Chapter 9 Nether Tower

When Yan Yue opened her eyes again, she was no longer 1404.

Looking around, it turned out that she had returned to her small shop.

The small store has been restored to its original state. It seems that Brother Scar's execution ability is really impressive!
There was no sign of Hong Ling in the room. She called twice, but no one responded.

Yan Yue thought that her previous memories were just a nightmare, so she pushed herself up and tried to get up from the bed.

She had just made a move, and with a crisp sound, something slipped from her chest to the bed board.

Yan Yue brought that thing in front of him. Wasn't it the Nether Lord's Token? The memory of last night came back again, and Yan Yue was sure that it was definitely not a nightmare.

"Lord, you're awake!"

Hong Ling's voice rang in Yan Yue's ears. Yan Yue quickly looked around, but did not find Hong Ling's shadow.

"Hehe, landlord, I'm in the inner building. You can't see me unless you let me out!"

"Inner building? What do you mean?"

"Hmm~ Sir, I'm a clumsy speaker. I'm afraid I won't be able to finish what you want me to explain to you for days and nights!

You only need to use your mind to communicate with the landlord token in your hand, and what you want to know will naturally be clear to you! "

"Spirit? Communication?"

Yan Yue murmured to herself, fiddling with the token in her hand, but she didn't understand how to communicate with it~
"Master, think about last night, how you felt when you used the token last night."

"last night."

Yan Yue murmured to herself. She slowly closed her eyes as if feeling something, and carefully felt the token in her hand.

She clearly felt that the token was sometimes as stable as warm jade, sometimes as cold as ice, and she felt the breath on it carefully.

At this moment, a stream of air wandered out from the token and went straight into Yan Yue's body.

The next second, a page she had never seen before appeared in Yan Yue's eyes.

The fourth owner of Nether Tower: Yan Yue

Strength level: F
Aura level: F
Skills: none

Nether Tower:
Collection level: E
Collection of ghosts: 1
Ghost Type: 1
Ghost level: A+ level

Overall rating: F
There are several options at the top of the interface, namely: Outer Building, Inner Building, Lingshang and several question marks.

Yan Yue first tried to select the question marks, but there was no other reaction on the interface.

After thinking about it, Yan Yue pointed her finger at the option of the inner building.

The screen flashed and Yan Yue appeared in an unknown space. She discovered that she had been here before!
In front of her, she saw a tower that shot straight through the sky. Isn't it the same scene she saw when Brother Scar came to smash up the store last night?

I hadn't looked carefully before, but the shape of this tower was very simple, and there were mysterious runes flowing on it. At first glance, it always gave people a somewhat depressing feeling.

With a roar, the main door of the tower slowly opened, as if to welcome Yan Yue's arrival.

Yan Yue hesitated for a moment, but after seeing that nothing strange happened, he stepped into the building.

After entering the door, Yan Yue saw an extremely spacious hall. On the right side of the hall was a spiral staircase, and facing the door was a huge solid wood table.

There are also some Chinese-style furniture and some green plants and flowers placed in the hall. Yan Yue has never seen these flowers before. They all look strange but unexpectedly very delicate.

Looking at the overall layout here, it looks very much like a Chinese-style theme hotel.

"Welcome to the host."

The Hong'an voice from last night sounded in Yan Yue's ears again, and Yan Yue was startled and turned her head to look.

At some point, an old man wearing a gray robe appeared not far from her side.

Yan Yue was startled and asked strangely.

"you are?"

Hearing this, the old man bowed respectfully towards Yan Yue.

"I am the servant spirit of this Netherworld Tower. You can also call me Netherworld."


"Haha, that is, you and the servants of this Netherworld Building. In words you can understand, you can understand me as an assistant. I have served three building owners in total, and I can basically handle everything up and down in this Netherworld Building. I understand. If you have any doubts, you can ask me."

"Have you always lived here?"

"Haha, that's natural. I was born in this Netherworld Tower. I am the wisdom of the Netherworld Tower and also its servant. Naturally, I cannot be separated."

Yan Yue nodded thoughtfully, looked around and asked.

"Old man, this."

"Lord, you can just call me Netherworld."

"Okay, Youyouming, what exactly is this Youyouming Tower?"

"Lord, the Netherworld Tower can contain all the monsters in the world! When demons and ghosts are rampant, the Netherworld Tower will appear!"

"Including it? What's the purpose? It's to collect them."

A picture of subduing demons and slaying demons suddenly appeared in Yan Yue's mind. Nether understood this, and he couldn't help but wave his hands.

