu Xinyue waved her hand, "Go ahead and remember to explain the new policy to her clearly to avoid saying we didn't tell her in the future."


Zhong Zixin was about to turn around and leave, but looked at Gu Xinyue as if she thought of something, but hesitated.

Gu Xinyue: "If you have anything to say, just say it."

Zhong Zixin: "Manager Su, I don't understand why you want to bring Cheng Shishi over?"

Gu Xinyue leaned back in her chair and said jokingly: "Because in this way, I can legitimately abuse her."

Zhong Zixin blurted out, "I believe you are not this kind of person."

Gu Xinyue asked casually: "Then what kind of person do you think I am?"

When she asked this question, she didn't think Zhong Zixin could give a surprising answer, but the result was beyond her expectation.

Zhong Zixin: "I think you are a very smart person. Although you hate Cheng Shishi, you will not do the kind of thing that can easily be grasped."

She believed that Gu Xinyue brought Cheng Shishi to the company with the intention of taking the opportunity to tease him.

But Zhong Zixin believed that there must be other motives behind Gu Xinyue's actions.

Gu Xinyue smiled noncommittally, "You overestimate me." After that, Zhong Zixin went out to do things.

"Miss Cheng, this is your seat."

Zhong Zixin personally led Cheng Shishi to her seat. After she put her things away, she explained the contents of the new system in detail.

"Ms. Cheng, is there anything you don't understand?"

Seeing that Cheng Shishi didn't speak, Zhong Zixin was about to take her to the store.

"These are work clothes. Over there is the staff locker room. You can change your clothes later. If there is anything you need to do, Manager Li will tell you."

After giving the work clothes to Cheng Shishi, Zhong Zixin wanted to leave.

"Wait a moment."

Cheng Shishi glanced at the work clothes in her hands and threw them back to Zhong Zixin with a look of disgust.

"You want me to wear such ugly clothes?"

Zhong Zixin picked up the work clothes thrown to the ground and explained patiently.

"This is the company's work uniform. You must wear it when working in the store."

"Actually, these clothes are not ugly. You see, everyone looks good in them."

She didn't say it was okay. Cheng Shishi became even more angry when she said this and pointed at other salespeople in the store.

"If you have bad eyesight, go see a doctor. Is this called dressing well?

We sell high-end cosmetics here, and dressing like this makes you look like a beggar.

No wonder the business in the store is so poor. Rich people who come in and see us dressed like this won’t believe how good our products are. "The other salespeople had very complicated expressions when they heard Cheng Shishi's words.

In fact, Cheng Shishi told what they were really thinking. The work clothes were indeed a bit vulgar, and just saying they looked like beggars would be a bit bullying.

Several salesmen gathered around and whispered.

"Who is that person? He speaks so unpleasantly."

"Looking at how arrogant she is, she must be from the royal family."

"If you are really a member of the royal family, how could you work as a salesperson? At most, you would have come in through the back door."

"But I received news that the chairman's daughter seems to have been transferred to the branch."

"Impossible! Even if you are transferred to the branch, you can't be a salesperson. You should be sitting in the office blowing the air conditioner."

"Why is it impossible? Maybe she wants to be considerate of the people and start from a low level."

"Do you think she is willing to start from a low level?"

"Okay, stop arguing, I know who she is."

When I saw a few colleagues, they were about to start a fight. The long-haired girl standing in the middle held up her mobile phone.

"Look, is she the person in this photo?"

"It's very similar."

"How similar, they are exactly the same!"

"Who is she?"

"She is the chairman's only daughter, Cheng Shishi."

When they learned that their new colleague was actually the chairman's daughter, everyone had magical expressions on their faces.

"Why does the chairman's daughter want to be a salesperson?"

"Could it be like those movies and TV dramas about wealthy families, who failed in the struggle of wealthy families and were exiled to a branch like ours?"

"No matter what the reason is, it's a rare opportunity to please the boss's daughter, so why don't you seize the opportunity to perform well?"

The other salesmen were secretly thinking about how to please Cheng Shishi, and the supervisor, who had known her identity for a long time, was now having a headache.

"Ms. Cheng, everyone wears work clothes. If you don't wear one, you will look a little different and the impact will not be good."

"It's not that I refuse to wear it, it's just that this dress is too ugly. How do you want me to wear it?" Cheng Shishi retorted.

"Okay, let's change into work clothes for everyone."

Cheng Shishi not only had to change into work clothes, but also specified what style to wear.

After looking at the work clothes information designated by Cheng Shishi, the supervisor said that there was nothing he could do.

"This dress is too expensive. The company probably won't approve this budget."

If she read it correctly, the clothes recommended by Cheng Shishi cost at least 4 figures per set. How could the company spend so much money to order them.

"I'll tell the finance department."

Cheng Shishi asked Zhong Zixin to take her to the finance department, intending to personally convince the director of the finance department.

Zhong Zixin secretly sent a message to Gu Xinyue and explained the situation.

"Just let her go."

Seeing Gu Xinyue's reply, Zhong Zixin took Cheng Shishi to the finance department.

After that, Zhong Zixin watched Cheng Shishi perform a drama of using the big one to suppress the small one.

The head of the finance department agreed, turned around and took the matter to the general manager.

The general manager reported the matter to Cheng Jiacheng.

In the evening, Gu Xinyue went home specially with Cheng Shishi.

"You want the Finance Department to allocate funds to re-order a batch of work clothes?"

As soon as they got home, Cheng Shishi was called to the study by Cheng Jiacheng.

(End of this chapter)

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