arms tycoon

Chapter 222 Lurking

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

As soon as Fu Ming got out of the car, Mo Bing pushed him onto the wheelchair, while Cat pushed the wheelchair, and the two walked at the front of the line.Behind them was a large group of people, including Ke Ke, Zeng Xiaoting, Little Carianna, Lin Jianping, as well as many members of the security forces and UNTR members from Brazil.

This group of heavily armed people is slowly moving forward in the VIP channel of Rio de Janeiro International Airport.The Brazilian government has opened up a special channel for UNTR. There are Brazilian military personnel on both sides of the channel. They are holding LC-type assault rifles. Of course, this rifle is an imitation of the M16.This has become standard equipment for Brazilian special forces and police forces.

Sending this great god out of the country as soon as possible is the most important thing for the Brazilian president to consider.The United States has not yet seized the opportunity to launch an attack, and it is estimated that the financial tsunami has not yet recovered.Finally, Fu Ming was leaving, and the Brazilian President was relieved.

Fu Ming looked behind him. Among the members of the security forces, apart from Xu Cheng and Song Jiahao who were arresting Jax Mabrisio, there was another person missing.

Just in the early hours of this morning, the auditory hallucination walked into Fu Ming's ward alone and accepted Fu Ming's special task.

"Boss, as you wish, I finally returned to Sanhe Heavy Industry!" Cat said with a smile. She pushed Fu Ming's wheelchair and stopped in front of the boarding gate.

This plane belongs to Untr and is Fu Ming's special plane. Cat doesn't seem to be relieved. These days Fu Ming is clamoring like a child to go back to Sanhe Heavy Industry. I really don't know why. He has to talk to cat more than ten times a day before he is willing to give up. Cat can be regarded as being tossed by him. Not lightly, she put her mouth against Fu Ming's ear and said softly. "Boss, I know you've been sitting up for the past few days, all for me to watch. Do you really think I'm out of my mind?"

The corner of Fu Ming's mouth twitched, and he smiled embarrassedly. "I just want to go back... I'm not used to it here, I take care of my family, you know."

"Fuck, if you want to go back and tell me directly, don't force your body to act for me, if there is such a thing..." cat frowned.

"What do you want?" Fu Ming turned his head and stared into cat's eyes.

Cat gave him a blank look. She really had nothing to do with Fu Ming. First of all, Fu Ming was her boss. "Xu Cheng and Song Jiahao have already exchanged fire with Jaques Cabricio." Cat slowly boarded the plane pushing Fu Ming's wheelchair.

Fu Ming didn't answer, the same smile remained on his face without any change.

"What kind of results do you expect from them?" Cat and Mo Bing helped Fu Ming to the seat and fastened his seat belt.

"They can't catch Jax." Fu Ming sighed, "Jax, I know him too well, I shouldn't have let him go at the beginning, he's a tiger, I thought he would be able to do it after the incident in Laos. I won’t touch this business anymore, I didn’t expect…”

"A tiger for a day, a tiger for life." Cat glanced at Fu Ming. "Since you know you can't catch them, why send them out, don't you let them die?"

"In Venezuela, I didn't ask Ava de Franco for assistance. Although the soldiers in UNTR are good at fighting, there is no guarantee for logistics and medical treatment. There is no place to retreat after the fight, and there are no heavy weapons." Fu Ming knew that since Jia Max was going to Valencia to trade, so he naturally had several trucks of ammunition, machine gun rockets, whatever he wanted. "Although they can't catch anyone, they can't die either. I know the people under my command." Fu Ming's smile remained unchanged.

Before Xu Cheng set off, he had arranged everything.The attack and arrest this time was just to scout for information and provide a cover for one person's infiltration.

Valencia, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

The mercenary's hands are not ordinary rockets, but cloud bombs.This thing is very powerful, and it is especially suitable for buildings. The smaller the space, the greater the power.The explosion of the cloud bomb will consume a large amount of oxygen in the air, causing oxygen loss in a small area. Even if the enemy is not killed by the shrapnel, it will suffocate and shock in a short time, or even die.

Moreover, the high charge of the cloud explosion bomb, the shock wave and the volume of the explosion produced are enough to destroy a person's internal organs. Even if there is no damage on the outside, the inside of the chest and abdomen will become a pot of porridge, which must be alive It can't be done.

Just one cloud bomb with a diameter of 80mm and a length of 400mm can blow up a house into ashes.

"Song Jiahao! Come out!" Xu Cheng looked at the guy in the hands of the mercenary not far away, and quickly shouted into the microphone.But at this moment, the mercenary pulled the trigger, and the cloud bomb, with flames and a wisp of gray smoke at its tail, rushed towards Song Jiahao's room quickly!