"Not all demons and ghosts are treacherous and evil people. For those ghosts and demons who are qualified to be admitted to the Netherworld Tower, this is their blessing and opportunity!"

"Then, why did I become the owner of Nether Tower."

Youming smiled mysteriously, pointed at the top of his head and said.

"Master, I can't answer this question. I can only say that there is God's will in the dark!"

Yan Yue frowned. She always felt that there was something in this Netherworld's words, but she couldn't understand the meaning.In the end, Yan Yue could only helplessly shake her head and change the question.

"You Ming, I saw before that there seems to be an inner building and an outer building here?
"Exactly! Master, please take a look."

With that said, Youming raised his hand and waved, and two pictures appeared in front of Yan Yue.One is the tower where Yan Yue is located, and the other is her shop, Peach Demon!
Thinking back to yesterday's scene, Yan Yue said tentatively.

"So, we are now in the inner building, and the Peach Demon Shop is located in the outer building?"

You Ming nodded and gave Yan Yue a thumbs up.

"The host is really smart. Look, the inner and outer buildings of the Netherworld Building are divided into two realms. The inner building is in the ghost world and the outer building is in the human world. There is only one thing that can connect the inner and outer buildings, and that is you, the host!

The inner and outer buildings of Netherworld Building have different divisions of labor. The inner building is specially used to collect monsters and ghosts. As for the outer building, please take a look at this first. "

With that said, You Ming raised his hand and a new interface appeared in front of Yan Yue.

Spiritual Business: Props: Current Product Level (F)

Lingling Powder: When you are away from home, there are always days when you can’t do anything~ This powder is a must-have medicine for home travel! (After taking it, the upper limit of spiritual energy can be increased to a certain extent in a short period of time) Price: 500 fright value

A piece of yellow talisman: The yellow talisman suppresses ghosts. It is said that this talisman is the early famous work of a heavenly master!Full marks for collection value!Of course, you can also use it to suppress evil objects! (Note: This talisman is only effective against Class D and below, zombie-like evil objects) Price: 5000 fright value.

Worn Taomu Sword: An unknown master was unfortunately defeated in a battle with an S-class spirit ghost. This sword is his relic. Although it is a bit broken, it can still be used! (Attached skill: Exorcism: The effect is unknown, or it may have miraculous effects! Number of times it can be used: 10) Price: [-] fright value.

Li Daitao: In times of crisis, Strategy 36 is naturally the best strategy! (This doll can help the owner resist a fatal injury. Warm reminder: use it with caution, it cannot block all levels of damage~) Price: 50 fright value.

There are only these four items for sale in the prop column. There are two pages on both sides of the prop column, which are buildings and fairy books. Yan Yue reaches out and opens them one by one.

Spiritual quotient: Architecture:
Hong Ling's 1404: The home space of Hong Ling, the futile ghost. After purchasing, you can open Hong Ling's exclusive escape in the outer building. (The fright value charged by Hong Ling in the exclusive room is doubled) Selling price: [-] fright value.

Spiritual Business: Immortal Books:
The art of controlling spirits: a mental training method (looking further? It’s just an introductory mental method, how long do you want an introduction) Price: 8 fright value.

Looking at the products on these interfaces, Yan Yue found that they all depended on the same thing to buy. It was shocking!
However, Yan Yue’s shock is worth it~
Fright value balance: -1000
Well, you will be in debt when you come up, right?Yan Yue's lips twitched slightly, and she pointed at the page in front of her and asked You Ming.

"Well, what's the fright value for? Why is my fright value still negative?"

You Ming said with a bitter smile.

"Master, the fright value is the currency you need when purchasing goods in Lingshang. As for the method of obtaining the fright value, you have to use the outer building."

After You Ming's explanation, Yan Yue nodded clearly, and at the same time his eyes lit up!It seems her escape shop is saved!

To obtain the fright value, both the outer building and the ghost are indispensable. Place the ghost in the escape shop in the outer building to act as an NPC, and the tourists who come to play will generate fright value in the script.

Half of these fright points will be collected by the NPC ghosts in the script, and the remaining half will belong to Yan Yue.

Use real ghosts to play the NPCs in those horror books?It’s exciting just thinking about it!Acting in his true colors!
Yan Yue's eyes were sparkling, and she was silently determined to catch all kinds of monsters and ghosts, and make her Peach Demon Shop the best escape shop in the world!Let grandpa's shop be world-famous!
Seeing Yan Yue's expression, You Ming nodded with satisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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