Farming in the Beast World: Awakening Wood Powers

Chapter 84 Give me whatever you want?

Chapter 84 Give me whatever you want?
Of course, they also obeyed the patriarch's arrangements, hunted hard, and had no objection to sharing the meat with those who built their houses.

The other part consists of some older orcs and young ones who have no adult males to rely on.Even if they want to register, they can only rely on others because they themselves cannot provide any help.Of course, those bears with mates and cubs are unlikely to obey the instructions of an adult male bear and leave home to take care of them first.

However, when Attu arranged for them to live temporarily in another tribe's house for six months, no one dared to refuse.Young clan leaders can chat, and when food is distributed, they can accept the clan and receive extra rations.

Xia Lan agrees, even a simple orc can score high.

Since ancient times, there has been no free lunch in the world.Give me what you want?
Food obtained by members of the Lingye tribe hunting together is shared by the tribe, and at other times, anything each family finds in the mountains is yours.

The males of each household must follow all the males out hunting at least once every two years, and the females must follow all the males out foraging once every two years.This is the rule.

If people don't participate, naturally they won't want to share in the food that everyone hunts.

Xia Lan believes that this rule is actually very loose and public and private ownership are compatible, which is quite good.

Witch doctor, what are you thinking about?

Atu still had some unfinished things to do, and when she saw Xia Lan, she couldn't help but interrupt her.

Xia Lan came back to her senses and scratched her head, feeling embarrassed. "You," he said

When are you going to teach the tribesmen to wear cotton-padded clothes?The weather is getting colder in Eminem, so if you can do it early
Xia Lan patted her head and said: "Sorry, I have done two things recently, but this matter is a bit troublesome. You can find the resting females to come to me. I will first teach them to play with cotton and make quilts. Let them prepare Good bone needles, spider thread, hides and bone knives
"Stripping cotton?"

Xia Lan didn't bother to explain, so she took Atu directly to her bamboo house.The bamboo house where he used to sleep was now transformed into a cotton field by Xia Lan.

Fortunately, the tools for blasting cotton are not complicated, and there are introductions to this in the ancient books collected in previous lives.

Xia Lan asked Cheng Hao to make a set of cotton blasting tools according to Mingtai's instructions and gave it a try.It's okay if the cotton bursts.

This is much better than not playing at all.

Taking into account the large number of clans, Cheng Hao later made 4 more sets of cotton blasting tools, and now the bamboo house has 5 sets of cotton blasting tools.

The cotton-jumping tool includes a large wooden bow with beef tendon as the string; a wooden hammer, a shovel head, a grindstone, etc.When playing, you should often hit the strings with a wooden hammer to gradually loosen the cotton on the board.

If you want to make a quilt, after exploding the cotton, two people will use yarn to weave both sides of the cotton batting into a mesh to fix it.

This is a tool for pinching cotton.I asked Cheng Hao to do it.This work requires patience and strength, and we need to find a strong woman from the tribe to be responsible for squeezing the cotton.It's not difficult to do, but it can become exhausting over time
Atul only felt fresh and surprised when he saw these things.

Okay, I'll let Eminem choose someone to send to you to study.
Okay, now I will choose ten people to take turns making cotton, and the others will follow me and learn how to make cotton-padded jackets.There is not much cotton this year and not much time, so we first try to make a bed and make a quilt, and then prepare a cotton-padded jacket for the orcs to wear when they go hunting.Hope there is enough cotton

Well, I haven't brought this before.Those who cannot survive the cold winter are the old orcs and their young.When the time comes, the limited care given to these individuals will be enough for the adult orcs to endure

Okay, let's look at the distribution.Anyway, I don't know exactly what's going on with each tribe.By the way, I made a quilt and a set of cotton clothes for you to try on

Quilts and cotton-padded clothes are made of animal skins, so there is no way.At this time, only the materials of clothing, linen and cotton, were sacred.Xia Lan doesn't know when he will develop it yet.