Song Jiahao was stunned for a moment. Hearing the voice in the microphone, he didn't have time to ask. He knew that Xu Cheng's voice must have a powerful weapon.Without thinking about it, he threw away the sniper rifle in his hand, rushed forward, smashed through the wooden window, rolled a few times on the ground, and left the scope of the house.

Just as Song Jiahao rushed out of the window, the cloud bombs followed one after another. The powerful kinetic energy opened a hole in the brick house, and the cloud bombs exploded in the room. With a loud bang, Song Jiahao suddenly became deaf, and the whole house became It was shattered, but there was not much fire inside, and smoke and dust were everywhere, flooding the surroundings of the house immediately.

Song Jiahao had just stopped rolling, but was pushed out by the shock wave generated by the explosion, and hit the wall of the house across the street straight, dizzy, and it took more than ten seconds for his hearing and eyesight to gradually recover , he touched the painful place on his body, there was no bleeding, and he pressed it down again, there was no more pain, and his internal organs didn't seem to be injured. He stood up while leaning on the wall, and then went to look at the house just now, which had been destroyed. It exploded to the ground!

He spat, and the saliva was bloodshot and mixed with a lot of mud.Even so, he still has a lot of sand in his nose and mouth.Unkempt as if just dug out of a coal pile!

"Damn it!" Song Jiahao knew that he was lucky if he wasn't killed in the bombing just now. He has never been in this line of work, whether he was in the People's Liberation Army before or in Fu Ming's security force now. So embarrassing.He drew out the mk23 pistol pinned to his thigh, gritted his teeth and hid behind the bunker.

"The sniper is gone!" The mercenary leader suddenly became happy, "Cover Mr. Cabricio and go first!" He looked back at the Land Rover, although the driver of the Land Rover was dead and the windshield was smashed But the car is not broken and can still be driven.The bodyguard on the co-pilot quickly pushed the body out of the car, put the reverse gear on, knocked over the military vehicle behind, drove off the road, and rushed to the rear.

Untr, which has lost its heavy fire cover and sniper cover, seems to be at a disadvantage, but the mercenaries only want to protect Jax's safety, and money is the most important thing. They have no intention of fighting, and they have no ambition to wipe out all untr personnel. .When the fight was almost over, he jumped directly into the bulletproof truck and drove away.

And these people in Untr only have two legs, and they have to dodge some machine gun bullets on the truck, so naturally they can't catch up.The firefight lasted only 10 minutes before it ended hastily.

Xu Cheng held his right hand and ordered to stop the pursuit. "Everyone take a break and give me an injury report."

"Ten people died on the other side, and there were no injured survivors. Four brothers died on our side, two were seriously injured and one was slightly injured." An untr soldier replied looking at the corpses on the ground.

Xu Cheng quickly ran to Song Jiahao's side, carefully looked at the scratches on his body, and finally heaved a sigh of relief. "Damn it, it's your life! Even the cloud bombs can't kill you!"

Song Jiahao scratched his head, the dust in his hair turned into a burst, choking Xu Cheng to cough a few times. "Good luck, good luck..." He looked at the direction in which the trucks disappeared, and smiled slightly. "Even if Jax escapes..."

Xu Cheng nodded, "Their casualties were not ten, but nine." He tried to contact the auditory hallucination, but the auditory hallucination did not answer. "He's already mixed in."

In the Jax mercenary truck at this time, several mercenaries were still discussing the battle just now.

"Landauman, I didn't expect you to survive!" They looked at the Western man in front of them and said with a smile.This Landauman would never take off his mask, and the mercenaries could only confirm that this was their comrade-in-arms through the blue eyes.

"It's just luck!" Hearing had put on blue contact lenses a long time ago, which turned his eyes blue.It was a piece of cake for him to imitate the dead mercenary.Originally, this person didn't attract everyone's attention, and of course he didn't have much impression of his behavior habits.Breaking into the interior of the Jax Arms Group is the task that Fu Ming entrusts with auditory hallucinations!

Now, all Jax's actions will be under Fu Ming's monitoring.Only when he returned to Trinuclear Heavy Industry, could Fu Ming obtain the specific information sent by the hallucinations through the satellite.

"Untr, it's really powerful. There are only a few dozen people, and the number and equipment are below ours, but nine people died! A buddy on the truck in front probably won't be able to make it to the medical point!" The mercenary took out a cigar and handed the hallucination one.

The auditory hallucination hesitated for a moment, but still took it. "Untr is really hard to deal with!"

"Landauman, don't you don't smoke?" A mercenary felt that this Landauman seemed a little different from usual, and the air in the car suddenly became tense.

"Almost hung up, fu*k. I think I need a little nicotine." The auditory hallucination tensed up, making up an interface, and he pulled the mask away from underneath, still not showing his face.He also lit the cigar, and just after taking a puff, he deliberately coughed a few times.

"Hahaha, just smoke a few more times, this thing is good!"

The auditory hallucination nodded, still thinking about something.

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