Farming in the Beast World: Awakening Wood Powers

Chapter 58 Don’t frame me falsely.

Chapter 58 Don’t frame me falsely.

Xia Lan glanced at him, very suspicious. This was what attracted him.

"What are you looking at? I didn't do anything. Don't frame me."

Maybe you didn't do anything, but what if the medicine bag you were carrying contained something that attracted black scorpions?
Gro frowned and said, "How could this happen?"

"Anyway, let me check the medicine bag on you again."

Gro was angry and felt like he had to doubt anything that happened to the other person, which was so depressing.

But everyone was staring at him and he couldn't help but give it.

After Xia Lan received the medicine packages, he asked Cheng Hao to stop on the tree, and then opened and closed them one by one. "Bai Xi, go take a look. If you notice these things getting faster and faster, please raise your hand to let us know."


Bai Xi flew over the black scorpions and looked at them.There was no response from the first few packets of medicine until the sixth packet.After opening the medicine box, there was a breathless breath, which was very uncomfortable.

The bread here is not herbal but a dark material.

At first, Xia Lan didn't know about this.After seeing it beside them, Artu blackened his face and said: "This is a female scorpion. It should still be on a different level
So we are hunted as enemies

Black Scorpion has a strong desire for revenge.If you kill their leader, they will chase you until you die as soon as they smell it
Xia Lan glanced at Gao Ruo and said, "Isn't this none of your business? What is this?

I don't know, I didn't even know this was in the medicine bag.They were all given to me by the witch doctors of your tribe.He only told me another pack of poison, the rest was for my woman to nourish my body
Artu was completely fooled to death by this guy, he had never seen such a fool before.

Young patriarch, I really don’t know. I don’t dare to check the medicine package one by one after receiving it.

Yes, you did do something wrong, but of course you didn't dare to check these things in front of everyone, so you had the chance to be counted on

Xia Lan glanced at the medicine bag and said, "Make a fire and burn this thing."
Even if we burn this thing.The smell of scorpions still lingers around and they still chase us,” Atususan said angrily.

It doesn't matter, the breath will dissipate.If we catch up, we can find a way to kill some.Coincidentally, although this scorpion is poisonous, it can also be used as a medicine.Let's collect some materials first

Atu frowned and said: "But this thing is not easy to kill. Even if you kill it, if you are stung or bitten by their tail, it will be poisoned

Go collect the dry firewood around, leaving three people to dig into the wood to make a fire.We will attack with firepower
Atu waved his hand and asked the tribesmen to collect dry firewood.A few strong men began drilling holes in the wood to make a fire.

After a while, the firewood collector picked up several bundles of firewood.Xia Lan asked them to form a circle under the big tree, and then started burning, placing the body of the dead scorpion mother in the center of the fire circle.

Idle people continue to collect firewood and join the circle.Waiting for those scorpions to fall into the trap
When they were ready, the black scorpion had already chased them under the big tree.

But the rings of fire stopped them in their tracks.

Apparently, Black Scorpion isn't stupid either.They are afraid of fire and will not rush forward foolishly.

But it was useless, because Xia Lan had arranged a larger circle of firewood on the outside, and only after all the black scorpions had entered the circle did Ru light the fire in the outer circle.In this way, the scorpion is surrounded by the two fire rings in the middle and cannot move forward or backward.

Continue to collect firewood.Burn all areas within the circle, especially areas with a lot of scorpions.Throw me some more firewood.Don't drop it on the ground, just fly up, light it and throw dry firewood to avoid being accidentally injured.
With the burning of firewood and the burning smell of black scorpions, everyone felt a little uncomfortable in their noses.

In addition, as the smoke rose, Xia Lan could not see clearly, so he took everyone to another place to watch.

Watch out for scorpions around the fire ring.If there are any left, kill a few with rocks or big sticks.

Under Xia Lan's command, everyone was busy and their lives were orderly.

Ah Tushuang looked at Xia Lan with even brighter eyes. This woman was indeed extraordinary.

The other females need protection, but she can lead everyone to deal with the poison, and the arrangement is very good, making people feel that she can do a good job even if she becomes the leader of the clan.

Hey, Chenghao, be careful not to get too close to the ground!Xia Lan looked at Cheng Hao's movements and couldn't help but scream.

This man practically stepped on the ground to kill scorpions, used a bone knife to cut off a large branch with his thick arms, and then killed one black scorpion at a time.

The movements are crisp and agile, but do not land on the ground.This is a forest with grass growing on the ground.What if a hidden black scorpion bites you?
Cheng Hao looked back at her and said, "I understand. Just wait on the tree obediently."
Well, wait, she has no plans to go downstairs either.

In fact, her wooden skills can be used, such as killing scorpions with spikes, but this is very eye-catching, so it is better to keep a low profile.

Under the fire attack, many black scorpions died, but there were also many more agile scorpions that escaped to the fire a few steps ahead.

They seemed angry about the fire and screamed together.

"No, they are summoning their companions." Artu frowned.Let's do it first.They won't be able to catch up with us if they crawl.
There is no way, as long as we stand high, they will be helpless against us.But when we leave, these poisonous scorpions will poison other creatures, and the animals and plants in this forest will suffer.

Although Xia Lan is not a good person, she has a moral bottom line.

This incident was originally caused by their group of people. Within their capabilities, they naturally need to find a solution instead of simply giving up and implicating innocent people.

After hearing this, the other party's eyes were brighter than before.At that moment, he finally confirmed that his choice was correct, absolutely correct!
The witch doctor was right, it's just a bunch of stuff.Why give in?Didn't someone ask me to do something, and I just wanted to do something?Why don't I try him and see who kills more scorpions
After hearing this, Gro's eyes widened.That's not what he meant.

"I'm injured now. It would be shameless of you to suggest competing against me."

Mo Qing glanced contemptuously, "Oh, if you get kicked, you can't participate in the battle. Forget it, it's impossible to expect people like you. Let's do it ourselves
"Mo Qing, don't worry. We have to find a way."

Cheng Hao's method is very good.We are all powerful orcs. We can smash them to death directly with tree trunks, or we can kill more than ten people at once.
Cheng Hao's method is not bad, but it is also tiring to hold such a wooden tool for a long time.

Well, let's give it a try, but everyone must leave one third of their physical strength and plan to retreat from the turbulence. After all, we don't know how many poisonous scorpions there are now.
Did you hear what the witch doctor said?Qing glanced at his family.

(End of this chapter)

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