arms tycoon

Chapter 225 Breakthrough

Hearing Song Jiahao's shout, Xu Cheng didn't care whether that seemingly weak link was a decoy or not, and just led his people towards it.Sure enough, although the crossfire was relatively tight, there were basically no strong attacks on the front.He thought to himself that the commander of the government army's squad may not have much combat experience.

"Kill the people in front, don't give them time for reinforcements, rush out before they close this loophole!" Song Jiahao yelled at Xu Cheng who was not far away.

The sound of gunfire was still heard all around, but the casualties of UNTR soldiers had stopped. Now there are only about 20 people who are capable of fighting and can walk without being supported by others. Counting Xu Cheng and Song Jiahao.

The machine guns on the three armored vehicles, due to a problem with the docking position, turned into a blind spot for shooting. The bullets fired flew over the heads of the untr soldiers, but they couldn't hit them in a daze.The terrain here is slightly lower than the road.The depression angle of the machine gun is too small to hit at all.

Song Jiahao was very thorough in the study of firearms, and when he heard the bullets flying past his scalp, his heart burst into joy.

"I will shoot anyone who can shoot!" Song Jiahao knew that this gap was not a trap, but the only loophole in the entire encirclement, and this was their only chance to escape.

Obviously, the government army originally wanted to block the entire oil well area with machine guns, and the encirclement gradually narrowed, but they did not expect that there was a gap in this part of the encirclement, and the cross-fire of the machine guns could not hit this place.

The commander of the government army watched this strange scene. The soldiers in the encirclement around him were falling down one by one, while the other soldiers in the encirclement could not rush to the loophole area in a short time. Machine guns can't hit those untr people at all.He froze for a few seconds, then waved desperately at the armored vehicle.

"Hurry up, we can't let them run away like this!" The commander was in a hurry, wanting to rush to the gap himself, but his guards stopped him.

"General, it's too dangerous there!" The guard frowned and shook his head at him.

The commander stopped in his tracks, he could only watch the armored vehicle turn around slowly, and then rushed towards the hole in the encirclement.

However, it was too late.

Relying on his precise marksmanship, Song Jiahao opened a hole in the encirclement.With him as the center, there are no enemies within a radius of 200 meters.Even if there is a government army squad that realizes that there is a vacancy here and rushes to support it, it will be immediately surrounded and wiped out. After all, the soldiers of Untr are still of a higher level than the Venezuelan government army, not to mention that only eight people came to fill the vacancy. Nine people are not a threat at all.

"I'm almost out of bullets!" Song Jiahao yelled at Xu Cheng. "I'm backing up. You take the wounded and go first. The armored vehicle hasn't arrived yet. I still have a few minutes."

"You can do it?" Even though he had doubts in his heart, Xu Cheng waved to the wounded and told them to leave this place quickly.

"I have a way to deal with armored vehicles!" Song Jiahao didn't look back at Xu Cheng and the wounded. "Hurry up, you can fight with me and stay with me. I can't guarantee that you will go back unscathed, but you will definitely be alive!"

Those soldiers in Untr who can stand up have never seen Song Jiahao so confident.They chose to believe in Song Jiahao. Even though there were bullet bruises and bullet holes on their legs, many of them consciously stayed.

Xu Cheng clenched the pendant in his hand, saluted Song Jiahao hastily, and then ran to the second evacuation point without looking back.

"How many c4s do we have?" Song Jiahao's eyes were still fixed on the optical sight, and every time an enemy came up, the acr Masada rifle in his hand would shoot a single shot, and every bullet could knock down an enemy.The roar of armored vehicles can already be heard!

A UNTR soldier had just pulled the trigger and looked back at his fellow comrades, all of them were gesturing to tell him how many C4 bombs they had left.

"There are still four packs!" The soldier yelled at Song Jiahao. Just as he turned his head, the fingers of his right hand immediately twitched, and three more shots were fired, and a government soldier who rushed up to chase Xu Cheng fell to the ground. "Boss, we won't be able to do it for too long." He looked at the bullets in the unit price of the transparent plastic, and there was already one missing. This was his last magazine. "The enemy's reinforcements will arrive soon, we are going to be dumped!"

Song Jiahao sneered. "This kind of scum with less than five fighting strengths can still make our dumplings?" He jumped out of the low place and climbed up a small hill with his body on his back. "Cover me!" Song Jiahao whispered.On this higher hill, he could already see the cover of the armored vehicle.

Song Jiahao took out a c4 explosive in his pocket, and took out the remote control. "Here's something new for you guys!" He threw the explosives forcefully. The explosive package was not big, and it landed directly under the wheels of the armored vehicle.

"Lie down!" Song Jiahao yelled, and after confirming that all the untr soldiers left lying down, he held his head and pressed the detonation button on the remote control.

