Chapter 39 You are all unique.

Xia Lan happily went to fill a bowl of soup and said: "Come on, eat more. I was interrupted just now, I think you must not have drank enough."
Cheng Hao didn't have enough food, so he didn't escape and ate two big bowls directly.

Most of the meat is half a bowl. Of course, Xia Lan thoughtfully added some wild vegetables.

There was a blue eagle who originally thought the broth was delicious, but now that he saw Xia Lan looking thoughtfully at Cheng Hao, he suddenly felt that it was not so delicious.

The female, the one who drinks soup.

Oh I see.I'll put away the wooden bowls and wash them together later.You do not have to worry about
Visitors are guests. In addition to having someone to help with work in the future, Xia Lan thinks it is best to be polite.

In fact, she didn't want anyone to be grateful for anything, but Cheng Hao seemed to be on vacation with this blue eagle orc, and of course, she also wanted to give him face in appearance.

Every time you have an injury to your leg that requires a change of medication, stay out of the water until the injury has healed.


Cheng Hao glanced at the other person and said, "Aren't you leaving yet? Don't hang around until the wound heals. It's very eye-catching."

"Shh, are you a woman who is worried that my human form will confuse you?"

Despite this, Cheng Hao was nervous.

Xia Lan was very curious about this.Is Lan Ying more handsome than Cheng Hao?

"Chenghao, no matter what others look like, you are unique. Don't think about those you don't like."

After hearing this, Cheng Hao felt strangely better.

Then remember what you said today and don't take it back.

Yes, absolutely, you will never regret it in your life.

She is not a beautiful person, at most she is just a person who can be admired, the kind of person who is pleasing to the eye.

How can you want to be a VIP just because someone is good looking?What a person she has become!
Seeing Cheng Hao's change, the blue eagle orc was a little surprised. He seemed to really dare not look at the female.

Cheng Hao is not a gentle person, and now she can comfort this female with two or three sentences, which shows how much influence she has on Cheng Hao.

"Female, my name is Mo Qing, and I am a member of the Black Giant Eagle Tribe. As you can see, I am a member of the Great Eagle Tribe."

"Oh, hello, my name is Xia Lan."

"Xia Lan."

Cheng Hao frowned and said, "I'm talking about Xia Lan."

Auntie used to call "Xia Lan."

Xia Lan held her forehead and said, "Call me Xia Lan."

Shout out to him and tell Cheng Hao to close the door at nine o'clock.

"Of course, hello, Xia Lan."

"Can you tell Xia Lan not to add so many words?"

"Of course, Xia Lan is very good."

Cheng Hao snorted coldly and interrupted their greetings.

You can fly back now, don't stay at our house, I have a lot to do
Qing Qingxiao ignored the other party's words and flew away quickly.

Not long after, Bai Xi and his companions came back with two bundles of vines.Everyone stopped talking nonsense and followed Uncle Ai and Aunt Ai to perform fence operations in the same way.

The more people there are, the faster the speed will naturally be.

Half an hour later, the spring-filled courtyard appeared.A two-meter-high wooden fence leaves space for the main entrance, making it truly a home.

Looking at this scene, Xia Lan felt proud.

All this was done under her command!

This will be her future home.

As for the empty space, it will be gradually built up in the future.

Oh my gosh, how beautiful it is!Bai Xi and others looked a little emotional, and they were really moved in their hearts.

Xia Lan, then this is where your front door is.what do I do?
Xia Lan scratched her head and said, "I'm still thinking about it, don't worry. I'll do it tomorrow. It's already dark. Let's go back and wash up and go to bed."
Well, everyone will continue to cooperate
Aunt Ai and the others went home respectively, and Xia Lan excitedly held Cheng Hao's hand. "Chenghao, Chenghao, our new home has taken shape.

Xia Lan is the smartest

Looking at this newly formed courtyard, a special emotion arose in Cheng Hao's heart.

This is a home that the female personally participated in creating, and it will be the home of both of them in the future!
I feel comfortable just thinking about it.

ah!Xia Lan knocked on his head, "Chenghao, I forgot to make the bed." I asked Mu Xue to help me chat, but I want you to do something, such as make the bed
It's okay, I'll be ready.what do you need?
Xia Lan pointed to the big stone outside the bamboo house and said: "These four stones were dug out from here and carved into grooves for the wooden boards so that the bed boards cannot be moved at will after they are placed.

In order to protect Cheng Hao's bone knife, Xia Lan also customized a hammer and thick iron nails from the plane mall, which were specially used to drill holes and excavate stones under stress.

The overall design is entirely made of iron.Of course, in order to cover up public attention, Mojiu also did not be so refined in the profile mall.It feels rough, like a piece of naturally occurring iron.

Chenghao, I stumbled upon this in the mountains.I found them harder than stone.It's easier for you to use them to carve stone, like this

Xia Lan demonstrated several times and met Cheng Hao.

Reaching out for the hammer and the big nail, “I’ll do it.

Cheng Hao has strong strength and good control.It didn't take long to carve out the groove.Xia Lan seemed satisfied and asked him to use the knife to deal with the uneven places.

When I was done, I moved to where the bed was in the bamboo house and placed it on the wooden planks.

There are grooves at both ends of the bed, and the two flat stones in the middle are responsible for bearing the weight.

After laying the bed boards, the overall height of the bed is half a meter, which looks very comfortable when it is flat and tidy.

As for the exquisite wooden bed and the magical horse, we will talk about it later.It would be great to create this now.

Cheng Hao, this is a raw wood board that needs to be dried in the sun later.Now we're going to put a few layers of animal skins on top to keep out the cold

Cheng Hao directly spread all the clean animal skins on the bed, covering five or six layers.Xia Lan held him back and wouldn't let him give up.

No, this animal skin cushion is very thick and soft when lying down or sitting on it, but not too soft.very comfortable!
Xia Lan sighed with satisfaction: "That's great.
Okay, the hot water in the kitchen should be ready.i want to take a bath
I'll get some water and wash it in there
Xia Lan frowned on the other side of the bamboo house, but now this may be the only thing she can do.She cannot wash naked.

After washing Xia Lan, Cheng Hao went to the river to wash from head to toe, and then came back to rest with her.

Xia Lan looked at his wet hair and felt as if there was a towel that could help him wipe it. “Be sure to dry your hair before going to bed, otherwise it will hurt when you get old.


Xia Lan got along very happily and enthusiastically with the two of them.

However, the color of the blue eyes that flew away became more and more complicated, and finally, a ray of light flashed from his eyes.

The days of searching for food are also boring, why not take a gamble?

Dashan was shocked when he saw Mo Qing's appearance and said, "Boss, who hurt you? I will lead everyone to beat him to death."

he himself?

(End of this chapter)

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