Farming in the Beast World: Awakening Wood Powers

Chapter 120 How dare we do such a thing?

Chapter 120 How dare we do such a thing?
"Kill it. There is no evidence for what they said. Who can prove whether a dream is true or false?" Xia Lan said coldly.

Ao Xiaomo's knife had already stimulated the orc's arm, causing him to feel a burning pain!
"No, what we said is true! Otherwise, how could we dare to do such a thing?"

Yes, the beast god prefers women from the fox tribe.We have seen firsthand how the beast god interacts with women.He is a shining black dragon
Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the sky.

It seems God is angry.

The two orcs looked pale and offended the beast god.

Not that it's a form of death, but that it might be relieving.

You see, the Beast God warns us not to tell the truth about the past.In fact, he was once seduced by a fox and even fell in love with a condor.However, the vixen did not accept his flattery, so the vixen took the opportunity to seduce him, which ultimately led to the destruction of the Condor family.

One of the orcs, fearful of not having a chance to tell the truth, opened his mouth and soon revealed the secret.

Then, Xia Lan saw with her own eyes a thumb-sized lightning strike, aiming at the speaking orc.

Little witch doctor, what I said is true.
Xia Lan stepped away and stood in front of the orc, squinting his eyes and blocking the power of lightning with a piece of wood.

sacred wood

The orc, who was almost hacked to death, smelled the scent and was immediately startled. "Is the sacred tree of the Divine Eagle Tribe really on your body?

Xia Lan frowned and watched the sacred tree in his hand absorb the power of the sky thunder.

Mo Qing was so frightened that his heart almost stopped beating.She would rush over and pull her away, "You are crazy! Why should you save this kind of person when he is dead? Don't you know how important your life is?"
呃 ..
Xia Lan sighed and said: "I stood up confidently. Just now, there was a voice reminding me to stretch out my hand to intercept the power of the thunder. As soon as I stretched out my hand, this sacred tree appeared.

The sacred tree suddenly appeared in his right hand, like a wooden sword, but with a lifelike dragon carved on the front and a sparrow carved on the back.

Hilt - The hilt appears to be made of a dragon's tail intertwined with a Suzaku's tail.

Why do you feel a little dirty?

Hahahahaha, business issues.

Xia Lan carefully inspected the wooden sword in his hand. It was half a meter long and one finger wide.

The thickness should be around 1cm, with good texture and weight.

It exudes a light woody fragrance, and the white wood is made of unknown wood.

How can the sacred trees of the Condor Tribe stop the roaring thunder of the Beast God?No wonder the monsters and gods wanted to get the sacred tree so much at that time

what are you saying

I said when the beast god wanted the sacred tree, he didn’t want the sacred tree, but he wanted the sacred tree

Did anyone help you kill the Condor Gang at that time?
Yes, otherwise, how could we humans really kill the males of the Condor clan?

How can you be sure that it is the beast god and not someone else who is deceiving you?

The two orcs suddenly became confused and said: "No, this is impossible, isn't it? Who dares to pretend to be the beast god?"
Xia Lan was speechless, and the truth about Dare Qing was only told to them by another person.As for whether the other party is the beast god, they cannot be sure.

But what happened to the thunder today?
The thunder seemed to cease as the wooden sword appeared in her hand.

Master, put away the sacred tree, don’t be robbed!This is an important bargaining chip for you to avoid being rejected by the law of heaven in the beast world.

Xia Lan's heart skipped a beat, and she made space for the wooden sword to be stored in the receiving system.Sacred tree, where is the sacred tree?
asked the man who told the truth but was afraid of offending the beast god.

Xia Lan glanced at him and said: "In any case, Shenmu has nothing to do with you. However, we will investigate what you said about the black dragon. If he is the mastermind, then you are also accomplices, and the debts that should be paid must be repaid.
We have to follow you!Otherwise, what if he wants to kill us?

Kill it, then kill it.For those villains who help tyrants implement tyranny, it is not bad to bear the consequences themselves
No, we were not the masterminds of this incident.We just followed the plan!Although the goddess died, her mother did not.The fox girl who colluded with the black dragon, she is not dead
Xia Lan narrowed her eyes and could seduce the gods to fall, but he wanted to see what kind of woman she was.

where is it?

Hyde Tribe
At this moment, the two of them no longer dared to hide anything, and even felt that they had betrayed the Beast God.The person who can protect their survival is the goddess of the sacred tree standing in front of them.

Therefore, they don't want to deceive, but want Xia Lan to defeat the Black Dragon so that they can stop worrying and continue living.

It does have a connection to the land of the Hyde tribe.

The only wrong guess is that the sacred tree was not taken away by those people at that time, but appeared in Xia Lan's hands.

Mo Qing, how much do you know about the sacred trees of the Condor Clan?At that moment I heard a sound and I reached out and grabbed the wooden sword

Azum once said that sacred wood chooses its owner.I think at that time, when the Condor clan was killed, the Shenmu hid itself, and now it has chosen you as its master.
I'm shocked, it's just a wooden sword, how can you be so humane?
Why don't you try the feel of the sacred tree in your hand?
Tian Qing was stunned for a moment, feeling a little excited: "Can I

Xia Lan drew out his sword again and said, "Try it.

When Mo Qing saw the sacred tree, he felt it was very close and reached out to touch it.However, the sword's blade cut his finger, causing blood to drip onto the blade and follow the dragon's pattern.

What the hell!

Xia Lan's heart was filled with huge confusion.What's happening here?
Then, there is no more.

I thought there would be some kind of bloodletting scene, but the dragon's body looked more vivid, and even the color of the blood was slowly and completely absorbed, returning to its original appearance.

So what's going on here?

Is there not enough blood or something?
Little witch doctor, please put it away.I can feel that Master Shenmu is not following me, but you

Gee, how do you feel?
Xia Lan was too lazy to pursue it.Regardless, Tianqing has already seen it herself, so she should put it away.

It's not that she is stingy and unwilling to give it away, but the plane system says that this sacred tree is one of the chips she uses to travel through time and space and not be excluded by the beast world, so she cannot give it away!

Little witch doctor, investigating the killings of the Condor clan may take a lot of energy. I

Stop it, whether you want revenge or revenge, you must first live your current life.If you want to fight alone or something, you should wait until your power increases to the point where you can't be plotted against by anyone.
Yes, boss, if you want revenge, we will all help you, but Dr. Wu is right.We need to improve our combat effectiveness!We also need to guard against those powerful drugs.You won't be trapped this time?

Mo Qing lowered his head in shame and said, "I'm in a hurry. I listened to the little witch doctor
Don't worry, boss.The little witch doctor said before that he wanted to teach us a kind of sacred tree boxing technique.Once we learn, we become stronger

Xia Lan waved her hand and said: "It's already late at night. I'm ready to rest. You can interrogate these two people at will. Go to the cave below to interrogate. Just leave six of them.
Mo Qing glanced at the two orcs and felt that after the previous lightning strike, as long as he was not stupid, he would not confront them head-on.Even to survive, we have to flatter them.

So, there is no need to worry about them escaping.

Let's take a break together.Blue Heart, I'll be watching you.You all need some sleep.Whoever wakes up first at dawn will look after these two for me
Little witch doctor, our legs hurt so much.Can you help us?

Two orcs shamelessly asked for help.

(End of this chapter)

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