Farming in the Beast World: Awakening Wood Powers

Chapter 10 Is there anyone who really doesn’t love beauty?

Chapter 10 Is there anyone who really doesn’t love beauty?

Xia Lan nodded repeatedly and asked: "Can I go too? Forget it, it's getting late. I have to prepare something for you first. You can take me to see it next time. Now let's wash these kitchen utensils Get clean and then go home and cook.”

The female is really nice and she is afraid she will be hungry.

Cheng Hao happily took care of everything, and all the newly made wooden bowls, wooden spoons and other things were washed clean by him.

Cheng Hao put all the cleaned things in the turtle shell and brought them back together when the time was up.

Wait, we need two more wooden trays for soup.You can carve it in the shape of this wooden bowl, but you'll need one this big.Prepare two bowls as deep as the wooden bowls, and two half-deep bowls for vegetables, etc.

Xia Lan touched her belly and felt that it was time to have some breakfast. "Before going home, I will start making soup. You can go and bring back our wild vegetables first, and then make a big plate after breakfast

The obedient Cheng Hao packed up his things and took Xia Lan home directly with the turtle shell.

After Cheng Hao returned to the cave, he helped Xia Lan light a fire and brought a bundle of dry firewood and pine needles.It wasn't until the fire became more and more intense that he flew out to get wild vegetables.

Xia Lan looked at the turtle shell pot on the stove. It was the size of a large iron pot in the countryside of his previous life.When making soup, it is actually too big.

However, on the beast side, it would be nice to find a replacement for such a jar in time.

Xia Lan put the meat into the pot and added some salted fruit skewers to taste the salt.

Of course, if it is stewed meat, it is necessary to remove the fishy smell of ginger.Luckily, she collected a lot during the apocalypse and it's still stored in an above-ground warehouse.

This time, Cheng Hao spent about half an hour. When it came back, the aroma of the meat had already come out.Xia Lan has been stoking the fire vigorously, and the meat has been cut very thinly. It should be cooked by now.

She picked the leaves from the wild vegetables, washed them in a large bowl of water, and put them into the pot.When the wild vegetables were ripe, she began to put soup on the plate.

The fragrant meat smell made Xia Lan horny, so she filled half the bowl with a wooden bowl and let it cool. "Chenghao, you can eat it and you won't feel too hot after a while.
Well, don't worry.I picked some fruits for you and gave them to you when I came back.

Cheng Hao didn’t know where to pick fruits.It looks like ginseng fruit on the outside, but is actually milky white.It looks very attractive.

Xia Lan took one and took a bite. Well, it tasted sweet and sour, a bit like eating strawberries, but with an added aroma of milk.

Low acidity and mostly sweetness.

"It's so delicious. What kind of fruit is this?"

Milk nut, a fruit that many females in the Beast World like to eat, but it usually grows on cliffs and is easier to collect by winged orcs

It's too dangerous, you have to be careful.We don't eat at all

Do me a favor and eat as much as you want.I'll pick out fresh food for you

Ah, what a wonderful man!

Xia Lan felt that she might have been bombarded by the other party's sugar-coated bullets, and felt a little dizzy.

After eating two creamy fruits, Xia Lan stopped and said, "Sit down, let's have breakfast.

With a fresh wooden table and wooden piers, a fresh wooden bowl and a wooden spoon, Cheng Hao looked at Xia Lan's movements and began to eat meat and vegetables eagerly.After using the spoon a few times, Cheng Hao felt good.

And, the meat is really delicious.The weeds—ahem, no, weeds—were also tasty, not bitter at all, and had a slightly tender feel.

Regardless, it's delicious!
Xia Lan is really great!

Sorry, Xia Lan.This is the simplest stew and requires no skills.Might be fresh.So you eat more.After we were full, we continued to the mountains to find some wild vegetables to eat.It is not good to eat meat for a long time without being vegetarian
The two of them sat in the cave, eating and drinking comfortably, and the aroma drifted along the wind to various places under the mountain.

Mmm, it smells so good.What is Cheng Hao doing?Is it a barbecue?

Really delicious, I had no idea what he was trying to do when I saw him making that shrunken head fish shell

I also saw smoke.The female bird brought back by Cheng Hao must have been made by him to light a fire for barbecue. How subtle!
After a strange whisper from the Qingshan tribe, several brave women made an appointment and walked to the door of Cheng Hao's house together.

Then I saw their two big pots with some soup, meat slices and some weeds on them.

Doesn’t Cheng Hao still want his female to eat weeds?
Aren’t we hunting wild animals?
Cheng Hao frowned and looked at them and said, "What's wrong?"

Ahem, Chenghao, we smell so good.What are you doing?
How did you do this?looks very comfortable

At this time, everyone noticed that they were sitting and eating.What does this painting look like?Weird and comfortable at the same time.

Xia Lan put down the bowl and took out a handkerchief to wipe her mouth.He walked out with a smile and explained to everyone: "This is a dining table. As the name suggests, it is used for eating and drinking tea. This is a stool. You can call it a wooden pier in its roughest shape. It is convenient for sitting and resting."

How is this going?one female asked, pointing to the turtle shell.

Xia Lan smiled and said: "You also know this fish, it is a kind of fish in the sea. I call it sea turtle, sea turtle or sea turtle. Their shell is very hard and can be used as a pot for cooking meat."

As for the wooden bowls and wooden spoons we eat, they are all carved from wood by Cheng Hao.After the preparation is completed, there is no need to grab and eat it directly, it is clean and hygienic.Ah, eat like me.

Xia Lan took a sip of the soup with a spoon and demonstrated to them.

The women looked at each other in confusion. Although they didn't understand why it was so troublesome, they thought it was nice to see Xia Lan drinking soup so politely.

Females, who really doesn’t love beauty?
Can you teach us how to do these things?
Xia Lan smiled and nodded, and said simply: "Of course. They are all from the same tribe, and we are not angry.

However, you also know that Chenghao's leg is injured, so he can't go hunting far away with everyone these days.If you want a set of these things, then let the male in your family come to Chenghao to learn.

Of course, you can also learn if you are interested.If you have a bone knife that can cut and dig wood, you can learn.

Those who study can exchange some meat with us.If we collect wild fruits and vegetables in the wild, they can also be exchanged with us in place of meat
How much meat and fruit do you need

Not much, just give me this big piece of meat.Fruit?Here - look at my rattan basket.It's not too big.You can learn it in a third of its time, and you can only teach it once

Well, not much.

Just catch a hare.There are not many fruits, so they can collect fruits even when going out for a walk.

There are a lot of fruits in this season, so several females who came to see expressed their desire to learn.

You should then prepare something like a bone knife and bring your own wood.You can cut down and carve trees that are not too hard and won't break easily, which will make them more durable.By the way, bamboo can also be used to make tableware.We will teach you together then

"Okay, we're ready!"

Several females left in one crash, and if the males of the family were still there, they would have them chop wood and bamboo back.If they were not there, they would chop the bamboo themselves and the wood would be exchanged for use.

Regardless, it wasn't long before they gathered at the spot where the tribe usually gathered and talked, ready to learn from the female members of the Chenghao family.

Some females in the tribe also followed suit, so they joined after asking.

(End of this chapter)

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