Farming in the Beast World: Awakening Wood Powers

Chapter 106 Cheng Hao is so hypocritical!

Chapter 106 Cheng Hao is so hypocritical!

In the evening, when it was getting dark, people from the Lingye tribe began to walk towards the altar.

When she saw the altar, she was a little confused.

Around the altar, about ten simple stoves were built out of stone, and firewood was lit, bathing the altar in bright light.It's not as bright as white, but at least you can see people clearly.

Gee, the witch doctor’s companion is so thoughtful!There is also a place to sit

We also have dried meat to entertain us
Hmm...really delicious
Nonsense, Chenghao’s jerky is made by the witch doctor himself, so of course it’s delicious.

After eating and washing the dishes, Xia Lan was hugged by Cheng Hao, who was also wearing red animal skin, and flew to the altar.

At the moment of landing, Xia Lan's eyes were filled with surprise of the red fruit.

The Lingye tribe's altar is about the size of a basketball court and is decorated with joy and celebration.

Especially the side of the statue of the beast god, the kneeling posture is covered with soft animal skins, and the old peach trees on both sides of the statue are hung with red vine leaves, as if the trees are full of vitality.

She stepped on a wooden path more than one meter wide, leading to the statue.

Xia Lan, let’s go
Xia Lan looked at her boyfriend sweetly - no, he will be her husband in the future!

Hehe, this is a bit romantic.

Brother Xiao, I'm very happy

The two of them walked step by step towards the statue on the altar.When they approached the statue, Xia Lan was in a good mood and displayed his wood carving abilities on two old peach trees.

Under the nourishment of wood power, the two old peach trees grew new leaves before they bloomed, and everyone could see them.


How dare the old peach tree bloom?
No, this must be a miracle!The beast god is guiding the witch doctor

Yes, yes, absolutely.Otherwise, how could it bloom in winter?Amazing

For a moment, people around the altar were whispering and excited.
Witch doctors like the Beast God Continent, so in the future, they hope that the tribe will also receive more care from the Beast God Lord?
Think about it and get excited!

The captain and his wife were also startled by the sight in front of them, but they soon said overjoyed: "Great! As you can see with your own eyes, the beast god is commanding the witch doctor! This is also a piece of our Lingye tribe's happy event

是 的
In the future, everyone must respect the witch doctor.The witch doctor is the lucky star of our Lingye tribe
Yes, don't worry, chief, we will definitely respect the witch doctor

The leader's wife smiled and said: "Okay, you first worship the beast god and thank him for his care."
Xia Lan and Cheng Hao knelt on the animal skin and bowed three times sincerely.

Okay, from now on, you are partners and we must love each other loyally, okay?

Don't worry, Ms. Chief.We will.Xia Lan was very happy, but also a little shy. After all, this could be considered their big day.

Xia Lan, the Lingye tribe welcomes you very much. I hope you can live a better life with your tribe in the future.Artu believes in you, and I believe in you too
Okay, don't worry, Captain.I will try to educate the people of my tribe, at least I will not hide anything about food, drink, housing and transportation.I swear to the beast god

The leader smiled and said: "We all believe in you, no need to swear. Today is a good day for you."

Well, the boss can rest assured that she won't be picky anymore.

In any case, she will never hide any secrets when it comes to food, clothing, housing, transportation and improving her life.

Chenghao, please give me more guidance for the rest of my life.

Cheng Hao was taken aback and immediately looked at her affectionately: "Okay, please give me more guidance in the rest of my life."
Tsk tsk, greasy!
Artu curled his lips aside, refusing to admit that he was a little sore.

Sooner or later he would have a companion or something.

But don't be too flirtatious or he won't want it.Witch doctor, witch doctor lady, she's most likely pregnant.I want to take her home to rest and keep the house warm

Okay, come back soon.Artu is watching over there.

Artu pointed at his nose, why him?
He is not holding a partnership ceremony, Cheng Hao is too hypocritical!

In desperation, Attu was left as a coolie, living a lively life with the tribe, and at the same time stabilizing the witch doctor's status in the hearts of the tribe.

That night, the people of the Lingye tribe were very excited, happy and lucky.

I'm glad that their tribe has such a surprise as the witch doctor, and I'm glad that the young chief had the discernment to invite people to their tribe early on.

If the people of the Qingshan tribe knew that the witch doctors were protected by the beast god, they would definitely not be willing to let them go!

Young Patriarch, you are still strong.So hurry up and invite others to our tribe first
Artu said proudly: "Yes, those people have short eyelids. The witch doctor of the Qingshan tribe does not want people to stay in the tribe and take away his life. He is very selfish."

I’ve seen the bargains myself!

At first, it was just a temporary measure, and he was worried that the old witch doctor would grow old and no people from the good or bad tribe would come to seek medical treatment and save people.If you are willing to learn medical skills, you can ask the old witch doctor to lead the way.

I didn't expect such a big surprise.

Young Patriarch, if the people of the Qingshan Tribe find out about this in the future, will they back down?
Shh, dream!I sent for all the food a few days ago but I don't owe them anything

Oh wow, this young patriarch moves so fast.

Nonsense, can I still handle things?
Atul became one with his tribe and his heart was filled with joy.

Seeing this scene, the leader and his wife were helpless.While they were having fun with everyone, why didn't a suitable female catch their eye?
What kind of females do you and our son prefer?

The captain thought for a while and sighed: "Let him go

In fact, he thought his son really liked that kind of witch doctor, but the human witch doctor already had a partner, and there was only one Chenghao a long time ago.

Therefore, their son is a step late!
His son's dignity did not allow him to snatch away a female who had sworn an oath to the beast god.Even if he could grab it, obviously the witch doctor couldn't rely on the oath of the beast god, he was an unreliable person.

So, no matter what, he couldn't act like a witch doctor anymore.

Forget it, it's not that big.Let him wander for a year or two, and I'll take a closer look at the females in the tribe.If it's not big enough, I'll find one outside the tribe

Never mind, forget about it.It's best to find someone who knows the truth.After all, Atul is not an ordinary person.He wants to be the future leader and cannot act recklessly

Other orcs, like Muta, can rescue females from the wild, but Atu is not a school

Because he is a young parent, this status determines that he cannot be arbitrary.

Well, our son is still an excellent male and we are not worried about not having a female like him.The key is that he likes him.This is a lifelong matter, we can't make him feel wronged

The leader's wife sighed, she was just a little anxious.Of course, she couldn't bear to let her son down.

After the tribe dispersed, Attu and a few singing and dancing men extinguished the fire around the altar to make sure it wouldn't burn.

Okay, let's all go back and rest.

Young Patriarch, aren’t you leaving?
Hey, I can't sleep.These two were instigated by Eminem.

The orc asked for some reason: "What are you urging?"

The other orc looked at Attu with a smile, "Hey, you are so stupid. Of course, you are urging the young leader to find a mate."

(End of this chapter)

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