arms tycoon

Chapter 229 Precise Calculation

Although Fu Ming could hardly even turn over on the hospital bed, he was still very concerned about the domestic situation in Venezuela.As he expected, the United States and NATO announced a few hours ago that they would stop air strike support for the government forces and block the economy and supplies of the government forces.Of course, the reason is that they learned from "reliable intelligence sources" that government forces have injured a large number of civilians in military operations.

This news made Fu Ming laugh for a long time, until the wound was so painful that he couldn't bear it, so he tried his best to hold back his laughter.The reason is too lame to help.There is also news that NATO has not announced. The military factories in European countries have received an embargo order issued by the government, and all arms suppliers have stopped all supplies to the Jaques Mabrisio Arms Group.

However, after NATO countries stopped providing assistance to the government forces, they did not turn to support other warlord forces. It seemed that they were waiting for the war to end, and there was a posture of watching the fire from the other side.

Fu Ming is not ignorant of Obama's plan.Obama wants to wait until the war is over and when Venezuela is rebuilding, it will provide economic and material assistance. At that time, no matter which regime becomes the new government, it will be able to win over.

I have to admit that this is a big gamble, even Fu Ming thinks so.

But Fu Ming is different from Obama in that he has paid more in this game.Fu Ming also knew that the more you give, the more you will get back.Supporting Eva de Franco's regime is Fu Ming's bet.If we rely on post-war reconstruction to win over the new government, although Untr is rich and wealthy, it is still not as rich in resources as the United States. At least, people have more heads than Untr. Why does the new government refuse serious NATO assistance? What about looking for a "terrorist organization" untr instead?

"The current situation is like this. The north-central region, as well as the northwest region, are all territories of the government forces, while another part of the rebels are entrenched in the northeast region. The entire southern region of Venezuela has been occupied by Ava. .” Wayne Brad pointed to the map of South America on the tablet, and swipe the screen with his finger, and the map instantly zoomed in.

Fu Ming frowned and stared at the screen. "What... is this?" The bigger the map, the uglier his face.

In Venezuela, an Orinoco River divides the land into two parts, the north and the south. The left side of the north is blue, while a small part on the right is black, and the entire south of the river is red.

In order to make the division of forces on the map clearer, Wayne directly marked it on the map of Venezuela with color.

Although Ava occupied half of Venezuela's territory within two months, the entire southern region... In Fu Ming's words, "This is simply cheating!"

"Look, look!" Fu Ming pointed to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela on the map.The territory of the entire republic resembles the head of an elephant seen from the front.The southern region is the nose part.He pointed to the south, and then to the north.Judging from the satellite map, the gap is very obvious.

The northern coastline of Venezuela is very long, the capital Caracas is on the coast of the Caribbean Sea, and the main oil-producing areas are also in the inland waters of the Caribbean Sea.The major cities in the northern region are located in an orderly manner, and the small and medium-sized cities are also well-developed. The traffic extends in all directions, and the road construction seems to be complete.And the southern region is simply a barren land that has not yet been developed, except for forests and grasslands, there is nothing.Occasionally a few cities are pitifully small, but there are quite a few towns, mainly around lakes and mining areas, and the transportation is very inconvenient. There are coal mines, gold mines, iron mines and diamonds here.

"What are you fighting for? Money and transportation!" Fu Ming shook his head and said with a sigh. "Well, Ava's traffic is really a big problem. It's really not easy to take the southern region in two months, but if you want to unify the whole territory, I'm afraid it won't be possible in two or three years. If the government forces want to delay, It can drag these armed forces to death."

"This is indeed a problem. Moreover, according to our last breakout battle in Valencia, the soldiers of the government army are well-trained and have high tactical literacy. They are not a mob. Coordinated operations, very strong!" Wayne recalled the report of the UNTR soldiers after they returned to Trinuclear Heavy Industry from Valencia.

In that breakout battle, Xu Cheng and others boarded the transport plane from the second evacuation point, and at the same time the Wuzhi-10 armed helicopter also flew over from the southern region to conduct coordinated operations.They didn't go back to the first evacuation point immediately to pick up Song Jiahao's team, but found the opponent's headquarters through China's Big Dipper system, carried out a devastating blow, and guessed that the opponent's ground armored vehicles and air helicopters would support them. These reinforcements rushed to the first extraction point and killed them.The commander of the encirclement did not wait for his own support before dying.

This tactic has the meaning of besieging and fighting for aid, but it is Untr himself who is besieged.

"Is it possible to contact the armed forces in the northeast?" Fu Ming looked at the area marked black in the northeast of Venezuela. Although the area is not big, mosquitoes are meat no matter how small they are. We can unite. , is still relatively good.

Wayne sat down on the chair and shook his head at Fu Ming who was on the hospital bed. "That's impossible. This group of people is Protestant. I really don't know where their leaders have drawn these believers. The purpose of Ava's protest is to re-establish the government in response to high violent crime outbreaks and The disparity between the rich and the poor is too exaggerated, and the forces in the Northeast are all because of religious issues!"

Only then did Fu Ming recall that in the profile of Venezuela he read, more than 90.00% of the people in Venezuela believe in Catholicism. "If you can't unite, then swallow them first." Fu Ming narrowed his eyes, "Let Ava stand up to the government army first, and if it is impossible, sign an armistice agreement with them and let Ava stand still. It's about the religious regime." , let us handle it. More than 4 people, enough."

