arms tycoon

Chapter 245 Unreasonable Conditions

"In a flash, six years have passed." Fu Ming poured himself a little whiskey for the first time. "Americans will enjoy it after all. The wine they make is sweet."

"Six years?" The auditory hallucination hiccupped. "Why is it only six years?"

Mo Bing rubbed his sleepy eyes, and his drink was about the same, "You know what, the boss has been selling arms for six years."

The hallucination patted Fu Ming's shoulder. "I said little brother..."

Fu Ming was taken aback for a moment, then laughed. "how?"

"Have you taken over the business since you were a teenager?" The hallucination poured all the whiskey in the glass into his mouth, and kept shaking the glass. The ice cubes in the glass crackled and were very crisp. "It's really not easy."

"It's forced at home, there's nothing I can do. I suddenly feel like I'm in love with this profession." Fu Ming looked at the orange-yellow liquid in the transparent glass and took a sip. "It's like this wine. It's hard to drink at the beginning, but some people drink more and more times, and they gradually start to like it. Without wine, it seems like something is missing."

"Boss, when you put it that way, it's really similar. Look at this wine, it's intoxicating and hurts people. The same is true for arms dealers, hurting others and themselves." Mo Bing looked at Fu Ming and smiled, he was still quite sober , now the auditory hallucinations are lying on the stage and sleeping!In fact, what the auditory hallucinations said is indeed true. Ever since the Fushi Trading and Transportation Company emerged on the world stage and untr was established and made public, the world has been in a state of high turmoil, with wars of all sizes breaking out almost every day, and some Regional conflicts are even caused by untr's instigation and agitation! "Do we want peace or war? This is a bit against the principles of untr. I'm afraid..."

"Are you afraid that untr will become a second iadc?" Fu Ming said vaguely.

"That's right, you can do everything for the sake of profit, even if you sell your soul, even if you will cooperate with the Americans who killed your parents, elders and friends. Isn't this you, boss. What is the meaning of negotiating with the killer whale?" ?” Mo Bing seems to have woken up from the wine, but it should be under the influence of alcohol that auditory hallucinations and Mo Bing can appear so “presumptuous” tonight, and dare to ask such a question face to face.

Fu Ming shook his head and did not speak. "You guys, the older you get, the more confused you become." He didn't explain any further. He knew this truth very well, and he couldn't turn back when he walked on this road.And how difficult this road is, only Fu Ming himself knows.For the interests of the current stage, personal emotional factors must be discarded, even if it is the hatred of the country and the family, it must be endured first. In the face of interests, everything can be compromised, including the moral bottom line and principles. This is Fu Ming after the establishment of UNTR Understand the truth.

Only when the current interests are achieved can the requirements of pursuing principles be met later.Without any strength, what should I use to maintain my principles and bottom line?What do you use to maintain your national hatred and family hatred?

Fu Ming really understood. "Mo Bing, I have these things in my mind all the time, please believe me. No matter what I do..." Fu Ming wanted to say something more, but he gave up when he saw Mo Bing was about to fall from his chair.Saying anything now is nonsense.He looks at his phone, 08:30 PM ET.He drank the whiskey in the quilt, then enjoyed the jazz in the wine, and glanced at the cias behind him, saying it was protection, but in fact it was surveillance.Fu Ming did not mobilize them in order not to expose the list of personnel distributed by UNTR in New York.Just after reading the time, I received a text message on my mobile phone. This is a message from the Untr headquarters of Sanhe Heavy Industry, signed by Carianna Soyce.

"Caracas was successfully liberated, and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is already ours."

The message was brief, but Fu Ming's eyes lit up immediately.The influence of alcohol on the brain began to gradually dissipate, and Fu Ming replied to the text message through a confidential line. "Venezuela belongs to the Venezuelan people, not us. At least, it belongs to Ava now. Clean up Caracas and give it to Ava. Make Wayne Brad watch out for military discipline and leave 5000 people to serve as temporary police troops, the rest will all be withdrawn to Kinshasa within three days."

Just as Fu Ming was about to put down his phone, it vibrated again. He looked at the number on it and frowned desperately. "cocoa……"

"Do you want to die? If you want to die, don't go to cia, come to me, and I will help you solve it without any pain!" Coco Heike Indias said almost growling. "I don't care where you are now, go to the safe house of UNTR's New York branch right away. I know where it is but the exact location. I'm responsible for your safety. I've already sent someone to New York. The special plane will take off immediately. Tell me where you are and be honest. Stay here, don't see anyone!"

"I'm fine... This time I'm here to negotiate terms with the killer whale, there's no danger. I have a few CIA agents by my side, and they guarantee my safety." Fu Ming quickly explained.

Ke Ke on the other end of the phone was stunned. "what happened?"

"We took Caracas. The entire territory of Venezuela was liberated. The United States may blockade Venezuela. If we want to get benefits, we must divide it with them..." Fu Ming thought, this is also an impossible solution, after all Venezuela is in Latin America, and it is the back garden of the United States. It is necessary to share interests with the Americans. Of course, Fu Ming will light a fire in this back garden.

