Chapter 70 She bullies people.

Xia Lan's face turned cold for the third time, and Artu glared at him coldly: "If you can't speak, shut up! The witch doctor is someone I respectfully invite back to the tribe."

Shhh, it's just been replaced.

Hua Ying felt that this woman's medical skills must not be very good, otherwise why would the Qingshan Tribe let her go? At least not as good as Cang Rong, the witch doctor of the Qingshan Tribe.

Artu was too lazy to talk to a lazy man, so he waved his hand and called two females over. "Take her home and don't cause trouble. The witch doctor is a powerful person we invited, and no one can be lazy."

"Okay, Patriarch."

Two strong females came over, walking with Huaying.

Like Hwa-young, a lazy woman who doesn't like working, any one of them can drag her away.

Do you still want to offend the witch doctor invited by the young patriarch?Dream on!

They heard a lot about what Gu Luo did, especially those who went to the Qingshan tribe with the men.They all knew the story and had always hated Gro.

And Huaying, the female, usually likes to appear weak.Many of the females of the Hetu tribe had long disliked her, but now that this happened she became doubly unhappy.

Little patriarch, I didn’t bully her, she bullied others!You can't bully the family by protecting outsiders like this.

Atu didn't bother to argue with her and said directly to Xia Lan: "I'm sorry, I sent people to keep an eye on them and not let them disturb you."

It's okay, she didn't hurt me.But what are you going to do with Gro so far?

Atu looked at Cheng Hao, who comforted him and patted his hand.He explained in a low voice: "We are discussing letting him go first and see what else he can do. But don't be afraid, we have arranged people to follow and protect you in the dark
Okay, then I'll listen to you
The culprit behind Ge Luo, Xia Lan, is also eager to find out who harbors such malice towards her.

She came to this world not long ago, and she never had any conflicts with anyone.

Okay, let’s go home and have dinner. The above translation results come from Youdao Neural Network Translation (YNMT)·General Scenario
Okay, we've made the meal
Back at the bamboo house, four or five wooden tables were already filled with orcs. Seeing Xia Lan return, everyone greeted him warmly.

Xia Lan responded to everyone with a smile, and then went to have breakfast with Cheng Hao, Atu and others.

Xia Lan was tired of eating meat recently. In order to maintain her appetite, her breakfast changed to vegetarian vegetables and fruits.

Xia Lan, eat some meat
Cheng Hao gave her a few pieces of relatively tender lean meat. Now Cheng Hao was very familiar with his female's preferences.

Meat is not something she doesn't like, but she doesn't like to eat too much. She likes to eat some sweet and sour fruits, as well as those delicious young wild vegetables and mushrooms.

Not picky and easy to maintain.

I just live a more refined life and enjoy cleaning.Well, females care about hygiene and get sick less often.

Atuususan and others have turned a blind eye, but they have all learned the word "show love" and are used to being shown.

Ouch, that's disgusting.

Xia Lan stopped eating a few pieces of meat and continued to eat her fruit.

Chenghao, I want to go to the wild to look for fruits and vegetables with everyone.I've been a little tired of eating lately
The most important time was when the autumn harvest season came. She really wanted to go out and see if she could find one or two staple crops.

Okay, I'll take you for a walk in the wilderness tomorrow

Xia Lan didn't need him to take care of her, so he followed the female from the Xitu tribe to find wild fruits and other things.But after thinking about it, he understood Cheng Hao's concerns and just acquiesced.

Not sure how friendly the people of the Lingye tribe were to them, she preferred to be cautious.

The desire to harm others cannot be missing, and the desire to guard against others cannot be missing!
Let's make some more bamboo baskets and take them to the mountain

Okay, I'll do it this afternoon.Later we will surround the courtyard walls.Our house is in the middle of the valley, and I want Bai Xi and the others to settle down around us.
Well, it's convenient for people who live nearby to take care of each other
Bai Xi and others also laughed. For the sake of convenience, they also wanted to live nearby.Xia Lan looked at them and felt very happy.It's difficult to talk with your own hands, and Cheng Hao really needs some good partners around him to make it more convenient.

Humans are social animals, and it is always unrealistic to fight alone.

After everyone had eaten and drank, they didn't rest for long before they began the delicate work of surrounding the yard.

This time, Cheng Hao planned to make the wall stronger, so they basically inserted a wooden stake two meters apart.The stakes are sharp at both ends, the bottom for better insertion and the top to prevent some people from climbing over the wall.

The vines and other things were also tied tighter and tighter.

Xia Lan looked at the wooden and rattan wall they formed and had a new idea.She can use her woodcraft to plant a ring of thorny vines around the courtyard wall to make it safer.

Of course, there were still very few orc thefts in this era. Xia Lan just wanted to make her home more stable and not be coveted by others.

While Uncle Ai led people to build the courtyard wall, Cheng Hao led people to build the kitchen.

This time Mojiu designed a kitchen built with stone and wood piles.It is 3 meters high and covers an area of ​​about 30 square meters.Inside, there are six stoves built of stone, each with two large and two medium-sized ones.

After the main body was completed, a layer of clay mixed with sand was applied to the ground, and several stoves were also brushed.Then, let the ground dry before making anything else.

After Cheng Hao took someone to wash the kitchen floor, they washed half of the room's floor and waited for it to dry before washing the other side.

After working hard for the better part of an hour, I finally finished scrubbing all the floors I planned to scrub at dusk.

Uncle Ai and other orcs also surrounded the wooden vine wall, leaving only a five-meter-wide gate.

Aunt Ai helped prepare three meals. After everyone finished eating and washing the dishes, she took Master Ai back to rest.

Cheng Hao, let’s continue transporting mud.You have to be busy with your family first.After dinner, Bai Xi and his team continued up the mountain.

Transport soil properly.Tomorrow morning, Uncle Ai and the orcs left in the tribe can start laying bricks without waiting.

Xia Lan looked at the sunset and felt very happy.

Eleven, has it been raining lately?

Host, the scan results show that there will be rain and thunderstorms in three days, and then it will be sunny in about a week.

As the saying goes, when they grow up, they no longer need to lay bricks.The next two bricks will be dried and moved to the hole at night to put them away.

Xia Lan looked around and found that there must be one or two caves in this valley, but they were not large.

Chenghao, let’s go over there and have a look
Cheng Hao accompanied her and walked over. When he looked in front of the cave, he saw that it was indeed a cave, about ten square meters high and about three meters high.

Can this cave be expanded?
Cheng Hao looked around and nodded, "You can dig a little more. What do you want to use it for?"

In case it rains, dig a hole and store the adobe bricks

Cheng Hao took a look and found that it might not rain, but if the female was worried, he could dig a larger cave for later use.

Young patriarch, I can help you dig a hole

This sudden sound startled Xia Lan. When Xia Lan saw it, she opened her eyes wide and said, "It's a cub."

Jiazi looked at Chenghao awkwardly, fearing that he would be driven back.

Patriarch, I believe you.I wanted to follow you, so I followed you to the Lingye Tribe

呃 ..
(End of this chapter)

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