Chapter 41 Do what you want.

Xia Lan suddenly became excited: "Tell him to come over and take a look."

"Uh-huh, keep shouting. If you can really help drill this hole, we will hire him to do the work."

Gu Baihe looked at Cheng Hao, who nodded and said, "Listen to me, let's go quickly."

What do you want to do?
"The foundation has been laid. The adobe house cannot be compared with our humble bamboo house. The bamboo house is not strong enough and cannot withstand strong winds and heavy rains. But the adobe house is not afraid of ordinary wind and rain."

"Okay, do what you want."

In a moment, we will first dig the foundation trench, and then we will start preparing large stones for the local foundation.Explain, for the flat type, be sure to use your powerful bone knife to flatten it, but don't let the bone knife wear it down
Don't worry, I've never heard that bone knives made from mango horns will wear out.

so powerful?

Maybe you used to only use it for hunting, but now you have to use it for chopping rocks and stuff like that.Xia Lan really couldn't bear to use it.

But other tools are not as effective as Cheng Hao's horn bone knife, so we can only use it as a tool first.

Xia Lan pointed at the approximate size of the stone with a wooden ruler and said, "Cheng Hao, the stone we use to lay the foundation should be this big. Use force when cutting, and don't separate too far when cutting."

Okay, I'll let Bai Xi and them move some big rocks back to prepare.
We have to start preparing.Our first batch of adobe bricks is almost ready and we are getting ready to lay the foundation.

Not long after, Gu Baihe brought a young man over. Looking at the skinny young man, he could tell at a glance that he didn't eat well.

"Brother, Jiayang is here."

Xia Lan looked at this young man and thought he was very likable.From the look of his face, he didn't look like that cunning person.

Your name is Jiayang

是 的
The jackal is often looked down upon because of its poor hunting skills, and males who are good at digging holes are not favored by females.

It was rare to meet a female who didn't dislike him, and Jia Yang felt a little excited.

Gu Baihe, you are really good at digging holes.

Yes, I have no problem digging holes.We helped dig many of our tribe's caves

Okay, come with me.I want to dig a trench as deep as my wooden ruler.Dig a square trench along the line I drew

Jiayang glanced at the wooden ruler in Xia Lan's hand, then looked at where Xia Lan was pointing: "Dig here."

Okay, dig some dirt here.I don't need a cave, I need to dig a trench
Jiayang thinks this is too simple.He can dig holes, which is certainly not difficult.

Transforming into a diamond beast, Xia Lan said: "Pangolin, pangolin, pangolin!"

Important things three times!
How could we ever see this rare beast in person in our lifetime?
Then, she saw a stream of soil churning in the foundation circle she had planned. Within 10 minutes, Jia Yang appeared again. He shook the soil in his body and looked at Xia Lan: "Is this okay?
I am magical!
It is not just a straight ditch, it is really 1.5 meters deep, and the soil on both sides is piled up very neatly.

This is really good craftsmanship.

You have to know that the land Xia Lan discovered is the hardest in the surrounding area.

Suitable for laying foundation, safe and reliable.

Of course, that's fine.thank you for your hard work

After Jiayang received the approval, he dug out a circle of foundations and looked at them for less than an hour.

This speed is amazing!

I don't think it's any slower than a machine!Thank you very much, Gu Baihe.Take Jiayang to the river to take a bath, and then come back to prepare lunch

Xia Lan led Cheng Hao to the ditch and took a look: "Cheng Hao, the stone we are looking for is used to bear the weight of the adobe house, so we need to look for a strong stone
Well, remember
This is our main room and a kitchen is being planned on the other side.There's also a bathroom over there, well, that's where we go to the toilet.There is a row of hidden things next to it
Cheng Hao looked at Xia Lan. Xia Lan blushed without saying a few words and sighed in his heart: His own woman is so shy!

This summer, their new home in Moxialan is in full swing. After nearly two months, their adobe house is finally completed and ready to move into.

Xia Lan's design is a layout of two bedrooms and one living room, with a small area of ​​about 100 square meters.

Then there is the kitchen, firewood room, bathroom and toilet.

Of course, there were no tiles and kiln technology had not been studied.How can Mojiu produce ceramic tiles?
However, there is an iron fan leaf in Huangdaozhou, which is twice the size of a banana leaf, but it is not brittle at all, very tough, and has a certain weight.After drying, it can still protect you from wind and rain.

Xia Lan chose this iron fan blade instead of ceramic tiles.

As for structures such as adobe houses, she drew a diagram and studied with Cheng Hao what would be more suitable for their current situation.

The ground is also completely covered with a layer of mixed soil. The effect after drying may not be as good as the cement floor, but it is much better than not covering the soil.

Everyone looked at the adobe house with envy, especially since it was autumn. The wind outside was very cool and it was also very cool in the cave.However, entering the adobe house of Chenghao's family, the feeling is obviously different and very warm.

In winter, it will probably be even more obvious.

When the chief of the Qingshan tribe found out, he waved his hand and urged everyone to build their houses quickly before winter came.

For this matter, the tribe leader came to discuss with Cheng Hao and asked him if he could take Uncle Luo and a few familiar people with him and a dozen selected tribe members to help other tribe members build houses.

Xia Lan said on the spot that this was possible, but staying in the tribe and building a house was not an easy task and required proper arrangements.At least we have to offer food and drink to others.

Simply put, there should be security to ensure that the people building the house and their families have enough food and clothing.

After hearing what Xia Lan said, the patriarch agreed and said, "How does Xia Lan want to arrange the people who build the house?

Clan leader, this is actually not difficult.Hiring a house builder to eat and drink was a guarantee, and since the man who built the house could not go out to hunt, there was less meat in the clan, which was not safe for his family.

So, either be like our family and hunt your own to ensure food and drink for the whole family.Either have the family share the meat with them, and then make a sleeping adobe house for each family for the winter.

After all, manpower is limited and time is limited.It is absolutely impossible to move every family into an adobe house before winter if everyone asks for it to be done at once

When the patriarch heard this, he thought it made sense.He immediately made a decision and said: "Xia Lan, you must be right. Then, each family can first get a house where they can sleep. In the future, whoever has the ability to ask everyone to build a big house will continue to build it. No matter What, no one owns this land?

The patriarch, now Uncle Ai and his team are very skilled and can lead beginners.You can find twenty or thirty skilled and willing workers and let Uncle Ai and his team build a house together.Two of them can team up with ten people and do it faster

Yes, the females of the Chenghao family are smart!
The chief wrote down her thoughts one by one, and then immediately announced the matter to the tribe.

Some people expressed their desire to build a house on the spot, but some people were unwilling to change their old habits and believed that there was no need to cause trouble.

Why do you care so much about living in a cave?

What about giving the meat to the builders of the house?

Half of the people disagreed with the allocation to those who did not participate in the hunt, and the clan leader only considered those clan members to be fools.

But there are many opponents, and he is not good at applying pressure.In the end, he still followed the previous model of the Chenghao family.Those who are willing to build a house will find a way to provide food for the house rather than dividing the meat within the clan.

Others didn't know what to think, but Ashu Baixi and his team were going to build a house anyway.When we discussed the issue, they despised wasting time and had already started building a house for Ashu.

(End of this chapter)

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