Chapter 9 Games
Gu Yueyu's words were reasonable and her attitude satisfied Gong Linlin.

"Look what you said, I took you mother and son together, why would I want to separate you?
I just remind you not to set a bad example for your baby like you did before. In short, just know what you should do. "

Then Gong Linlin told Gu Yueyu some of the rules at home, mainly telling her some of Cheng Jiacheng's likes and dislikes, so that she would not step on landmines without realizing it.

When Gong Linlin was telling Gu Yueyu the rules, Cheng Jiacheng also came back from outside.

Cheng Jiacheng knew that Gu Yueyu and Su Zilang would move in today, but he had already made an appointment with his friends to go fishing, so he didn't wait at home.

After fishing, he rushed home immediately.

Gong Linlin had told him a long time ago that her grandson looked almost exactly like Gong Ye when he was a child, but he didn't believe it at first.

Until he returned home and saw the little one being held in Gong Linlin's arms. Her facial features were as if they were exactly the same as Gong Ye's.

"Is he Su Zilang?"

Gong Linlin patted Su Zilang's little butt and said, "Baby, call me grandpa."

Su Zilang looked at Cheng Jiacheng with big black and shiny eyes, and asked in a sweet voice, "Are you grandpa?"

Cheng Jiacheng handed the fishing rod to the housekeeper and said lovingly: "Yes, how old is Lang Lang?"

"Lang Lang is four and a half years old." Su Zilang twisted his butt and asked Gong Linlin to put him down.

After Gong Linlin put him on the ground, the little guy walked up to Cheng Jiacheng on his short legs and looked up at him with his little head.

"Grandpa, do you like the baby?"

Cheng Jiacheng was stunned for a moment. He didn't understand why the little guy asked this, but he still smiled and said, "I like it."

"Then can you tell me bedtime stories from now on? All the classmates in the class have their dads telling them bedtime stories, but I don't.

Mommy said that daddy is still in the hospital and can't tell me stories until he wakes up. So before that, can grandpa play with me? "

The little guy puffed up his little chest and stared straight at Cheng Jiacheng with his big bright eyes, as if he wouldn't give up until he agreed.

Cheng Jiacheng smiled, a smile from the heart.

Since Su Zilang's absence, his world has been filled with dark clouds and mist. Now the appearance of the little guy shines into his dark world like a glimmer of light.

Cheng Jiacheng bent down and looked into the little guy's eyes.

"Why don't you let your mommy or grandma tell you a bedtime story?"

"Mommy doesn't know how to tell bedtime stories. I want grandpa to tell them to me, because grandpa looks very awesome at first glance, just like grandpa, the principal of our school."

The little guy told Cheng Jiacheng in a sweet voice that he liked the principal very much, especially listening to his stories.

Listening to his grandson's words, the smile on Cheng Jiacheng's face became even more loving.

"Okay, then when you go to bed, grandpa will tell you a bedtime story. Besides listening to stories, what else do you want?"

"I want to live with mommy and daddy, and I want daddy to stay with me."

At the end of the sentence, as if remembering something sad, the little guy had a lonely look on his face.

Seeing the little guy's downcast expression, Cheng Jiacheng felt inexplicably distressed and reached out to pick the little guy up.

"Don't worry, your dad is just too tired to fall asleep now. He will wake up when he gets enough rest.

Are you hungry?Grandpa just came back from catching a lot of fish. If you want to eat steamed fish, fried fish or grilled fish, grandpa will let the chef cook it for you. "

"I want to eat grilled fish."

The little guy immediately explained to his grandfather that he had seen an advertisement about grilled fish on TV and wanted to try it.Hearing that the little guy had never tasted grilled fish at this age, Cheng Jiacheng felt even more pity for him and immediately ordered the butler to prepare grilled fish.

Not only that, he also took the little guy to visit his private collection.

After the two grandparents walked away, Gong Linlin patted Gu Yueyu's shoulder with satisfaction.

"I haven't seen Master so happy for a long time. You did a great job. My decision was indeed the right one."

Facing Gong Linlin's praise, Gu Yueyu just nodded obediently.

Gong Linlin thought she had taught Su Zilang how to please Cheng Jiacheng in advance, and asked her to keep up her efforts.

Knowing that Gong Linlin had misunderstood, Gu Yueyu did not explain to her that it was Su Zilang's spontaneous behavior.

It's not that Gu Yueyu wants to be greedy for credit, but that Gong Linlin will not separate her and Su Zilang easily.

However, she didn't expect Su Zilang's performance to be so good.

Just now, when Cheng Jiacheng tested Su Zilang, Gu Yueyu was really worried about Su Zilang, worried that he would say the wrong thing.

A scheming person like Cheng Jiacheng didn't understand White House Linlin's intention of taking over their mother and son, but Su Zilang's childlike words just now cleverly touched his heart.

Gu Yueyu knew that they had passed the first hurdle of moving in.

When giving Su Zilang a bath at night, Gu Yueyu asked him if he liked living here.

"It's not bad." The little guy hugged the little duck and the little adult commented.

Gu Yueyu said amusedly: "It's okay. Do you like it or don't you?"

The little guy counted on his fingers, "This house is big, there are many toys, and there are many delicious things. Grandpa also promised to teach me how to ride a horse and take me to travel abroad."

However, there is no grandma here. I really want grandma to come and try these delicious foods. Mommy, I miss grandma so much. When can we go home? "

Meeting Su Zilang's clear gaze, Gu Yueyu's heart softened completely, "Soon."

"How fast is that?"

"When mommy earns enough money for you to go to college."

"Would it be faster if I didn't go to college?"

"No, I must go to college."

Gu Xinyue took the little guy out of the bathtub, wiped him clean with a towel, and instilled in him the concept that a person should read more.

"Although many successful people say that academic qualifications are not important, academic qualifications are a stepping stone. Without that academic qualifications, you will not even have a chance to work in a good company."

Facing her son's ignorant eyes, Gu Xinyue felt that it was too early to tell him this. The little guy didn't even go to elementary school, so what kind of university could he say?

So Gu Xinyue changed her words and told the little guy about her next plan.

"Because of economic problems, we have to live here temporarily, so you just play a game, and your grandparents are the targets you want to attack.

Mommy will also get enough weapons as quickly as possible. When the time comes, Mommy will take the baby to clear the level and leave here, okay? "

The little guy nodded clearly, "I understand, and I will cooperate with Mommy."

Gu Xinyue said amusedly: "How are you going to cooperate with me?"

"Let's make grandpa and grandma happy. As long as they like the baby, they will treat mommy well." The little guy said to the point.

(End of this chapter)

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