Farming in the Beast World: Awakening Wood Powers

Chapter 93 You have the strongest power.

Chapter 93 You have the strongest power.

Xia Lan hesitated, which meant that from now on, the stray animals she helped would have to be disciplined by herself.

Isn’t it kind of terrible just to help people erase their scars and make them believe they are justified?
Xia Lan, if you ask them to erase their identity of wandering in the beast world, this is the grace of rebirth.They are only grateful and there is no need to help if they don't want to.

In addition, the people we help must constantly constrain their behavior and not allow them to do intolerably wrong things again.Otherwise, wouldn't this be hurting innocent orcs?
Well, I understand this

Your ability is no worse than theirs.It is their honor to follow you.Otherwise, why do you think young people would want to follow you?You take yourself too seriously

呃 ..
In fact, it was by standing on the shoulders of the giant Rao that she knew more than the beast world, and any traveler could make these things.

Xia Lan, whether you think of it yourself or bring these good things from your hometown, they are always benefits you bring to everyone.It's natural for everyone to respect you

ok i accept your suggestion
Xia Lan, there is another more important reason why I suggest you do this, that is, I hope you have enough protection and supporters around you, so that things like the Qingshan Tribe will never happen again.

Did Xia Lan mean that they were sold to the Qingshan Tribe?
While asking them to help sounds good at first, in reality, it's equivalent to Kai Yue exchanging their food for them.

alright, I got it.Let's do what you say

After all, there is still a group of young followers, and even if there are more followers, there will not be many.

Looking back, let me and Qing handle this.You just have to do them a favor when the time is right
Okay, negotiate, whatever you want to do with it
After discussing it, the two found two baskets of wild vegetables in the wilderness and hurried home.

After all, Cheng Hao still had to discuss important matters with Qing.

However, Qing went hunting with everyone today, and Cheng Hao waited for him to come back in the evening before discussing it alone with him.

Hearing that the witch doctor had such a magical ointment, Qing was stunned and immediately overjoyed. "In this way, we will have more people using it in the future, but this matter must also be kept secret
Only three of us know about it at the moment.How to choose questions?Let us observe together in the future

I think Jin Wu can be subdued.His fighting prowess is no less than ours, and he is the leader of the wandering beasts.He should be the one who knows best the nature of those wandering beasts, Randy
Well, I thought so too

So, at night, the two called Jin Wu out alone to talk.

Cheng Hao, the witch doctor, felt a little confused and unbelievable when he heard what Jin Wu said could make them beg the wandering beasts to forgive their marks.

It took a long time for him to regain his senses, and his eyes were filled with uncontrollable joy. "Are you sure this is true?
Don't worry, we don't have time to joke with you
So, I do!Follow the witch doctor her whole life and she will do whatever she wants
I don't think you can refuse.The reason why I talk to you about this issue first is because I want to know through you how many of your subordinates are as suitable as you to become followers of the witch doctor.

Jin Wu thought for a while and said: "Actually, most people can do it. Although Huo Huo also has his own shortcomings, these shortcomings are not a big problem because many orcs have shortcomings.

The mistakes made by those I gathered were not unforgivable.Many of them were kicked out of the tribe because they offended some people and were not very capable themselves.

If he is stubborn, I will kick him out immediately and not let him join my team

In this case, it would not be appropriate to leave some people behind, so let's take them with us.If you want to become a follower of the witch doctor in the future, you can ask them
I think everyone is willing
And then by the time you ask a certain number of people, branded questions, when you become a follower, you can no longer accept inauthentic people around the witch doctor.You just need to know this and don't tell anyone about it just yet
Jin Wu replied sincerely that he must seize the opportunity to do such a big thing.

He wasn't too keen on mating with a female partner, but he also didn't want to be looked at the same way his whole life.

Especially when encountering some powerful and ferocious orcs, the other party will arrogantly rely on people's desires to kill them.

After Jin Wu came back, he sincerely said to Cheng Hao: "Thank you, thank you for giving us this opportunity."

Just don't let the witch doctor down in the future.
Absolutely not.I'll deal with those guys.Anyone who dares to disobey the witch doctor will be beaten first by me.

Cheng Hao suddenly turned around and looked at him and said: "I found a wandering orc before. He can transform into two animals. Was that your command?
Jin Wu was stunned and apologized: "I want to keep this matter until I become a follower of the witch doctor. Of course, it's up to you.

After the three people agreed to go back, it was already very late, so everyone went to the cave to rest.

When Cheng Hao returned home, he walked to the kitchen consciously, filled a wooden tray with hot water, wiped himself, washed his hands, and washed his feet.Then he walked to the big bed and held Xia Lan in his arms.

Have we reached an agreement?
Of course, if such a good thing can happen to them, they should thank the beast god for his kindness.How could he refuse?

Okay, then I want to set some rules to bind everyone.Anyone who breaks the rules will be punished

Well, you have the final say!People in Jinwu are probably willing to be your followers, there are about 100 people

Xia Lan sighed, but she didn't mind if it was one hundred or two hundred.

Jinwu was also very mobile. He left nine orcs to continue their studies in the Lingye tribe, while he flew back to the Forest of No Return to gather the others.

When the wandering orcs who had not returned to the mountains heard that Jin Wu was about to become a follower of the witch doctor of the Lingye tribe, they were collectively shocked.

Boss, what do you mean?

I plan to be the leader of the witch doctor in the future, protect her, obey her orders and never betray her for the rest of my life

Is this a follower?

Jin Wu nodded and said: "Yes, it is not a partner, but a follower, but the witch doctor will give priority to any benefits that the followers can enjoy. This is the right of the followers
Aren’t we learning how to build homes and get food?Is it necessary to treat females like this?
Many wandering orcs are suspicious.Dozens of orcs who have visited the Lingye tribe all appreciate the witch doctor's brains, but it is not awkward at all to choose to be their brother like a boss.

It has always been the female who has been dependent on the male.

While everyone respects females, in reality their most important role is to reproduce.

The Witch Doctor's skills are definitely not what you see.As your boss, I sincerely hope you can make the same choice as me, and I promise you won’t regret it!
Of course, if someone doesn't want to, I won't force them.You can continue your life without going back to the mountains, no problem
This - the wandering beasts looked at each other, is it there or not?
Boss, we are following you

More than half of the wandering orcs who followed the Lingye tribe and saw the witch doctor chose to come forward and decided to follow Jin Wu.

Those orcs who usually respected Jin Wu hesitated, and most of them chose to follow Jin Wu.In the end, only thirty wandering orcs remained, refusing to follow.

Jin Wu looked at the backs of his companions and knew that they believed in Cheng Yi more.

A python orc of equal strength, but because the other person didn't like management, he became the boss.

Jin Wu walked through the crowd and walked towards him without incident.The man fell asleep again.

Cheng Yi?

The orc named Cheng Yi opened his eyes and stared at him impatiently: "Jin Wu, do you really want to be a follower?"

If you are not willing, you will be the leader of those who do not return to the mountains.You have the strongest power.

After becoming a believer, what kind of witch doctor can let you live in the Lingye tribe.

(End of this chapter)

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