Atu wrapped himself in a cotton blanket, feeling as if his body had been frozen before, and was suddenly wrapped in a hot spring, warm and comfortable.

This quilt can cover you on cold nights and be warmer than a single layer of animal hide
Well, that's good.First, do this.When it's cold, let the old orcs and cubs cover the crib so they don't freeze.
(⊙o⊙)! !
Well, if you're the young patriarch, it's up to you.

If you want to make more than 200 quilts, maybe make the cotton a little thinner.

At the beginning, dozens of bags of cotton were pressed tightly, and together with the large animal skin bags prepared by everyone, each bag contained about 20 kilograms of cotton.

Therefore, Xia Lan dared to make more than 100 sets of quilts.In the cold winter, old orcs and young orcs would make a bed, and the adult orcs would hug each other to keep warm.Then, the prepared cotton clothes will be given to the hunting orcs to wear, so that the hard-working people will not get cold, right?

After everything was arranged, Atul came back happily.

Starting from the second time, it was indeed arranged for dozens of women to learn how to make cotton clothes and blankets.

Of course, Xia Lan had nothing to hide and taught them everything he knew.

Needles and threads, of course, they used bone needles, and the silk thread was a very tough spider silk.This is something that the people of the Lingye tribe have discovered, and they usually use it to sew animal skin skirts.

Although the animal skin clothing they sew is simple, it also requires needles and threads.

Xia Lan spent most of her time teaching her female disciples, and naturally went to deal with her own affairs.

She was thinking, winter has come, can spring be far behind?
Of course it's not far away, so she has to cultivate seedlings and various wild vegetables.

Xia Lan recently collected a lot of wild vegetables, which are ready to be planted in Tibet.

Their yard is very old, and she divided more than 100 square meters of space as a storage room.

Zang also divided 20 vegetable gardens to grow different wild vegetables and crops.

Cheng Hao was making furniture in the yard, and from time to time he would see his female cat wandering in the hiding place, frowning occasionally, laughing occasionally, wondering what someone in that hiding place was thinking.

Regardless, he didn't understand why females could think of so many things in their heads.

The women sewing cotton clothes in the yard also saw it.

The witch doctor is worried again. I don't know what she is thinking.

No matter what we think, this is not what we want.Look at these things.If the witch doctor doesn't want to figure it out, who can?
The witch doctor looked at it, but what a powerful brain it was.

not real.Bowls, bamboo tubes, barrels, and all the things we had never thought of before
I think the fish the witch doctor taught us is delicious.It used to be so bitter and unbearable

While chatting, the women did not forget their work, and they all did it very carefully and conscientiously.

Then, by the way, I would chat a few words and lament that their tribe was getting better and better under the guidance of the witch doctor.

Listen, females are divine messengers sent by the beast god to help us orcs live a better life.

"What! Who do you listen to?"

The exposed female voice said: "Didn't the Black Cow clan rob us of our food that time? My man told me that the Black Bull clan would rob us because the old orc witch doctor of the Blue Sea Tribe is a sacred messenger. I hope People helped them. Unfortunately, their witch doctor was afraid that the messenger of God would suppress her status, so they sent her daughter out with a few companions to attack the witch doctor
What the hell!

Are the shamans of the Blue Sea Tribe that bad?

That's so stupid!
Wouldn’t it be great for witch doctors to lead their tribesmen to eat spicy food and drink spicy food?

They are eating more and more happily.The witch doctor does not hide anything and is willing to teach everyone.What a nice guy!

No wonder witch doctors know so much.It turns out that he is the messenger of God

Fortunately, the witch doctor of the Blue Sea Tribe offended our witch doctor.Otherwise, if they come to beg for mercy, maybe the witch doctor will be willing to go to them, because they are the largest tribe on the Beast Continent
Other females thought it was for the same reason!
No way, they need better medicine men or they will be taken away by other tribes and bloated.what should we do?
(End of this chapter)

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