arms tycoon

Chapter 238

"Boss, are you crazy?" The auditory hallucination quickly reached out to touch Fu Ming's head, "It's not hot... have you been stunned by bullets?"

"It's too late for the Americans to find you, but you actually sent them yourself..." Mo Bing smacked his lips, but he didn't think Fu Ming was really crazy. "Tell me, what are your plans!"

Fu Ming quickly pushed away the hand of the auditory hallucination, frowned and said. "Go to New York and find out where the headquarters of the Dafa Development Group is. We killed their forces in Venezuela, and they used nuclear bombs. The U.S. government, as well as the Dafa Development Group core, will not let this matter pass like this. If possible……"

Before Fu Ming could finish speaking, the auditory hallucination interrupted him quickly.

"It's fine for us to do this matter. If you go now, you will undoubtedly seek your own death. If something happens to you in the United States, Ke Ke, Xiao Ting, and Cat will drown us with spit stars across the Pacific Ocean ! This is too dangerous." The auditory hallucination's head shook like a drum. "It's okay if I die, but I have a bad life. If you die, what will untr do?"

"Listen to me, if it's possible, I want to meet their current president, or even Marblesh Iskwood!" A sly smile appeared on the corner of Fu Ming's mouth. "I have enough reasons, they won't kill me."

China, Shandong, [-]-meter beach.

Xu Cheng and cat had already found Jack Davis in the crowd, and then they dragged Jack away under the surprised eyes of the girl.Jack hadn't recovered yet, but found that the two men had fierce expressions on their faces. Except that they didn't grab their hands, they looked completely murderous.Moreover, several Chinese security personnel who have been following them and monitoring them disappeared at some point!

"Damn it, they sold it?" Cat and Xu Cheng pulled Jack to the back of a small shed and looked out.

"What happened? We are being targeted? This is China!" Jack looked out from behind the asbestos tile wall of the shed. Sure enough, there were a few people in casual clothes looking around on the beach. It seems to be looking for someone.These people are all Westerners, and these people in clothes are out of place with the tourists in swimsuits on the beach.

"We can't be found by them, we don't have guns! Go back to the hotel immediately and contact the people at the UNTR station. I thought China was a very safe place." Xu Cheng watched those people look away and shouted quickly. "Let's go first, go to the storage room to put on your clothes, and then go back to the hotel!"

The three of them dodged left and right, and ran to the storage room under the cover of the people around them. After quickly changing their clothes, they were about to leave, but found that there were also two Westerners blocking the door, with serious expressions, and constantly observing passers-by s face.

"Jack!" Xu Cheng gritted his teeth and flirted with Jack.He passed a sun hat over a person's head, and the person turned around while touching his head, only to find that Xu Cheng had disappeared.

After the man left, Xu Cheng put on his hat and walked straight towards one of the Westerners. The hat was pressed down so that no one could see his face clearly.

Jack brought up the toad mirror, and the two walked quickly towards the exit, while Cat followed behind them, also bowing their heads.

The two Westerners were still looking around looking for someone. When Xu Cheng and Jack approached them, they felt that something was wrong. They just wanted to reach out to stop them, but they didn't expect the other party to take the lead!

Xu Cheng pulled the arm of one person, the huge force made the person lose his balance immediately, he raised his right leg, put his knee on his stomach, and slashed the man's neck with a hand knife. Suddenly passed out.Xu Cheng took advantage of the situation and placed the man under the wall, let him sit down against the wall, and then put the hat that he had brought along just now on his face.Although the passers-by took a few more glances, they didn't pay attention to it. They just thought that this person was tired and took a rest. Many people did this.

It was easy for Jack to cover the other person's mouth, and stuck a fruit knife in his left chest. With a twist, his heart was broken and blood seeped into the black T-shirt. Jack helped him out of the door , directly threw the body in the alley.

"Cat, go! Go back and get the gun!" Jack wiped the blood on the wall, and walked out of the alley swaggeringly.

Xu Cheng followed quickly, took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to the staff at the UNTR station. Before he had walked a few steps, he heard a puff behind him, and the bullet whizzed past with a sharp sound. It flew over Xu Cheng's face and hit a civilian in front of Xu Cheng.The civilian's neck immediately began to spurt blood. The people around were stunned for a moment, then ran away screaming. Some people hid behind the wall and recorded the scene here with their mobile phones.

"It's exposed, get in the car!" Cat ran to the front of the SUV in a few steps, opened the back seat and got in.Jack sat in the driver's seat, drove past a killer with a bang, and stopped in front of Xu Cheng.Xu Cheng got in through the window of the co-pilot's door, flipped through the drawer in front of the co-pilot, and finally found a 92-type pistol.

