Farming in the Beast World: Awakening Wood Powers

Chapter 97 Is this the surprise the witch doctor gave us?

Chapter 97 Is this the surprise the witch doctor gave us?

Xia Lan was speechless. She was very curious about this natural abyss, because it was too long and could be used to forcefully separate the two forests.

Visually, they are all several kilometers long, but their width is not particularly impressive.

Cheng Hao, the Northeast region is also connected to this long?

I don't know, but this abyss has existed for a long time, and it separates the three main tribes, the Blue Sea Tribe, the Nean Tribe, and the Hyde Tribe, as well as our two main tribes.If we want to communicate with each other, we all go from the grasslands in the west, which is much longer
Oh, is there another one?

Xia Lan looked curiously at the poisonous abyss.Is this the sword arrangement of Beast Continent to prevent the five races from annexing each other?

! !
Xia Lan felt that she had the right idea, but she also found it incredible.

If this canyon was divided by the gods of the Zodiac Continent to protect the balance of the five major tribes, then the Zodiac Continent should develop faster.

Cheng Hao, how long have orcs existed in the world of beasts?

This was recorded by our ancestors many years ago
Cheng Hao thought for a while and said: "According to their laws, the orcs on our animal world continent have existed for hundreds of years. There are no records. At most, there are some patterns in the caves, but there are no specific records.

The clearest time record may be the false goddess 100 years ago, because she killed more than half of the orcs on the continent of the beast world.Then, the ancestors began to choose a big stone next to their respective sacrificial platforms to record the time, and stood up every year.When I was ten years old, I counted a total of 137 years of people i am 20 years old
147 years have passed since the fake goddess incident!

Then record a piece of history yourself, using bamboo slips and cave paintings to record it.

Count the time starting from the fake goddess incident.

However, I heard from the old orcs in the clan that this gas abyss appeared after the false goddess incident.At that time, all the orcs thought that the beast god was angry.Not only did they use their divine power to split such a large gap, but they also created poison under the abyss in order to organize the orcs on both sides for another battle.

Is it that amazing?

It's a pity that there is no historical data to check, otherwise Xia Lan really wants to know how this ditch was formed.

So, let us take this mountain top as the apex and choose a safer place to build a house at the foot of the mountain
Okay, listen to you
There is also a large area of ​​bare grass on the bank of the river, which looks like the size of an ordinary town.

Can you scan the size of this area for me?Calculation to divide mountainous, forested and peaceful areas

Yes, but the area is too big.The owner will pay 16 planet coins
Xia Lan sighed secretly: "Scan! Please help me record and save the results
Host, scan completed.Bounded by the river, the mountain forest area here is about 10 square kilometers, the gravel flat area is about 5 square kilometers, the grassland area that can be planted is about 6 square kilometers, and the paddy field area that can be transformed is about 3 square kilometers.The total area is about 25 square kilometers
At present, it has been a long time, and Xia Lan decided to choose a place to build a house in the gravel area, where the geological conditions are relatively solid.

One by one, help me analyze which places are more suitable for building houses. I will circle them with wooden stakes.

Okay, deduct the owner’s service fee of 5 planet coins

What a lifeless flight system!
Xia Lan was helpless, but the flight system was obviously sharper than her eyes, so it was still worth the money.

Next, with the help of the flying system, Xia Lan and Cheng Hao circled a large area of ​​land to build a house, and then circled a circle where the grain bins were used as paddy fields.

After completing these tasks, Xia Lan and his team returned home, and then asked Cheng Hao to take the armored cubs to the mountains to dig several caves for Jin Wu and his team to spend the winter.

This house is absolutely impossible to build.It's almost spring, and with the continuous spring rain, it's impossible to lay bricks.

But we couldn't let them get too cold, so Xia Lan thought of something to keep them warm.By the way, as she was wandering around today, she saw many taller weeds on the wasteland, many of which were wilted.

Jin Wu, lead people to cut off the breakfast leaves over there, dry them in the sun, dig holes and spread them on the ground.Then put animal skin on top, so it will be much warmer when you sleep
Does this work?

Jin Wu was shocked, but he respectfully led his people to do it.

Regardless, the witch doctors have spoken out, and it's definitely not meant to deceive them.

So, the next few cubs led a few orcs to dig holes one by one, and Jin Wu sent a few more careful people to cut the weeds.

He took the orcs who were good at hunting to hunt and store food for the winter.

As for the pickling of fish and meat, Xia Lan saw that there were no female orcs inside, so she directly discussed with Arthur Sang and invited ten females from the Lingye tribe to help with the pickling, and each person would be paid in food.

With food as a reward, the hard-working Lingye tribe females are naturally willing to come here to work.In this way, the Jinwu tribe can hunt well to obtain food, and the females of the Lingye tribe can also earn more food for their families, achieving a win-win situation.

On December 12, Jia Zai's team dug 27 caves in the mountain that could accommodate the orcs.

There is no problem sleeping ten people in a cave.The straw mat on the cave bed has been fixed, and Xia Lan asked Jin Wu to take everyone to the cave.

After all the wandering orcs swore together at night to become Xia Lan's followers, Xia Lan asked them all to close their eyes.

Then, he took out the ointment and asked Cheng Hao and Qing to apply it on their bodies respectively.

The Flying System can restore scarred areas to their original condition overnight.

After applying all the ointment, Xia Lan said in a very serious voice: "May the Beast God bless you. From now on, you will change your ways, stop hurting innocent people, and become an increasingly better orc.

Well, the time for the witch doctor to pray for you is over.Don't do anything tonight.Go back to the cave and sleep immediately.You will be in for a surprise tomorrow.Don't make too much noise and disturb others
Also, remember not to touch your forehead.This is a special gift from the witch doctor, and you can only touch it tomorrow morning.

"Okay, we all listen to the witch doctor." Representative Jin Wu replied.

Although the wandering orcs didn't understand what this had to do with the witch doctor's prayer, they obeyed it anyway.

The next morning, Jin Wu and his companions woke up as usual.

When greeting each other, I don't know who will stare at each other first, then point to their forehead and say: "You, you."

Look at the others, sleeping positions, none of them are marked!
In the wandering beast world, people cannot trust each other and confirm whether their foreheads are indeed unmarked.After everyone confirmed they weren't, they fell into a strange silence.

Is this the surprise the witch doctor gave us?

I don't know who said it first, and then everyone looked at each other, and then there was another moment of silence.

(End of this chapter)

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