arms tycoon

Chapter 215 Trading

"Boss, the siege has been completed." Luther Alex sat on the Suzaku class, all the weapon systems of the Suzaku class were fully activated, and they had arrived outside this small town on the western border of Syria. In the town, the United States was stationed. The main force of the Army Armored Division, 35 tanks.

34 to be exact. Five minutes ago, an m5a1 main battle tank tried to break out of the encirclement. Before walking tens of meters, it was stepped on by the Suzaku. The high temperature generated by the vector thrusters under the Suzaku's feet immediately melted the depleted uranium armor. The entire tank As if it had melted, it slowly limp on the spot, and finally there was a bang.

Fu Ming also came to this place by plane. The surrounded tank group is now in a situation like cooked meat in a pot. It is too easy to eat them.

In addition to the Suzaku and Xuanwu classes, there are also untr soldiers holding rpgs and at-4s surrounding this town. In the hands of some people, they are also equipped with 80mm individual shoulder-mounted cloud bombs. Of course, this thing comes from China of.

The cloud bomb is a good thing. The smaller the explosion space, the greater the lethality, and it can consume the oxygen in the space. Even if the enemy is not damaged by the explosion and shrapnel, it will suffocate and shock in a short time, losing combat ability or even die.And the batch of cloud bombs that Fu Ming got from China were all equipped with high-temperature melting armor-piercing warheads, which have better lethality against tanks.

Fu Ming once conducted a test. At a distance of 50 meters, this cloud bomb, which is only 45 centimeters thick and [-] centimeters long, can penetrate depleted uranium armor and composite armor, and explode inside the armor.

Through the binoculars, Fu Ming looked at the smoking m1a1 tank not far ahead, and sighed. "Obviously they are all surrounded to death. If you want to break through, you are really overwhelmed!" He looked at his phone, still waiting for the call.

Now it seems that the economic attack has already begun, and Americans will soon know how powerful UNTR really is economically.Even though the current situation in Kinshasa and Sanhe Heavy Industry is not very good, Fu Ming can't control so much anymore. If things here are settled, Sanhe Heavy Industry will naturally be safe.

He was waiting for the call, but when the phone rang, it was not the person Fu Ming expected.

It was Ajax Rilling on the phone.Ajax is also full of bags at this time. There are a large number of landing ships, destroyers and cruisers docked near the port of Kinshasa. Although the nuclear-powered attack submarine is underwater, there must be a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier such as Ford. Submarines must be indispensable.

"Mr. K, I'm very sorry..." Ajax was the last person to get the news. He just learned that soldiers from the US special forces had infiltrated the Three Nuclear Heavy Industry.With regard to border security and anti-infiltration investigations, this prime minister has clearly failed in his duties.However, this cannot be blamed on him, the Democratic Republic of the Congo has just ended the war, and the country is waiting for prosperity, and the Americans are cunning and treacherous, so it is normal for them to get involved. "Warship outside Kinshasa, what can you do?"

"Mr. Prime Minister, I can't blame you for this matter." Fu Ming was also helpless, "There is no way, maybe my special weapon can deal with them, but its performance is limited and the sacrifice is great. For that kind of large-scale fleet, we can't help it." There is no other way." The special weapon Fu Ming talked about is naturally the Qinglong-class general-purpose humanoid combat mech.There is almost no navy in the Congo now. The few speedboats on the coastline equipped with anti-aircraft machine guns and machine guns are called gunboats. They don’t even use missiles.Even Fu Ming's Yongcheng and Yonghe, which were parked at the military port of Sannuo Heavy Industry, did not dare to go out for a stroll, for fear of something going wrong, and naturally those broken speedboats dangling in the inner sea would not go out to be target.

"Do your job well. No matter what the Americans ask, don't agree to it. Find the United Nations and try to stop the Americans' action plan as much as possible. Mr. Lilling, this is the only thing you can do now."

Before Fu Ming could answer from Ajax, he hung up the phone. He wanted to keep the satellite phone available. Sure enough, just after hanging up the phone, a new call came in.

This time, the person on the other end of the phone was really the person Fu Ming was looking forward to.

"Mr. Iskwood, I think you can't wait to communicate with me." Fu Ming said with a sneer, the binoculars were still on, he was still observing the situation in the town, the civilians had already been evacuated, The whole town is occupied by American troops, even though they are now surrounded.

It was very easy for Fu Ming to consume the remaining 34 tanks in this town.

"Mr. K, your phone is really difficult to call!" Orca smiled wryly. "This is a military conflict that shouldn't have happened. I apologize to you for my previous behavior. Please withdraw your troops in Syria. The United States will also withdraw its ground troops and eliminate the threat to Congo. As for the special forces in the three nuclear heavy industries The troops will also withdraw immediately, and I hope that you can make it easier... In addition..."

