arms tycoon

Chapter 255

Fu Ming didn't know the person who came. He only thought that they were similar in age, and there were guards from the People's Liberation Army behind him.

Cat raised the tablet and silently took a picture of that person's face, took a few shots in a row, and then sent it back to the headquarter of Untr Tri-Core Heavy Industry for face comparison. There are still a lot of information about important people in the untr database. If this person really has any relationship with the Chinese military, at such a young age and important status, it will definitely be recorded.

However, cat just sent the photo of the Xianglong drone to Harry Cloud. According to Harry's personality, he will definitely jump up excitedly and ask cat to take more photos for reference. The strange thing is that Harry Cloud Lauder seemed unresponsive, and the one-sided correspondence went unanswered. cat even suspected that Harry couldn't bear the loneliness and the attraction of the Zhuhai Air Show, and now he was on the plane to Zhuhai!

Fu Ming frowned, but didn't show up, he endured the pain and apologized. "I'm very sorry." He nodded and brought Xu Cheng and Wayne Bradella back.Because he saw that the PLA guards at the back saw Xu Cheng and Brad coming forward, and they also planned to start fighting. "Please let me go."

"I want to leave after bumping into someone!" the man growled with raised eyebrows. "This is mainland China. The people who offend me can be counted on one hand. What are you?"

Seeing that the situation in the audience was not good, Wei Zhenghong quickly dispersed the surrounding onlookers, stepped forward to apologize, and prepared to make peace. "Isn't this Young Master Zheng? It's great for Commander Zheng to come in. Look, this gentleman is a distinguished guest at the Zhuhai Air Show. Everyone takes a step back. He apologized just now, so let's forget about it. Young Master Zheng is really leisurely." Come to this place to have a look, when the exhibition in the morning is over, I will treat you to dinner, to save face, say hello to Commander Zheng for me!"

Just as Fu Ming wanted to leave, he was stopped by those soldiers of the People's Liberation Army. He frowned and looked at the cat. The cat quickly moved forward, and put its mouth next to Fu Ming's ear, whispering softly.

"Zheng Tailong, the second generation of the army. His father is Zheng Yingying, deputy commander-in-chief of the Nanjing Military Region."

After Fu Ming heard this sentence, his first reaction was to start looking at this dude again.The Chinese People's Liberation Army has a total of seven military regions, and the Nanjing Military Region is one of the seven military regions. It has the Air Force and the Air Force Army Aviation Regiment. The most important thing is of course the Army.The number of soldiers disclosed by the Nanjing Military Region is close to 40, but Fu Ming believes that the actual number is far more than this number.

It should be said that Zheng Tailong is the principal in front of others. With such a good father, it is very difficult to keep a low profile.However, in front of Fu Ming, this was an act of provocation and courting death.

If it is said that in mainland China, the number of people who dare to provoke Zheng Tailong can be counted on one hand, then Fu Ming must be counted in the whole world.

There are absolutely no more than four people in the whole world who want to mess with Untr.

"So this Young Master Zheng, how do you want to deal with this matter? I also apologized for bumping into you, and said, do you want any compensation, medical expenses?" Fu Ming still rubbed his shoulders and said with a smile.

This smile is a very dangerous signal, but Zheng Tailong doesn't know this.

Zheng Tailong drove away Wei Zhenghong who came to make a rescue. After all, Wei Zhenghong can be regarded as a member of the Nanjing Military Region, but he was only in charge of the Zhuhai Air Show. If his father Zheng Yingying said something in front of him, even if Wei Zhenghong messed around to death, he wouldn't be able to get ahead.

Although he is a division-level cadre according to his military rank, he is a vacant post after all. He still has no military power in his hands. He is in charge of foreign negotiations and image promotion. eyes, and walked away quickly.

Zheng Tailong was stunned for a moment when he heard Fu Ming's question. In fact, he didn't want Fu Ming to do anything at all. Seeing Fu Ming's brilliant performance on stage caused a sensation, but he didn't have such a person in his mind. Just humiliate him.Originally, Zheng Tailong thought that Fu Ming was a hardliner and refused to apologize, but he didn't expect Fu Ming to apologize first, which made him a little bit embarrassed, he hesitated for a long time and couldn't speak.An officer standing behind Zheng Tailong leaned forward and whispered something softly.

"This is the top person in charge of untr."

Zheng Tailong frowned, he knew what untr was, and it was an extremely powerful organization, but Zheng Tailong just didn't believe that Fu Ming could do anything to him in China.Messing him is tantamount to provoking those hundreds of thousands of soldiers. It seems to be an easy task for him to crush Fu Ming to death in China.

"Say it, Mr. Zheng." Fu Ming's smile became more and more intense, and the corners of his mouth almost reached his ears. "If you don't say it, then I will say it first."

Cat felt that something was wrong, Fu Ming was probably really angry, so he pulled Fu Ming. "This is China, it's not good."

Fu Ming ignored the cat and took a step forward instead. "You are about my age. I am now the number one terrorist wanted in the Western world, and I am a partner of the United States and China. I can influence the whole world. What about you? Relying on your father as a high-ranking official, bullying others everywhere? The same People, why is the gap so big?"