There was a loud bang, and the flames shot up into the sky in the dark night. The shell of the armored vehicle was undamaged, but the two wheels were blown off. The armored vehicle dumped to the left and lost power immediately.

Song Jiahao raised his rifle again, bang bang bang a few shots and killed the government army who wanted to go forward to repair it.

"Give them some c4, and I'll blow up the armored vehicle as soon as it gets close!" Song Jiahao knew that, for helicopters, missiles are actually relatively easy to hide. If it is a missile plus a large-caliber machine gun, it will be difficult to hide. .Now that the armored vehicles are killed, maybe the helicopter formation can return to support.

He believes that the government army is traveling lightly this time. In order to be able to catch up with the UNTR people before they evacuate, they must not bring too many individual missiles or bazookas, otherwise it will affect the marching speed.As long as the helicopter formation can return after the destruction of the armored vehicles, their chances of survival are still very high.

Song Jiahao didn't want to retreat yet. After all, Xu Cheng and the others hadn't reached the second evacuation point. If they retreated now, the troops led by Xu Cheng and Song Jiahao would hang here when reinforcements from the government army arrived.

Democratic Republic of the Congo, Three Nuclear Heavy Industries.

"Xu Cheng sent back a message that they have already broken through. However, Song Jiahao is working behind the scenes with soldiers who are still fighting. Do you want to send them some support?" After Cat contacted the Chinese military, he immediately returned to Fu Ming. By his side, Fu Ming's side cannot be short of people now, health is one of the reasons, and more importantly, the elite special forces led by Xu Cheng and Song Jiahao are still in crisis.

It took a lot of effort to organize such a special force, and Fu Ming was reluctant to let it go. It would take a long time to retrain and organize.

"It's good to break through. Song Jiahao should be able to find a way to deal with the opponent's air defense equipment. Let the helicopter formation return to the first evacuation point for reinforcements. It doesn't matter if there are no rockets, even if there are only machine guns!" Fu Ming raised his left arm and pushed Push the glasses. "It doesn't matter if you use Wuzhi-10."

While listening to Fu Ming's words, cat communicated instructions to the helicopter formation through the computer. "Oh, by the way, China has promised to provide Dongfeng-21d missiles with nuclear warheads." Cat looked at Fu Ming. "Are you really going to sell it to Ava? The amount that China can provide is huge, enough to blow up the entire Americas, including the United States."

"Selling is of course for sale. With nuclear weapons in hand, Ava has enough confidence to do things. However, the specific launch code and remote control buttons must be within the control of untr." Fu Ming is not stupid, in case One day, Ava won the political power in Venezuela and began to favor the United States, so the nuclear warhead I sold to her was my nightmare. "If Ava can't think about it one day and wants to cultivate land for the United States, I'm still willing." Fu Ming said with a smile. "This matter should not be publicized to anyone except China and UNTR. Even if the Americans know that Ava has nuclear weapons in their hands, they will not be able to find out about us."

"Also, the news that the auditory hallucination just sent back. A road mobile missile appeared in the place where they lived. He described the shape and appearance of the missile to me in detail, so he almost didn't take pictures. But according to the tonnage and prevention Judging from the radiation, the government army bought from Jax is likely to be a missile leaked during the Soviet Union."

Fu Ming was stunned. He didn't expect that so many nuclear warheads leaked out during the Soviet Union, and they were well preserved. Pressing a button can wash the enemy's floor.

"Is this going to be a bad street?" Fu Ming still held a nuclear bomb that leaked out before the disintegration of the Soviet Union.As for how to get it, Fu Ming really doesn't know.Blakely Paddle was also dug out of the ground. It is well maintained. It can fly and explode. Pressing a button can blow up half a bustling city.Fu Ming sighed, "Jacs, Jax, you are really smart and confused for a while. It is indeed very good to cooperate with the Americans, but the bottom line of the Americans is that they cannot disclose nuclear technology. Even the ally Japan Failed to get the nuclear bomb from that American!"

"Americans? Americans treat their allies like dogs. NATO, the European Union, Japan, South Korea, and even Taiwan Island have been tricked by the Americans many times, whether it is economically or militarily, Americans like it Gain fat and then kill. Support Japan, let the Japanese make money, and then recycle the money earned." Cat also frowned and sighed, this kind of cheeky behavior of the Americans is really unacceptable , even a state of hatred!

"Jax made an obvious mistake. The Americans will not allow any country that does not have a nuclear bomb to build a nuclear bomb. The Venezuelan government army has this nuclear bomb, and it is not far from death. Jax violated The lowest bottom line for Americans, alas... In fact, he is an excellent arms dealer, but he just went the wrong way!" Fu Ming sighed, although his tone was pity for Jax, but his eyes and expression did not show the slightest The change.He knew he couldn't be more merciful this time.

He knows that all people and organizations that stand in the way of UNTR's development need to be completely wiped out.

The same mistake, he will not make a second time.

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