Farming in the Beast World: Awakening Wood Powers

Chapter 54 Fighting poison with poison.

Chapter 54 Fighting poison with poison.

Xia Lan stepped forward, smelled the medicine packets, and finally landed on a packet of herbs that was obviously needed.He reached over and opened the box and said, "Come on, this is the medicine my partner needs. You can't touch it."

Xia Lan sneered and said: "The medicine here is not only for treating diseases, but also some highly poisonous medicine. I don't know what disease your partner has. Are you going to fight poison with poison?"

I can tell you in advance that it only takes a little bit of this poison to kill a strong beast without a field

What's going on?
so smart?

The orcs present looked at the medicine bag in horror and said angrily: "You know, this is obviously a medicine to treat diseases. If someone who is not sick takes it, it will only cause diarrhea at most. How could you die?
This must be what the witch doctor told you.If you're so sure, why not try the medicine yourself first?
Gro was taken aback. This - he really didn't dare.

Because this packet of medicine was instructed by the witch doctor of the Qingshan tribe to find an opportunity to put it into the water that Cheng Hao and the woman drank.While the other guy caused the diarrhea, he wasn't that stupid.

Listen to this woman who knows medicine, if she is real.Aren't you looking for death if you take medicine by yourself?
I'm not sick, why do I need to take medicine?
Xia Lan looked at Atushuang and said, "Master, is this medicine poisonous? There is another way to prove this, and that is to catch an animal to test the medicine.

But my ugly words came to light.If it turns out to be highly toxic, what will you do with the person being bribed?

Artu gave Gro a cold look and said, "If your suspicion is correct, then this person's life or death will be decided by you."

"Yonglong, go catch a prey. You can do anything from rabbits to pheasants."


Soon, Bai Xi and Yonglong came back alone with several prey.

Xia Lan asked Atu to take out a little powder from the medicine bag, melt it in water, and then pour it into the rabbit to drink.

After drinking the potion, the caught rabbit soon foamed up and twitched all over.

Everyone was frightened by this scene.This medicinal powder is too poisonous. If you eat it, you will die!
Gro, you've gone too far!How could you do such a thing?No wonder you must come with us this time.I really thought you were looking for medicine for your partner's illness, but I didn't realize you were hurting others.
An orc next to Artu couldn't help but roared angrily.

Artu became even more angry after hearing this and kicked Gro on the chest: "Fool."

"Xia Lan, go deal with this person."

Xia Lan snorted coldly: "Forget it. I am an outsider. If I kill him directly, your people will definitely encounter me in the future."

After all, I almost got killed today, but I wasn't actually killed.

Atu rubbed his head. He had a headache. This female was really difficult to deal with.

Chenghao, it is your woman who is wronged.What should you do to calm her down?
Artu, for your sake.I won't kill him this time, but he actually trusts the witch doctors of the Qingshan tribe more.Why don't you let him take his family to live in the Qingshan tribe?

Anyway, we came here with many people during this period, and the clan leader must have felt uncomfortable.Sending them over would at least make amends.Killing two birds with one stone was enough to realize his dream.What!
How to deal with it?
Atu was surprised, sighed and said: "Since that's the case, let's do it your way. Gro, when you go back this time, take your friends to the Qingshan Tribe and don't come to the Lingye Tribe again.

I won’t leave, I want to stay in Lingye Tribe
Oh, you are wrong.We only gave you two choices, either take your partner to live somewhere else, or you die.

Ge Luo looked at Atu suspiciously and said, "Young patriarch, I am yours.
Wrong, people like you who ignore the interests of the tribe for your own interests are not worthy of staying in my Xitu tribe
Gro looked at Artu's expression and felt very dissatisfied.For a woman, he had to drive away this family member who had been with him for more than ten years. This was cruel enough!
Young patriarch, are you interested in this woman?I don’t think she knows how to heal.Maybe she'd be lucky enough to find a dead rat.How could she possibly heal Cheng Hao's leg?

Cheng Hao still held a bloody bone knife and landed on his neck, staring at him coldly. "I promised to spare you this time, but if you continue to target my woman, then you are challenging me!" Do you want to have a life-and-death battle with me?
Ge Luo stared reluctantly, as if he had been defeated by Cheng Hao.

Today I saw him kill a big snake so fiercely. How dare he challenge the other person?
Oh, it's just a girl, you're all crazy.

If you want to kill two people just to buy a few packs of pills for your partner, so much the better!Qing Leng sneered, showing his true nature with contempt.

After careful consideration, the people of the Lingye tribe realized that this was indeed the case.

The human Cheng Hao was at least protecting his mate, but Gro would kill other orcs in exchange for packets of herbs.This vicious method makes people afraid to approach him even thinking about it.

Gro, you are so cruel and selfish.The young patriarch simply drove you away and found a foothold for you.You are kind, don't be greedy
If you do such a thing yourself, do you have the nerve to blame others?

If Xia Lan really didn't know medical skills, why did the witch doctors of the Qingshan tribe try to drive them away?It's clear they fear being replaced.

No, that idiot Gro couldn't figure out the conspiracy.

God, these orcs are really not stupid!
Xia Lan sighed and then looked at Cheng Hao.He found that Cheng Hao was still wearing a bloody piece of clothing, and quickly said: "Cheng Hao, you can change your clothes. These clothes are all dirty."
When Cheng Hao killed the big snake, a lot of blood was splashed on his body, thus solving the problem of hurting his own female.He also came to hate the smell of censorship.

He walked directly to the lake to take a bath.

Cheng Hao, who had just taken a shower, had healthy wheat-colored skin and six obvious abdominal muscles. He looked very sunny and strong.

No, why is he bathing like this?

After Cheng Hao cleaned up, his whole body exuded strong hormones, and his handsome face made people unable to help but satisfy all his requirements.

Xia Lan quickly turned around, feeling a little out of breath.what do I do?
Oh, she’s so handsome as a boyfriend!

Ding - It has been discovered that ancient pythons are not less valuable to those around their hosts.Please collect some ancient python skins, some meat and galls.Successful collection will receive an additional reward of 10000 planet coins.

Extra reward of 10000 planet coins?
How much money can you make by selling this animal skin to a noodle shop?
Xia Lan's heart was filled with joy, and she controlled the surprised expression on her face.She looked at Cheng Hao and said, "Cheng Hao, can I get the skins of these things?
Atu, who was beside him, laughed and said happily: "Of course, these two snakes were mainly killed by Cheng Hao. You also helped, so you should get a share.

However, neither hide is very good.If you like skins, our tribe has a lot of beautiful skins. "

(End of this chapter)

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