arms tycoon

Chapter 231 Procrastination Tactics

"Father heard that Mr. K was injured, and always wanted to come here in person, but the country has just stabilized, and the schedule is too tight, so he asked me to come over to greet him on his behalf. I hope Mr. K will not blame him." Jie Laiben Zhan Siding was finally here Zhou Fei arrived here the second time after Fu Ming returned to Sanhe Heavy Industry.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo is not too far from the United Arab Emirates.It takes less than eight hours to arrive by plane.

Fu Ming, who was lying on the hospital bed, could only bear the white eyes of Keke Heikeindias and Zeng Xiaoting, forced a smile in the extremely weird and embarrassing atmosphere, and watched that Jie La wink at him.

"If you don't come sooner or later, you have to come now!" Fu Ming cursed secretly in his heart, because he was injured, Ke Ke refused to leave, Lin Jianping and Zhang Lu were busy selling arms in the three-core heavy industry Fu Ming has stopped asking questions about arms sales in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. In the past, they were handed over to cats. Now cats are not in Sannuo Heavy Industry. If they can't touch these things, the burden will naturally fall on them. On Lin Jianping and Zhang Lu.

Zhang Lu is also very straightforward. The African continent seems to have a unique attraction for this girl. She just told her family that she will travel with her classmates during the summer vacation. Unexpectedly, she came to the old den of the "terrorist organization" UNTR. I really don't know her. What will the family think when they hear the news?

However, the focus of their work revolves around Carianna Soyce.Although this girl is young, she is very smart. After working under cat for a short time, she is almost capable of being on her own.Although she didn't have any high education, she was able to handle all business matters, and she also wanted to do something for Fu Ming. This kind of desperate attitude made Mo Bing feel distressed!

Fu Ming was thinking about these things, and just about to answer, Ke Ke, who was sitting by the side, stuffed half of a peeled apple into his mouth.

"Miss Jensting, thank you very much for the concern of the United Arab Emirates for untr. Our cooperative relationship will definitely continue in a friendly and long-term way. Please send my regards to Mr. President." Coco smiled all over her face. When she spoke, she didn't look at Jie La, however, was staring at Fu Ming.This woman is very smart, and the city is very deep. This reflection of Fu Ming, and the look that Jie La looked at Fu Ming, already showed that something must have happened between these two people!

Fu Ming seemed to have no way to deal with his own woman.And Zeng Xiaoting didn't even hide the slightest bit, and treated Jie La and Fu Ming coldly.

Zyra is not a fool either, it would be of no benefit to anyone if there was a conflict, just pretend she didn't see it.

"The greeting this time is not the greeting from the great United Arab Emirates to Untr, but a personal greeting from my father and I as friends of Mr. K." Zyra is simply extremely smart, and Coco's meaning is very clear. , Fu Ming is a member of our family, don't touch him, put aside the relationship quickly, there is nothing but business cooperation, and it is impossible to happen.

But Jiela's words are trying her best to draw in the relationship between Fu Ming and herself, and transform economic interests into personal feelings.

Fu Ming became impatient. Three women in one drama is not a fake.He ate the apple in two or three bites, almost choking on it, and the wound hurt. "Ahem... If Mr. Justin really came here in person, I really can't bear it. Miss Justin, thank you very much for your kindness. I appreciate it. I will definitely remember the friendship between Untr and the United Arab Emirates." Fu Ming played the original game, but he didn't know which woman he was winking at.

Coco sighed, as if he had compromised. "I'll prepare lunch for you. Xiaoting." She looked at Zeng Xiaoting. "let's go."

Zeng Xiaoting was reluctantly dragged away by Ke Ke, and the door slammed shut, leaving only Fu Ming and Jie La in the disease prevention.

"Say, what do you want to untr for taking such a big risk to come here this time?" Fu Ming lowered his voice, obviously not wanting to let Keke and Zeng Xiaoting know the content of the conversation.

"I don't want untr to do anything, I want you to do something, of course it is to me." Jie La raised her hand to touch Fu Ming's face, but Fu Ming moved her body to avoid it.

"Jyla, look at my current body, what else can I do?" If Fu Ming didn't hate Zyla too much before, then he has become disgusted now.

Jiela ignored Fu Ming's behavior, and put her mouth next to Fu Ming's ear. "I can see that those two girls care about you very much. You are very attractive. After all, whoever controls you now controls almost the whole world. The financial tsunami a few days ago made our oil exports sluggish. It caused a large amount of economic loss. Originally, this loss was supposed to be calculated on your head... If you can marry me..."

"Miss Jiela Ibn Zhan Siding." Fu Ming said seriously, the cold tone made Jiela tremble uncontrollably, stopped, and slowly sat back to her original position.She knew that Fu Ming's patience had reached its limit, and it was not a good choice to provoke Fu Ming. A crazy man, especially a man with immeasurable power, would go crazy, but he could do anything!

