Farming in the Beast World: Awakening Wood Powers

Chapter 65 Is this a coincidence or whose plan?

Chapter 65 Is this a coincidence or whose plan?

Xia Lan looked up at Flying Squirrel's cave. Is this a coincidence or someone's plan?
Is she really curious about the identity of the other party, so she is determined to get rid of herself or Cheng Hao?

Can't you be yourself?
Which big shot did she offend when she first arrived in the Beast Continent?

Although you can buy a lot of things in the Bitmap Mall, even if you buy Xialan Ink, you can't use it!
So, in the end, she could only wait for Xiao Ming in the dark with everyone.

Fortunately, the old man still had compassion and the rain did not continue to fall, but they could not rest in the tree because there were too many drops of water.

Artu was restless, so he did not go on the road.After the rain stopped, he just shouted for everyone to fly to school overnight
Well, as long as the direction is correct and the winged orcs fly forward, catching the Night Road won't be a problem.

So Artu flew with everyone in the middle of the night.When the sun rose, they finally flew into a familiar cave.At this time, Atu comforted everyone to stop and rest for a while.

This is also the time to prepare breakfast.

Hunter hunts and prepares food.

It rained, and the surface of the dry firewood became wet.When it's on fire, it's much harder.Fortunately, it was dry inside.After burning for a period of time, the water is lost and the flame naturally flourishes.

I just cooked a few pots of food and kept everyone fed.

I changed into my leather clothes and found a place to rest.

Xia Lan couldn't sleep, so she wandered in the valley, and Cheng Hao naturally accompanied her.

The two of them slept well in the first half of the night, so they didn't feel particularly tired without resting in the second half of the night.

Chenghao, what do you think about the flying squirrel hole last night?
Yes, but there is no doubt about the candidates.The Witch Doctor couldn't do it, and I don't think Gro could have done it either, but for other reasons I don't recall offending such a high-ranking figure

Xia Lan sighed and said, "Maybe it's not good for me.
Cheng Hao's heart tightened and he quickly retorted: "It can't be you. How long have you been here and no one outside knows you? How could you target you? I thought it might be the witch doctor who wanted to deal with me, so he contacted me Powerful orcs he knows come to our aid.

Xia Lan smiled and said: "Don't be nervous, I'm not afraid either. Besides, whether it's against you or me, it's the same. We are all together."

i will protect you
Cheng Hao feels more and more that he needs someone reliable enough to protect his woman!

At this moment, he began to feel grateful that he had agreed to Kiyoto's request before, even if he was willing to have only himself by his side.

But if he really wants to encounter danger, he must admit that he is nowhere near enough to protect the female.

So, we still need to gather a group of people and use them for our own benefit.

They are the first ones and he will continue to work on them in the future.

Hey, Chenghao, look at that grape
Cheng Hao looked up and saw a patch of wild grapes climbing on a certain gable wall, which was not very high.

Come on, let's go pick grapes
Xia Lan walked forward happily, but was caught by Cheng Hao, who said: "I'll come, you watch.

No, I can still pick grapes—"Yes.

She folded a bunch of grapes several times, the last three words were not interrupted by ink, and then stopped talking.

The grapes on this continent of the animal world are not ordinary, they have tough stems.

The bone knife cuts faster. I'm afraid you will hurt your hands when you use it, so I'll take a look, or you can pick out the ones that have been picked out and the ones that have rotted out.
Uh-huh, I listen to you

Two people choose one person, and one person chooses another person and it works well together.

I was sitting lazily on the branches of a large tree, at just the right height to capture the surroundings in front of me.

Including the presence of one person and two people expressing love.

Qing looked at Xia Lan's bright smile and felt a complicated feeling in her heart.

This female is easily satisfied and fearless.Clearly, they both realize something went wrong last night, but even after a few words, they still have a playful and critical mood.

How touching!
But it also, like her, looks comfortable.

Da Diao, let’s chat

Student Mu climbed up the tree and sat on the branch behind him.

Qing didn't want to pay attention to him.

I have been watching you patiently.Are you just stalking the female?
Don't you too?
Of course I have my reasons, but I don't know what your reasons are

Qing snorted softly: "It's not important. What's important is that we all need to protect females, that's enough
So, can you tell what you really know?I see that you are very calm. It seems that there are studies predicting that there will be dangers on this road.

How could there be no danger in the wilderness?No matter who goes out, the wilderness is always a dangerous place
Shh, angry!

He only cares about the females and there is no sign of other animals.It's just that this big eagle bird seems to have been preparing for a long time.

If you are afraid of danger, you have to walk back and forth wherever you go.No one insists you stay

Mu Xue snorted coldly: "She gave me a lifetime. How could I leave because of fear?

oh?What's wrong

Exchange secrets with each other, otherwise I won’t be happy with you

Qing didn't say a word directly about what Mu students were.

A lone male crocodile with just a little more strength still doesn't take it seriously.

Student Mu was angry at the indifference of a bird, but he also knew that there were many people and he would not challenge them foolishly.

Cheng Hao, Cheng Hao, there are mushrooms here!Come on, I will fry fresh mushroom slices for you at noon today. They are more delicious than yesterday.

Witch doctor, look at this thing we dug that useful?

Me, this is ginger!It's useful, useful, very useful.Where did you dig it?

Over there, while hunting, we tripped, fell and grabbed a bunch of leaves and pulled the thing out.We thought you found a strange plant and brought it back for you to look at, so we brought it back

Thank you all for your hard work.This is useful.You'll learn the difference in pan-fried meat could be more delicious
Xia Lan felt that she had gained a lot today. She discovered a new condiment - ginger, picked wild vegetables and mushrooms, and the people of the Xitu tribe also had a good hunting harvest.

At least these two foods are enough.

The natural next step is to prepare for the meal, and then wait for everyone to finish eating before continuing to rest.When the weather clears and the sun rises, continue your journey.

Before leaving, Xia Lan felt a line of sight falling on her. She looked around but found nothing.

"Xia Lan!"

It's okay, let's go.I packed it too
Just a basket of wild vegetables, a basket of ginger and ginger with roots left overnight.

Occasionally, how could Xia Lan miss the opportunity to practice?Naturally, he had to bring some seedlings back to plant.

Sitting on Cheng Hao's back, he once again felt that he had a certain line of sight.Xia Lan turned her head and saw nothing.

Mo Qing realized Xia Lan's movements, narrowed his eyes, looked vaguely in a certain direction, walked to Atu, and whispered a few words.Artu nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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