arms tycoon

Chapter 206 Simple Mode

"In more than 30 hours, the first batch of attacks will start." Fu Ming traveled to several countries before arriving in Damascus, Syria. He was sitting opposite Murbazak, playing with the water glass in his hand.

"If you want to play, try it." Moore's face was dark. Although his mouth was tough, he knew that it was useless to speak angry. The appearance of Fu Ming gave him hope again, and he felt that this ally was still reliable.For this military confrontation, Fu Ming obtained the confidential information from the American informant in advance, so he could arrange it early, and brought the whole family here.If you win, you earn something, if you lose, you have nothing, and you can only accumulate slowly.

If he can win, Fu Ming will establish a dominant position in the Middle East, and Murbazak will naturally be obedient.Americans will not suffer twice in the same place. If the Middle East wants to get involved again, they have to calculate first.Fu Ming also knew that he was gambling, playing Stud.

"How would the Americans fight?" Moore looked at the map of his own country, but felt so strange.Although after receiving the news from Fu Ming, he has sent troops to guard various important cities and border breakthroughs, but he thinks that he has insufficient troops. He has no fighter jets, no tanks, and even few armored vehicles. The weapons and equipment taken over by the previous government are too large. Old, some of them are obsolete products from the Soviet era, the former government army was corrupt, and even these equipment were not maintained, and they are no longer usable now.

Of course, this is also an important reason why Moore's Liberal Party was able to easily defeat the former government's armed forces. With the support of Fu Ming's arms and equipment, the combat effectiveness will naturally be upgraded to a higher level.But Fu Ming's support is limited after all. The production capacity of the Three Nuclear Heavy Industry is still in its infancy. Except for the arms manufacturers in Russia who can supply, NATO countries have cut off the input to UNTR, and there is no news from the Chinese military. , Fu Ming plans to come back with some good things during the Zhuhai Air Show.

"How?" Fu Ming smiled and waved his hands behind him.Standing behind him was neither Xu Cheng nor cat.These two people didn't come over this trip, anyway, it wasn't Fu Ming's solo transaction, so it seemed redundant for them to come here.

Wayne Brad came out of the shadows of the room. "Boss." Wayne used to be a member of the British Special Forces SAS. He was well aware of the combat methods of the United States and NATO. He also served as a battlefield commander and had a certain say in tactics.When he helped Murbazak air strike Damascus last time, his contribution was included in the battle plan.

"Next is your business." Fu Ming stood up, walked to the window, opened the window and lit a cigarette.

Wayne nodded and sat in Fu Ming's seat.

"Generally speaking, according to the American model, first use electronic warfare to plug your ears and eyes, and then guide missiles to attack important strategic targets, such as arsenals, arsenals, heavy industrial facilities, logistics facilities and public facilities, and airports. , highways, and shops are not spared. The next step is to clean up the aircraft, Apache, Comanche, f-22, f-18 carrier aircraft, if necessary, b-1, b-52, will be thrown away Bombs, clean up the remaining targets and ground armored forces, and eliminate the local main forces. Then armored forces, tanks, armored vehicles, and infantry vehicles began to rush towards important strongholds and the capital to establish a battle line. Finally, it was the infantry that made up the knife." Wayne coughed dryly. One sound. "In fact, the infantry mainly dealt with militiamen, that is, civilians..."

"A country will be captured in just a few weeks, and there are no heavy casualties on its own side. It has a powerful combat mode and a well-calculated combat method. The United States of America, aggression is not generally good." Fu Ming put the cigarette butt away. Pressed on the ashtray on the table, and patted Moore on the shoulder.

"Besides, there are also a large number of special forces, which mixed with the local anti-government forces to carry out sabotage activities, causing government forces to massacre civilians, and the false appearance that the people opposed the current government, causing confusion in public opinion." Wayne laughed. A few times, he participated in the Iraq war, and he also knows how the Americans used to create momentum for public opinion in Libya.He is not ashamed of this kind of behavior. He obviously wants to be a bitch, but he still wants to set up a memorial archway.

"From what you say, it seems that there is no chance of winning. We are doomed, so Mr. K, why do you still come here to help me?" Moore was taken aback at first. Thinking about it, Kosovo also Well, whether in Iraq or not, the performance of the Americans is nothing short of amazing.But after thinking about it, since Fu Ming was willing to bring his family to help him, he still had a little confidence. He glanced at Wayne, then turned his head to look at Fu Ming. "Is there anything you can do?"

"Cut off their attack from the source, electronic warfare must not suffer! Even if the country's communication is completely paralyzed, we have backup." Fu Ming thought to himself, Iraq and Kosovo fell quickly without support of.The reason why the Americans moved so fast is because of the failure of electronic warfare and intelligence warfare.

"The Chinese government will provide help." Moore gradually felt relieved, and before arriving in Damascus, Fu Ming contacted the Chinese military.Although the Chinese government will not send troops directly, it will still give some weapons and communication equipment.Of course, all of these have to be paid out of Fu Ming's pocket.As for the Beidou system, it must be there.