"Anyway, the plane is ready..." Coco muttered. "Wait for me." After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Fu Ming smiled helplessly. Now he really wanted to know what kind of mentality Jax Cabricio, who was sold by his own people, had.It would be best if he could be captured alive.He asked the bartender for another cocktail. The alcohol content was not too high, but it was quite refreshing and tasted like lemon juice.Fu Ming drank it down in one gulp, and waved to the people in cia, ready to let them carry the auditory hallucinations and Mo Bing back.These two people drink a lot, but for some reason, they are both drunk today.I'm afraid that after the specific action against the big development group, I felt scared.This was indeed a very risky operation, but they succeeded.

A Westerner in a black suit and black sunglasses approached, as if he was afraid that others would not know that they were secret agents.Fu Ming even wondered if these cia members would bump into the table because they couldn't see the way in this dimly lit wine room.

"Mr. K, please wait a moment, Mr. Cabricio will be here soon!" said the cia agent.

Fu Ming frowned. "My people are all drunk. Mr. Mabrech Cabricio didn't say that the negotiations will be held tonight. I'm afraid it will be inconvenient. Can we wait until tomorrow?"

"Sir, time is very urgent. Mr. Cabricio is very urgent to meet with you now."

The two of them were talking, when they heard a loud noise at the door, the tires of the car rubbing against the ground made harsh and sharp noises, and the reporter standing at the door watching the scene ran over cursing, "assh*le! No parking is allowed here! "

The killer whale didn't say a word, just showed his ID, and said to a person accompanying him, "Clear the venue."

Several security guards walked back resentfully after seeing the documents, and then slowly persuaded the guests in the wine to leave, saying that the door was about to be closed.

The killer whale sat at a table, nodded to Fu Ming at the stage, and snapped his fingers, and the waiter immediately came over. "Two glasses of brandy."

Fu Ming looked back at Mo Bing and the auditory hallucination, but sat next to the killer whale. "Marblesh, it seems that you are more anxious than I am."

"Ten minutes ago, I heard the news that Caracas had been captured. The government building and the presidential palace had also been occupied by untr forces. It seems that the president has caught a job." Mabrech squinted his eyes. Look at Fu Ming. "It's not easy. The victory of a large-scale war is a national civil war." Marblech knows that if any country publicly supports this kind of civil war, or even participates in this war, it will be accused of "interfering in the country's internal affairs." hat of.But UNTR is not a country, but a military organization. In a sense, the troops it owns are just mercenaries. Fu Ming can definitely issue a statement saying that UNTR's participation in the war was carried out at the request of Ava, and Ava hired his army.As for how much money to give, no one else can control it, even if Ava sleeps with Fu Ming for one night, it is still a deal.

Now Fu Ming has to take a new look at Cia's relationship network. You must know that you just got the news about Carianna. According to the time, Fu Ming got the news later than Orca! "So it's like this..." Fu Ming picked up the brandy brought by the waiter and carefully observed the color.

"The cia's request is very simple. We can not block the new Venezuelan government organized by Eva de Franco, but the United States must retain all of its original interests in Venezuela, including oil and minerals. In addition, I request that Jaxcard Brisio uses the principle of extradition. He is suspected of stealing, smuggling and selling nuclear bombs, which violates the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and international law. The US government and the United Nations have the right and obligation to try him!" The killer whale took a sip Brandy, it looks like I am enjoying it.

Fu Ming smiled slightly, he didn't drink, he had already drank a lot just now, originally he didn't drink much, drinking too much would cause trouble.The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and international law are all bullshit.Fu Ming knew that the Americans didn't want Jax to die in his hands like this, and keeping Jax's life served other purposes.Speaking of selling nuclear bombs, Fu Ming has also done it. Although the technology has not been leaked, it is true that he received a large-yield nuclear bomb made in the former Soviet Union from Blakely Paddle, and he also purchased it from China and sold it to Ava.It seems that the cia still doesn't know that Fu Ming got the Soviet nuclear bomb from Lebanon. If it is calculated seriously, Fu Ming regards this treaty as paper.

"Mr. Cabricio, I warn you." Fu Ming didn't use honorifics, but became serious instead. "The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela was liberated by the UNTR special operations force, and the new government was supported by us. You didn't have any capital to carve up local interests. This is like grabbing food from our mouths. I'm very protective of food." Fu Ming took off his plain glasses and took out a handkerchief to wipe them. "However, we are very pleased that the U.S. government has not interfered in the cause of Venezuela's liberation, so we agree to your interests. However, I cannot hand over the nuclear bomb and Jaques Cabrisio to you."

Fu Ming was slapping a sweet date. Although Americans have another name for this behavior, the killer whale still knows this truth.

"K, the U.S. government wants to impose sanctions on the new Venezuelan government, and it can start immediately. Venezuela's economy will decline to an incalculable extent. You have to think about this matter. At least, untr can't have Soviet-made products in his hands Nuke!"

"Untr, I have nothing, I just have money." Fu Ming laughed. "Have you forgotten the last financial tsunami?"

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