"Withdraw?" Fu Ming raised his eyebrows. "If you say withdraw, then withdraw, then who is responsible for the death of the soldiers in my three-core heavy industry? The parking lot was bombed, who is responsible? Will you pay me for so many losses? The actions of the United States are a war of aggression and an empire You will pay the price for your actions, and as for the economic issues you want to talk about..." Fu Ming said what the killer whale didn't say. "This thing is beyond my control. If you want Untr to stop the economic attack, then call Keke Heike Indias. I can't control you." Fu Ming said coldly, thinking to himself , now that the Americans have begun to seek peace, then Sannuo Heavy Industry should not have to worry about it.

At this time, the U.S. armored division was at a loss. This group of untr soldiers surrounded the town with water. The tank that violated the colonel's order just now wanted to break out of the encirclement, but it was killed in seconds. All the U.S. soldiers were They felt very lucky that they were not the one who rushed out just now.But this group of untr soldiers surrounded and did not attack, the Americans really didn't know what they were going to do.

In fact, Fu Ming doesn't want to really kill these people. If the US armored division is really wiped out in this place, then the Americans will definitely retaliate recklessly. At that time, the economy will not be a problem at all, and a world war will break out up.Fu Ming is not powerful enough now, the Americans are desperately coming to beat him, it is certain that Untr will no longer exist.Since I don't want to make things big, let these people go.

"I agree, leave a hole. Your armored division can withdraw from Lebanon. Of course, the fleet near Kinshasa must also withdraw immediately. As for the few special forces still lurking in the triple nuclear heavy industry..." Fu Ming said coldly laughed. "It's their ability to run away. If they can't run away, don't blame me for being cruel."

The killer whale hesitated for a moment, but still agreed to Fu Ming's negotiation conditions. The dollar has appreciated in an all-round way, and the economy can no longer sustain it. Once the economy collapses, today will become a new day of financial turmoil.Domestic demonstrations, foreign public condemnation, and a huge trade deficit will bring this country close to bankruptcy! "The transaction was successful. Please let our armored division withdraw first. Mr. President has instructed that the combined fleet has already begun to withdraw."

Fu Ming hung up the phone and gave orders to his troops. "Wayne, Jack, Luther, let them open." Fu Ming held up the radio in his hand, watching the formation of the encirclement slowly changing.He hung up the call with the killer whale. Similarly, in order not to reveal his exact location, the duration of the call was limited to 59 seconds.

"Boss, they are already under siege. Killing them will definitely give the Americans the most painful blow! Do you really want to let them go?" Wayne seemed unwilling, but he still instructed his soldiers to fight in the encirclement. A hole was made in the middle. "Unauthorized attacks are not allowed. All follow my command and let them withdraw. Anyone who violates the military order will be killed!"

"I can't help it. I also want to kill these people, but we can't do it now, for the safety of Syria and Congo, and for the Three Nuclear Heavy Industry..." Fu Ming sighed, "I really don't know who is in the Three Nuclear Heavy Industry now. What's the situation?" Those U.S. special forces in Sannuo Heavy Industry are indeed a serious concern. The C4 bomb can cause huge damage to Sannuo Heavy Industry headquarters. Moreover, the people closest to me, the most important people in UNTR, are still in the headquarters of the building , for their safety, Xu Cheng and Song Jiahao did not let these people transfer.

"Boss, don't worry, Xu Cheng, Song Jiahao, Mo Bing, and auditory hallucinations are all first-class masters. Those special forces can't escape. I guess they can catch them alive!" Wayne said to the tall man beside him. Suzaku waved his hand.

Luther immediately adjusted the position of the Suzaku, revealing an exit behind the town.

The U.S. armored division seemed to have also received the order from above, and the tanks drove out one after another, onto the road, and were driving towards the western border.

The untr soldiers aimed the rockets in their hands at the tanks, for fear that they would make any dangerous moves.However, the current tanks dare not move at all.Even the American soldiers at the position of the machine guns were constantly wiping cold sweat and swallowing their saliva. They didn't know if the soldiers of Untr would send themselves a cloud bomb and send themselves to the west.

Fu Ming dialed Coco's number. Coco is very busy now. Although the economic war lost money in the early stage, as long as there is preparation, it will definitely make a fortune in the later stage.

"K, you should be fine there. Americans are good enough for this." Coco's voice was a little tired, but seeing that it was Fu Ming's call, she couldn't help but elated.They haven't seen each other for a long time.

"For Americans, money is more important than anything else." Fu Ming smiled. "Economic sanctions, is there a way to stop it?"

"It is estimated that there is no other way. Funds have been injected, and a large-scale attack has already begun. It is too late to stop now!" Coco said helplessly. "Now, we can only pray for America!"

Fu Ming cursed secretly, "I still have 1000 billion U.S. dollars in Swiss banks! Shouldn't it all be turned into waste paper?"

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