"My soldiers, still fighting at the front, I am not in any mood to discuss these things with you right now. I have received Mr. Justin's kindness. If there is nothing else, you can leave now. I want to rest before lunch For a while, no problem!"

Zyra stood up, the expression on her face was no longer the ambiguous state before. "I wish you a speedy recovery." She left the next sentence and walked out slowly with her bag.

Fu Ming stared straight at the ceiling, he tried to move his shoulder, but the pain didn't seem to ease.There's no way, it's been less than a month since I was injured for a hundred days, and it was a comminuted fracture.In order not to affect his future bodily functions, Fu Ming did not forcibly engage in activities before his injury healed as before. He still knew in his heart that if he didn't take good care of it now, it would be too late to regret it in the future.

He lay on the bed and closed his eyes, but he was still thinking about the war in Venezuela.Half a month has passed, and the war has entered a fierce stage. The confrontation between the south and the north has eased, but in the northeast, the untr and the Protestant militias are fighting in a dizzying manner.Fu Ming had to admit that this was a misjudgment of his.

The combat effectiveness of the Protestants is no less than that of Ava and the soldiers of the government army.

Even if they have an absolute advantage in equipment, there are many families, and more than 20 people beat him with more than 4 people, no matter how strong the soldiers of Untr are, it is impossible for one to fight five.

It's just that the consumption of war is huge. There are Fu's Trading and Transportation Company, Heikeindias Group, Qianli Group, and Deep-funded Consortium in Untr, and the strong economic advantages are fully displayed at this time. Fu Ming's heart The abacus is very loud, even if it is delayed, it can drag the Protestant armed forces to death!But what lies behind Protestantism is something he never expected.

Meanwhile, northeast Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Maturin.

It is a large city located almost in the center of northeastern Venezuela, and is no less famous than the Venezuelan port city of Barcelona, ​​which is named after the Spanish city.After all, Venezuela used to be a Spanish colony, and even the official language is Spanish.

"Mr. Brad, it's not far from Barcelona, ​​but...we've dragged on for such a long time, but we haven't dragged each other down!" An officer entered the door in a hurry and sat on a chair, panting heavily.He handed a report to Wayne Brad. "These bastards, the bullets and shells are obviously less than one shot, and they can kill so many of our tanks!"

Untr's army is engaged in serious large-scale battles, but the Protestant armed forces don't seem to like fighting, but they fight guerrillas. A sniper will come today, and a small team will come tomorrow to engage in logistics supply lines. En is also full of bags. "The Chinese style of play during World War II has come here!" Wayne went to a military academy and received orthodox tactical education, but he has no specific response to this style of play.

There is no way, this is a common problem of NATO.

Wayne is also looking disheartened. Since arriving in the war zone two weeks ago, they have lost no less than ten tanks in the ambushes and interceptions of those guerrillas. It is impossible to achieve large-scale combat, and they run away after fighting. They are all bushes and grasslands. Tanks cannot catch up, and infantry do not have the cover of helicopters and infantry vehicles.In two weeks, Wayne pushed the front line from the north bank of the river to the current Maturin, advancing several hundred kilometers, which is not unpleasant.All the chassis east of Maturin are already occupied by untr.The current Protestant armed forces are sandwiched between the UNTR occupied area and the government army's occupied area. It seems that they are about to run out of ammunition and food, but their combat effectiveness is still strong.

This news was sent to Fu Ming. Although Fu Ming felt that something was wrong, he still believed that this armed force had a strong family and could not be brought down so quickly, so without thinking too much, he ordered Wayne to slow down and focus on procrastination. .

"Did the government army fight with the Protestants? Why do I feel like we've been led by the main force of the Protestants!" Wayne frowned, sat in front of the soldier, and threw a cigarette give him.He didn't sleep all night.

"Satellite pictures show that the government army's westward advance plan seems to be slower than ours, and it is very difficult to advance. Their situation is the same as ours. The constant guerrilla attacks can't be broken up no matter how they fight. What's worse is that they occupied the country the day before. After entering the stronghold, guerrillas will come from the occupied area behind the stronghold the next day, and the army fighting in front will kill the defenders in the stronghold. Cigarette, took a puff hard.He had just wandered back from the front line in the early hours of the morning, and the soldiers in charge of security were divided into three shifts, and they didn't dare to slack off at night. "Oh yes, we caught a tongue."

"Tongue?" Wayne has always felt that the armed forces of the Protestants are not right. With their abilities, this kind of fighting style is unimaginable, and this kind of war of attrition, the Protestants will definitely not be able to last ten days, but this has already happened. It's been thirteen or fourteen days, and the fighting power they have shown is definitely not at the end of their strength, on the contrary, the more they fight, the more they feel.

"We should be able to dig something out of him, take me to have a look." Wayne threw away the half-smoked cigarette, wiped the dust and dirt off his face, and followed the soldier out of the room.

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