Xu Cheng and Wayne laughed and said nothing, but they saw Zheng Tailong's face getting uglier and uglier. Before that, no one dared to talk to him like that.

"Let me tell you, you are just a waste. Without your father, you are nothing. But with me, your father's power is useless." Fu Ming waved his hand. "Old Xu, Wayne, drag him out, beat him up, half-death is enough, don't let anyone die."

Xu Cheng and Wayne were going to grab people, but the PLA officer next to him quit. Seeing that Fu Ming was also a tough guy, he didn't dare to stop Xu Cheng and Wayne. A soldier of the People's Liberation Army might not be able to beat these two people, and looking at Zheng Tailong's face, he had already turned green.

"Mr. Fu, what happened just now really made us go too far, please..." The officer smiled shyly, but before he finished speaking, Xu Cheng's thugs directly covered his mouth.

Xu Cheng pinched his chin, as if he wanted to pick up the officer with one hand and push him out.

The officer took a step back, knocked over several tables, and then fell heavily on the ground, looking seriously injured.The security personnel in the exhibition hall did not dare to step forward. One was the son of the deputy commander of the military region, and the other was Fu Ming from Untr. Definitely take revenge on the other party, not yourself.

There were more and more people onlookers, and they almost formed a circle. Only then did the security personnel disperse the crowd and did their duty.

"If you want to fight, you can accompany me at any time." Xu Cheng said viciously to the remaining four soldiers of the People's Liberation Army. He was a soldier, and he was a gangster. He conducted military operations at the border and abroad all day long, and killed countless people. , Even he himself doesn't know the exact number, just a look, it's not at the same level as those big soldiers who have never experienced war and only know training.

The four soldiers looked at each other in blank dismay, but none of them dared to move forward.You know, Fu Ming didn't kill Zheng Tailong because of his father. After all, Fu Ming didn't want to make things too big. If it was before, anyone who dared to threaten Fu Ming face to face would have already been chopped up. , the dead are not buried.

And these small soldiers have no power and power, and one or two deaths are all used as training death indicators, not even martyrs. It is impossible for the Chinese military to give up cooperation with Untr just because Fu Ming killed a few small soldiers. After all, profit is the most important thing of.

Xu Cheng sneered. "Wayne, look at these soldiers here, I'm enough alone!" After finishing speaking, he hooked Zheng Tailong's neck with his elbow and dragged him out directly. , his face suddenly turned pale, and he couldn't even cry out.

The soldiers just watched their protected objects being dragged out, but none of them dared to move.

"If you want to die, just say it directly, why bother, do you have to show it with actions?" Fu Ming muttered, and he didn't forget to shout. "Old Xu, it's a little serious, don't kill me."

"Kid, if you make a mistake, you will be spanked, I know!" Xu Cheng dragged Zheng Tailong to the door without looking back.

"Four, do you have any objections?" Fu Ming looked at the officer who was lying on the ground and couldn't get up, and then at the four soldiers with livid faces.According to regulations, weapons are not allowed in the exhibition hall.But even with bare hands, even with Wayne alone, whether the four of them can win together has to be weighed.

"No objection, then please do what you want. But you guys followed this Zheng Tailong and met me. You are unlucky. Something happened to Zheng Tailong. Your future will definitely be affected. I only blame myself for following the wrong one. People!" Fu Ming put away the smile on his face, turned and left, and wanted to go to another part of the hall.

"I'm very surprised. Zheng Tailong is about the same age as me. He should be in college. How could he appear in this place." Fu Ming underestimated the cat behind him in a low voice.

"The information is confidential. After all, they are the second generation of the army. There are not many things that can be found, but it is speculated that they should study in a certain academy of the PLA. After they come out, they will be the staff of the general staff. They will eat and wait to die. This kind of talent is really a waste of money. People's tax!" Cat looked very relieved, "However, this kind of behavior will not arouse the resentment of the military, after all, this is their territory, Wei Zhenghong looks like a nice person, this matter may cause him trouble .”

"It doesn't matter, let's teach this Zheng a lesson. If there is such a son, the officer will have to take him down! As for the blame, of course I blamed it. After all, Wei Zhenghong has nothing to do with this matter." Fu Ming Stopped in front of a missile model. "Have you contacted Dr. Cloud?"

cat shook his head. "I can't get in touch through the Internet. Carianna said that he is not in the laboratory, and the phone is turned off, and nothing will happen."

"This old naughty boy should be on the plane now. He must be coming to Zhuhai." Fu Ming looked around while talking. A booth with few visitors caught his attention. On the table was a Robot, without human manipulation, this robot can make its own actions according to the reflection of others, and it is very flexible.Most people are not interested in this kind of unorthodox technology, but for Fu Ming who owns a general-purpose humanoid battle mech, this is not the case.

He looked at the young man with thick eyes at the back of the booth. The man was only about 30 years old. He participated in this exhibition and might represent his company. However, his listless face seemed to be due to There are not many followers of his products, so he is disheartened.

"Come on, go over and have a look, it might be useful." Fu Ming said.

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