Farming in the Beast World: Awakening Wood Powers

Chapter 17 Your craftsmanship is amazing.

Chapter 17 Your craftsmanship is amazing.

After Cheng Hao came back with water, Xia Lan measured his wings and found two empty stripes on his vest. "Well, put on the vest and you can always spread your wings," he said.

No one came this morning.

Xia Lan pouted and said, "Okay! I didn't mean that."

I'm not talking to you, I want to ask you, is there a kind of soil near the tribe that is sticky and can hold the shape without melting?
Cheng Hao nodded and said, "Yes, there is a valley, there are many people there, and there is a pool there, but it is not very useful."

"Take me to take a look first. By the way, you can take a shower after getting up."

Chenghao reluctantly rinses his mouth and face, while the female prefers cleanliness.

After he washed himself, he washed three pieces of cheese for Xia Lan and said, "Take it with you and cook it later."

"You eat too."

Cheng Hao frowned, but still ate the fruit in one bite.

Then he put on a modified vest, hugged Xia Lan and flew out.

The hot air coming out of her ears made Xia Lan a little uncomfortable, but yes, with such a speed stick, she couldn't pretend to tell others to leave, right?

After arriving in the woods, what Xia Lan saw was a large piece of clay, with a visual area of ​​about seven or eight acres, all covered in clay.On one side, there is a wasteland and a shallow paddy field.

No one was growing it, and of course it was the overgrown kind.

The growth is particularly good.

Xia Lan walked over and saw that this paddy field was also clay-type and had a relatively low sand content.

Xia Lan, if you add water here, it will stick to your hands.

Ok, I know.That soil can be mixed well and then made into adobe bricks.After drying, it can be used to make a house
what should I do?
We need to make several brick molds with wooden boards first, and then find a place to dry the adobe bricks.It'd be nice to have a hole in it in case it rains so we can move in to be windproof and rainproof

Cheng Hao looked around and said, "There is a cave nearby. It is very spacious. I will take you to see it."

Xia Lan followed Cheng Hao 100 meters away. At the other end of the sticky mud, he saw a cave about ten meters wide, seven or eight meters deep, and four or five meters high.

Forget it, this is still a cave, saving them a lot of trouble.

Okay, then use this place to put the bricks.

Cheng Hao frowned and said, "Xia Lan, why don't you take it to the tribe?" It's not good to leave it here. "

Xia Lan was taken aback and said, "This is not too troublesome. Do you want to solve this problem before continuing?"

It's all about travel, why don't we take those soils back to where we want them to be?It's smoother and safer.If it rains, we can also ask people from the tribe to help move
Yes, but you have to exert a lot of effort to move the clay

No problem, I just have to fly a few more times.How about using animal skin bags to hold soil?

"No, let's find some baskets and weave them out of bamboo. You are very smart, I believe you can make them."

Now we are going to make bamboo baskets.

Xia Lan pursed her lips and thought carefully: "We still need digging tools. Although the soil is not hard, it is not easy to dig by hand."

Before he finished speaking, we saw Cheng Hao showing his broad and sharp claws with one hand, then inserting one hand in and pulling out a large pot of soil.

Xia Lan: Oh!

Sorry, I underestimated the power of your beast's claws.Because she is too weak and unheard of!

Okay, let's get the bamboo basket.

There was a bamboo forest halfway up the mountain. Cheng Hao took Xia Lan and started chopping bamboo with a bone knife.Xia Lan used a bone saw to cut bamboo on the side.Don't worry, this bone saw is sharp.It only took her a few minutes to knock over a bamboo tree.

Xia Lan, I want to chop it up.what you up to

Xia Lan asked him to cut the bamboo into bamboo strips first, then told him the shape of the basket and explained to him the support points of the frame.

Next it was time for Xia Lan to enjoy the performance of human Cheng Hao.Although this was his first time listening to picture teaching, he still weaved the bamboo basket neatly and fashionably.

When finished, add two more vines and use them as baskets to hang from the poles.

Xia Lan was really surprised when he looked at the big basket in front of him. It was one meter high, one meter long and half a meter wide.

"Chenghao, your craftsmanship is really great."

Xia Lan is smarter and can come up with such a good thing.

Oh, that's amazing.

Xia Lan excitedly urged him to continue.Good things come in pairs, so make at least eight of these baskets. "But isn't it a bit too big?"

It doesn't matter to me, you can't use it.I'll do it.

Okay, I'll be relying on you from now on
This is necessary and the male should be responsible for feeding the females to make them feel more comfortable.

Cheng Hao weaved the bamboo basket neatly.By noon, Cheng Hao had already knitted four baskets.Xia Lan touched her belly and said, "Chenghao, let's go back first. It's time to go back for lunch."

Cheng Hao looked at the color. In fact, the orcs ate twice in the morning and evening.However, his female cat is too delicate and doesn't eat much every time. She gets hungry quickly, which is normal.

Okay, I'll take you back.In the afternoon, I will come to the mountain to load soil, and you stay at home.
Cheng Hao packed up the basket and brought Xia Lan back directly as he didn't want the mother bird to wait too long.

While Xia Lan was making lunch, he helped cut the meat and bones and flew back to the mountain to transport soil.He will work hard to provide for all the needs of the female elephant.

Xia Lan looked at the bones in this box and felt a little annoyed.Bone broth should be cooked longer to taste better, but he forgot about it this morning.

Forget it, make a good soup this afternoon.

It is inconvenient to have only one pot, so we need to find opportunities to collect more turtle shells as pots.

You want one that doesn't come into contact with oil, salt or water, and then one that's ready for soup.If you find a staple dish in the future, you will need a ready-made and then a stir-fry ingredient.

So, you need to prepare at least four pots!
It’s best if five people prepare together.

One by one, help me find a book about house architecture, the one about building a brick house
After scanning the plane system, I found her a book about ancient architecture from the library, which seemed very practical to read.

The foundation is made of stone, and if it rises, it can be built with adobe bricks.

Hello, woman, where is Cheng Hao?

When Xia Lan was cooking, he heard a voice, but when he looked up, he saw Dong Qi looking at her a few meters in front.

Chenghao went and brought me vegetables and cooked them for me
What delicious prey can he hunt for you now?Woman, why don’t you choose two more men to take care of you?Chenghao can't let you have a good life
Xia Lan lowered his head, rolled his white eyes, looked up with a smile and said, "No, Cheng Hao will take good care of me."

I heard that you followed Cheng Hao to eat weeds. Is this also a compliment?
You only eat weed!That's a wild vegetable. If you don't understand it, don't screw it up!Xia Lan couldn't help but glare at him angrily.

Dong Qi was stunned, how dare this woman look down on her?
Is the weed that everyone hates eating just a vegetable?
Huh, it's just a wild vegetable to me.If you don't admit it's your fault, I'll eat myself to my heart's content
Girl, why aren't you stubborn?What's so delicious?As long as you choose a few more males, you can eat whatever meat you want and whatever fruits you want will be cherry blossoms.
Xia Lan didn't want to talk to this person.

It's so annoying to stand in the corner when no one else is around.

What else could Dong Qi think of, but he was thrown out by a force.

(End of this chapter)

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