"It's very cool to follow us, and you can't even see anyone except for things! Where are the people from the National Security Bureau and the General Staff?" Jack stepped on the clutch and shifted to a gear. He made a sharp turn and turned around, but sirens sounded all around.

Five killers came out from the exit of the storage room. Looking at the sluggish policeman on the opposite side, he raised his hand and shot a few times. The police can usually deal with a theft and robbery. They have never encountered such a gunfight. Got beaten up.

The four policemen who got out of a nearby police car were all brought down by the killers, blood was all over the ground, and they were still twitching on the ground.The killers didn't get into the car, but just kept shooting at the SUVs going away. The bullets crackled and hit the car, the rear glass was smashed, and there were a few bullet holes in the car.

Jack looked at the group of killers from the left mirror. The mirror did indeed slam and was also smashed by bullets!

"Be careful, Jack!" Xu Chenggang put on his seat belt, looked up, and saw a Land Rover coming towards them, driving towards them quickly, without even ducking, it seemed that it was coming to hit them.

Jack turned his head and had no time to react, so he could only turn the steering wheel subconsciously, but the time was too late, the two cars collided rightly, the suv without any safety modification was hit by the armored Land Rover and stopped immediately, even if it was Wearing seat belts, Jack and Xu Cheng were still confused for a long time, and the cat behind them was completely passed out and unconscious.

The front cover of the suv was opened, and there was still thick smoke inside, and the smell was very strong. The suv was backed by the Land Rover. Although Jack pulled off the handbrake, the tires were locked and did not turn at all. The four wheels were emitting smoke until the car was pushed against the ground. It stopped on the electric pole on the side of the road.

Jack cut open his seat belt with a knife, glanced drowsily at the unconscious Xu Cheng next to him, and the cat on the back seat bleeding from his forehead, touched Xu Cheng's pistol, just opened the car door, holding the pistol His right hand was grabbed by someone, and someone dragged him out by the arm, and directly pressed him to the ground. With his right arm back, the pistol fell to the ground with a bang.

"Two were dead and two were injured. We caught them, and they are all alive." The man seemed not interested in the sirens that kept ringing nearby, but just held up the satellite phone and reported to the inside. "Okay, sir." He waved his hand and shouted to the ** beside him. "Hurry up and take them out of here. Without my order, no violence is allowed, including that woman. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed."

The man tied Jack with a restraint belt, knelt down and said to him. "Your good days are coming!" Without waiting for Jack to answer, he stood up and kicked Jack on the head.

At the same time, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the three nuclear heavy industries.

After hearing the trembling report from the untr soldier, Fu Ming's actions never changed.Because he couldn't figure out, who dared to fight in China in such a brazen and brazen manner, that a gun battle broke out and four policemen were killed. "You go back first."

The soldier watched Fu Ming waved his hands, and walked out of the room with a sigh of relief.

"What should I do?" Kariana asked, frowning. "Sister cat, Lao Xu, and Jack are all core personnel of Untr, and three of them were arrested at once."

It's not that Fu Ming is not angry, but he is suppressing his anger.Because he knows being angry doesn't do his body any good.He took out his satellite phone, and before he could make a call, the phone rang by itself.

"Uncle Leng, I want to know what happened." Fu Ming's tone was very calm.

"As soon as our people were withdrawn, your people were attacked. I don't know the specific situation and who it is..." Leng Jianbin hesitated and said, this lie is really not very clever , When is it not good to close the team, but it is just before the attack, this kind of lie will be believed by a three-year-old child, and Fu Ming is not a three-year-old child. "I'm sorry, but we didn't protect well enough. I will investigate this matter to the end."

"No need, I'll just do it myself." Fu Ming hung up the phone and said to Song Jiahao and Li Jingxue who were beside him. "Li Jingxue, it seems that your chief staff officer doesn't have any human touch."

Li Jingxue bit her lip and said nothing.In fact, since the Venezuelan nuclear explosion, she has not contacted the General Staff.And Leng Jianbin seemed to have given up on this line, completely treating Li Jingxue as a pawn.

"The general staff is unreliable. We have to solve this matter ourselves. Song Jiahao, take Luther to China. Mo Bing, hallucinations, let's continue with our plan. If it is really someone from the Dafa Development Group... we should It can solve this matter." Fu Ming waved his hand, and everyone backed out.Then he dialed a number that had been on the satellite phone but hadn't been called a few times.

"Hello, Mr. Marblesh Eskwood."

China, imperial capital, Zhongnanhai.

"Chairman, is this really good? Turn against Untr now, and cooperate in the future..." Leng Jianbin was sweating, and he didn't know what kind of move Chairman Xi was taking.

"It doesn't matter. Fu Ming knows what he has done. He didn't tell us in advance when he used the nuclear bomb. Who does he think he is? Just take it as a lesson for him. You start to investigate this matter. If his people are alive, count him lucky. dead, hum..."

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