Farming in the Beast World: Awakening Wood Powers

Chapter 30 This man is so considerate.

Chapter 30 This man is so considerate.

Several women's eyes fell on Cheng Hao's legs and they also regretted it.

If it wasn't for his leg injury, why would Cheng Hao worry about not having a female around him?

He was in pain and there were people trying to hurt him.So heartless.

Cheng Hao looked at the mother bird seriously and said, "Thank you, aunts. Cheng Hao will never forget your help."

With such caution, several females suddenly felt a heavy responsibility on their shoulders and said again: "Chenghao, don't worry, the aunts will seriously help your female family."

I believe aunties, you are very clear about the rights and wrongs of our tribe.

Oh, I didn’t expect them to be such good people in Cheng Hao’s heart!
Several times, the female bear was so happy that she didn't ask about the wild boar.

Auntie, I will take this meat back for you to bake for the children at home.Don't be too short, you know where I am right now.

Hey, it's no use.You can keep it for yourself. When your leg is healed, we will give you as much as possible.

Yes, keep it to yourself.Your female is too weak and needs more supplements.


The expressions of several aunts are very sincere, indicating that they are also making sincere plans for Cheng Hao.

Xia Lan thinks Cheng Hao's brain is really magical.

Xia Lan both praised people and gave them meat, but she couldn't help but feel moved when she thought that these were all for herself.

This guy is so considerate.

Auntie, you can take it back.We are lucky today that you can bake this piece for the bears.If you are interested, you can also learn how to stew meat with me.It tastes very good. The baby bear is healthier after eating it.

Who is the female of the Chenghao family?

My previous tribe pups all ate cooked food and it was easier for their stomachs to absorb it if it was cooked.Just like the difference between biting hard meat and rotten meat with your teeth, it's not that difficult
This sounded reasonable, but several of the females looked at each other and said, “Let’s try it then.

Of course, we are all protecting the tribe today

So, Xia Lan took several female relatives home. Coincidentally, the bone soup that Aunt Ai liked was also delicious.Xia Lan served them most of the food in a wooden bowl, and even put a few pieces of meat in it. "Auntie, give it a try and see if the cooked meat feels more comfortable to bite.

Aunt Ai was heartbroken looking at the soup in those bowls. The women in Chenghao's family were really too frugal.

Auntie, you drink too.If you work hard, don't be unfair to yourself

Xia Lan smiled and brought a bowl to Aunt Ai. Aunt Ai sighed and ate it anyway.

Well, this soup and meat are so delicious!
Much more delicious than the usual barbecue!

Several women looked at Xia Lan with bright smiles. "Cheng Haonv, do you really want to teach us how to cook?
Ah ha, no problem, I just can't use my strength in this hand.Maybe I can only use my mouth, I need your help

Hey guys we will
Xia Lan was very happy and said to Cheng Hao who brought the meat back: "Cheng Hao, aunts, they learn to cook from me and help me cut the meat. Then you can drink some soup and bring the clay over, so you don't have to Stay home and help me
Cheng Hao felt relieved when he saw several aunts surrounding Xia Lan enthusiastically.The four of them drank the hot broth and thought it was delicious!

let us go
Cheng Hao and others flew away, and Mu Xue was led away directly by Yong Long.After the men left, Xia Lan began to instruct the aunts on how to quickly cut meat and how to braise it.I also showed them chili peppers, and to prove the deliciousness of chili peppers, I taught them to use salted fruit skewers to add saltiness and add chili peppers.These two simple seasonings make the meat taste much better than the dry roasted meat they usually eat.

There are several aunts who study very hard.As for the stove, it was built of stone and presented no technical difficulties.After viewing it, they can go back and fix it themselves.

Auntie, do you remember everything?this is very simple.By the way, we brought back the shells and that was the pot I used to cook in.Currently, each household can only receive one.If you want more, ask your companions to collect some and bring them back when they go out
Okay, when the clan leader is responsible for dividing the meat in the afternoon, let's get it together.

Xia Lan taught Aunt Ai a few simple dishes, such as braised pork, boiled pork slices and wild vegetable soup.Aunt Ai was also very enthusiastic to help Xia Lan cut all the wild boar meat into pieces and put them in big shells.

After finishing these things, the aunts went home to make stoves and other things, leaving Aunt Ai to accompany Xia Lan for a while.

Auntie, it's getting late.You can go home and get busy.I don't need your help anymore, thank you
Hi, you're welcome.Chenghao's father and my friend are good brothers.They have helped our family a lot in the past, but now that Chenghao has also encountered this situation, we naturally need help too.You can live with Chenghao, he won't be unfair to you

Ok, I see.thank you aunty

Xia Lan felt helpless, she would now be labeled as Cheng Hao's partner!

In this world of beasts, it is very simple and fast for people to establish relationships.

That little girl from Xiangtao behaved very selfishly.Stay away from her.Her personality is similar to her sister
Wow, someone in the tribe actually saw through the true nature of Hua Hua and her daughter!
Xia Lan's mood is much more relaxed, so when they have conflicts, they won't be too passive.

Aunt Ai once again told Xia Lan the story about Xiangtao's mother, and the female fox tribe was nothing.Although many people think that the orcs of the Fox tribe are too cunning, generally everyone can tolerate them as long as they do not harm the tribe.

Furthermore, the fox tribe's cunning actually shows that they have good brains and may come up with more solutions.

According to Xiang Tao, she liked Mu Shu from the Qingshan tribe, so she deliberately found someone to rescue her and then become her partner.

There are so many melons!

After Aunt Ai left, Xia Lan served her another bowl of braised pork and said, "Aunt Ai, take it back and eat it."

No, not everyone brought one.If I took it, people would think you were wrong.If you want to give me something delicious, you'll have a chance next time

Aunt Ai left happily.

Xia Lan continued to stew meat, but she felt that one pot of meat was not enough for Cheng Hao and the four orcs, let alone feeding them while doing heavy work.

Looking at the color, Xia Lan began to fry lard in another medium pot.

After the fire is heated, the oil comes out quickly.Xia Lan picked up some fried lard residue, put it into a wooden plate, and continued practicing.

Oh, there's a lone female here

Xia Lan was happily brewing half a pot of tea when she suddenly heard a vulgar sound. When she looked up, she saw several winged orcs landing a few meters in front of her.They seemed curious about the pot and the fragrant food in it.

"Which orc tribe are you from?"

Black Giant Eagle Tribe, female, why don’t you go with us?You can choose males from the entire family.

(End of this chapter)

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