"All in? That's our family property!" Although Wayne has kept nearly 1 people stationed in the Three Nuclear Heavy Industry, he still refuses to fill in all the Venezuelan people. "Elite troops, it's not easy to..."

"Tanks, armed helicopters, armored vehicles, go as many as you have." Fu Ming didn't care about Wayne's suggestion. "Oh, by the way, Raytheon [-] should also be completed. Just let the cargo ship pull it over, land from Brazil, and let Ava guarantee the logistics. Unfortunately, World No. [-] and World No. [-] are being refurbished, while Yongcheng and Yonghe are on board." The losses in a naval battle are not small, and it takes time to repair them. Training and training, Syria can’t be fought, and I have to fight a battle. It is impossible for troops that have not experienced the baptism of war to grow!”

Wayne recorded Fu Ming's order and asked Untr's logistics staff to arrange a plane for him.This time he wanted to go there in person, if Fu Ming hadn't been injured, he would have wanted to go there himself.

In order to reassure Fu Ming, and to ensure the safety of the 4 people as much as possible, and to reassure himself, Wayne had to go there in person.

At the same time, China, the imperial capital.

Cat's flight had already landed here for four hours, and it was originally planned to meet with the military personnel for negotiations in the evening of the same day, but there was still no news until the early hours of the imperial capital time. The hotel where cat stayed had very strict security measures. People from the Intelligence Department of the General Staff and the National Security Bureau came and sealed the hotel tightly. However, cat didn't feel that they were protecting him, but were monitoring him.Because, even the people left by Untr in the imperial capital were not able to meet her.

"Oh, terrorists." Cat sat on the sofa, her short skirt had been pulled up to her thighs, her cheeks were reddish on both sides, and she was still holding a can of cold beer in her hand.

July in the imperial capital is very hot.

Jack was sitting shirtless on the wool carpet in the presidential suite, enjoying the coolness brought by the air conditioner. "The air conditioner is simply the greatest invention of mankind in the twentieth century!" He seemed to be no stranger to the cat's attractive figure, and the temptation of the cat had no effect on him.

Jack's time in Fu Ming's security force was not short. He changed from a thin doctor without borders to a qualified soldier.

The tattoo on his body was done by himself. After all, he is a medical student, and he is also good at drawing. It is a bat tattooed on his heart.

"Your tattoo is so ugly!" The cat was not drunk, she was lazily curled up on the leather sofa like a Persian cat in summer, she threw the empty jar out of her hand, and the jar drew a parabola in the air , exactly fell into the trash can.

"Jack, do you think they are picking on us? This group of military people has no good products. What if we are tied up and given to the Americans!"

Jack stood up and began to organize the acr masada rifle in his hand. "Untr won't allow them to do this. I'm worried about the boss, whether he will get mad and go to Venezuela again!"

"If he dares to go, I'll strangle him when I go back!" Cat walked to his bedroom. "Jack, take a break, I'm afraid the negotiation will have to wait until tomorrow."

Jack walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked at the imperial city, which was still brightly lit in the early morning.

Four hours later, Ciudad Bolivar, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

The city is on the south bank of the Orinoco River.The two major cities south of the Orinoco River in Venezuela, Bolivar, and Guyana, are under Ava's control.Crossing the Orinoco River, you can reach the territory of the Protestant regime.

On the viaduct in the northern part of the Bolivar city, tanks are lined up neatly and marching towards the other side of the river.The huge roar of the engine, the smoke and dust all over the sky, and the choking exhaust from the engine exhaust pipe made the untr soldiers who were waving red flags on the bridge and directing the convoy unable to straighten up.

China's 69 modified tank formation seems to have no end in sight.The armed helicopters and transport helicopters overhead also roared past here, and it was their job to cover the convoy's progress and find out the way ahead.This is the vanguard.

The infantry were ready to go, and all they were waiting for was one man, Waynblad.

Two UNTR soldiers sat down on the south side of the bridge, leaning against the reinforced concrete cover.One soldier took out a cigarette and passed it to another.

"Marlboro, give me strength!"

Another soldier took the cigarette, took a deep breath, and then coughed, choking on the dust stirred up by the tank.

"I really don't know if it's life or death this time. It's the first time I've made such a big commotion since I came to UNTR." He came from Belarus, and the natural blood of the fighting race flowed in his body.He yearns for the Soviet Union back then, even though that behemoth no longer exists.

"It doesn't matter whether he can live or not. If we want to live, why are we here?" The soldier's cigarette was half smoked and he threw it away.He heard, amidst the roar of engines and propellers, someone calling him.He picked up the scar on the ground and pulled the sun hat.

Explosion-proof vests, elbow and knee pads, explosion-proof stab-proof military boots, sabers, g22 pistols, tactical grenades, flash bombs, smoke bombs, and the infrared mirror above the hat is very dazzling.He also has a gps on his wrist.The whole suit is in the color of digital desert camouflage, which is very similar to that of the US military. It is always as fashionable as possible.

Marching at extreme speed, all the infantry took off their helmets, and when they arrived at the place, they were distributed by the logistics.

"Good luck!" The soldier waved at the other man and hurried out, disappearing into the smoke.

Another soldier also stood up, pulled down his visor, held his rifle, and watched the tank formation again.

From a distance, the tank formation is constantly moving forward, and there seems to be no end in sight.

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