"The assistance from them is very limited, but it is enough. We will not be completely suppressed, nor can we act as if we are not suppressed, otherwise they will not make the next move." Fu Ming said with a sneer, the expression on his face was the same as Foxes are exactly the same.

Moore thought about it for a few seconds, and he suddenly became enlightened. After all, he also led soldiers, and this kind of tactical thinking can be understood as soon as he thinks about it. "You mean, pretend to be jammed by electronic warfare, causing the illusion of radar and communication failure, and put their missiles in?"

Fu Ming nodded, and began to look at Moore with admiration. After all, when Moore was fighting for power in Syria, Fu Ming had no support except arms and equipment.Fighting a war depends not only on equipment, but also on people and wisdom.And Moore still captured Damascus despite the shortage of troops. Fu Ming only now knows that Moore is not a simple leader.Anyone who can become a leader has two brushes.

"Once the missiles come in, we can selectively intercept them. Their missiles are intercepted. On the one hand, it shows that we do have a lot of new weapons, and on the other hand, it can also cause frustration to the Americans and confuse the enemy. Take advantage of these more than 30 hours to hide important strongholds and targets as much as possible, and create some false targets. Make all the photos taken by the US spy satellites before invalid. After the false targets appear, you can protect your country’s industries and important cities as much as possible. "Fu Ming said eloquently, and he had another plan in mind. Although Zenith-[-] is a communication satellite, it is too large for a communication satellite. The Chinese military and the US military Neither noticed this.

The special equipment carried on the Zenith Star-[-] is rarely known inside UNTR, and the only people who know about it now are Fu Ming and Dr. Harry Crowder's team.In addition, Han Yu also participated in the development of this project, but he has passed away.

"When the bombers, fighter jets, and helicopters from the opposite side come in...they will find that the ground is full of anti-aircraft facilities, missiles, artillery, anti-aircraft machine guns, and machine guns. Our important defense strongholds are unscathed, and the armored forces and main combat forces are fine. Theirs The penetration speed of the armored forces will be greatly reduced. As long as the war can be dragged on for two months, the special forces and the marines cannot enter, and the pressure of public opinion will crush them! It is only a matter of time before the troops are withdrawn from Syria. No withdrawal..." Fu Ming's eyes lit up.

"The Chinese government, as well as UNTR, will impose economic pressure on the United States." Although this war is a challenge, it also gave Fu Ming many opportunities, many opportunities to experiment.

The Chinese military's request for arms and equipment not only requires Fu Ming to pay for it, but also requires Fu Ming to help experiment with the latest scientific research results. Of course, it is also a weapon.

dn-2, a high-orbit anti-satellite missile independently developed by the Chinese military, can destroy gps satellites, strategic satellites, and spy satellites in high orbits. It has a high degree of secrecy, but there have been rumors of successful test launches in recent years.Americans are afraid of this thing, because the Chinese government has been using this kind of missile to shoot down its own defunct satellites.

The dn-2 missile already has the actual strike capability, but it has not really hit an American satellite.The Chinese military wants to obtain the response time and specific capabilities of US satellite protection through this experiment of fishing in troubled waters.

Fu Ming was also very happy, after all, he had to study this kind of high-tech thing first.Regardless of the research results, whether design imitation or even mass production can be carried out in a short period of time, it is still very good to have this technology.You don’t have to pay back what you borrowed, it doesn’t cost you money anyway.Harry Cloud should be jumping for joy.

"Unexpectedly, there is another fight!" Murbazak is now full of self-confidence. He did not expect that with the help of Fu Ming, Syria can actually face the invincible American king. This small country is under the military pressure of the United States. It was already a miracle that he could survive for two months.

"It's not too early to be happy." Fu Ming smiled and shook his head, then dragged a stool and sat next to Wayne. "It depends on whether my thing works or not."

Moore didn't understand Fu Ming's words, so he looked at him suspiciously and didn't ask any further questions.

"Boss, what is it?" Wayne felt that something was wrong, as if Fu Ming had created something new without telling everyone.

"Keep it secret, you'll know when the time comes." Although Fu Ming knew that the success rate was high, it was the first time that Zenith-[-] hadn't even conducted an orbit change experiment, and various data showed that there was no problem, but Except for some unexpected situation, it is not good, and the only hope cannot be pinned on this satellite.

Fu Ming said to Moore, "Hurry up and start pretending to work, time is running out." After finishing speaking, Fu Ming turned and left the prime minister's reception room, and Wayne followed closely behind him.

Fu Ming glanced at his watch, took out his phone and was about to call cat, but the phone vibrated in his hand, it was cat who called first.

"Boss, everything is ready. I'm very excited. It's the first time I confront the Americans on the battlefield, although it's just a shadow..."

"It doesn't matter if the shadow wins. We are already very strong." A smile appeared on Fu Ming's face.

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