arms tycoon

Chapter 260 Event Escalation

After the professional day on the third day, Fu Ming flew directly from Zhuhai to the Imperial Capital. There was no direct flight to Pyongyang from the Imperial Capital International Airport. Fu Ming could only enter the country by car through the border between Liaoning Province and North Korea.

This matter is actually stipulated by the North Koreans, and Fu Ming can't help it.Fu Ming looked at cat, and cat also looked at her expressionlessly, as if to say that this matter had nothing to do with him, but actually he was secretly smiling.

This matter really has nothing to do with her, the earliest flight will have to wait until the afternoon of the imperial capital time.Fu Ming stood at the airport, neither staying nor staying, and finally went back to school to have a look.

At the very least, go see Zeng Xiaoting.Lin Jianping, who was absent from school, also returned to the imperial capital with the plane. Although he wanted to watch the public open day in the next three days, there would be an aviation performance, but Lin Jianping still made some calculations. He thought it was a bit inappropriate to be absent from school for a week. Lin Jianping's mobile phone was about to blow up, so Lin Jianping reluctantly returned to the imperial capital, and went straight to school after returning to the imperial capital.

Although there are not too many untr personnel left in the imperial city, there is still a untr branch in a certain corner of the city.These people will be responsible for the food, lodging and transportation of Fu Ming's group. They have been waiting here at the airport early in the morning. Although there are not many people, they are enough.

Several Hongqi cars are still parked in the airport parking lot.Fu Ming left all the members of the security force behind to let them go to rest. He took cat alone and drove to Imperial University by himself.

Although the journey was not far, the traffic conditions in the Imperial Capital were not very good. After driving for more than an hour, Fu Ming's shoulders began to hurt, and he arrived around the Imperial Capital University.

Today is not Sunday, it is a day that needs to be taught.At ten o'clock in the morning, the campus was still relatively empty.Of course, there were also some students who were taking outdoor courses on campus, and they didn't pay attention to Fu Ming. It seemed that cat was more dazzling than Fu Ming, which made cat smile very seductively.

"If you laugh again, you'll kill them." Fu Ming turned around and looked at the happy cat. "It's spring."

"Go, go, it's none of your business. Untr is in charge of me, and my private life?" Cat hurriedly pushed Fu Ming aside. "They don't seem to recognize you."

"Of course, I'm less photogenic. I look much more handsome in real life than on TV." Fu Ming took out a cigarette and stuffed it into his mouth. Just as he lit a cigarette, a teacher walked over to him.

"Which class are you in? Don't you know that smoking is not allowed on campus?" The teacher had the same reaction as the students, first glanced at the cat, and then turned his attention to Fu Ming.

cat quickly poked Fu Ming's back. "Quickly pinch it, you think this is in the three nuclear heavy industry! You always experiment in the experimental workshop, and the things in it are munitions and nothing else. You don't know how you died!"

Fu Ming was stunned for a moment, no one had dared to point his nose at him and scold him like this since he started this line of business, thinking back that it was also his fault, he quickly snuffed out the cigarette and threw it into the trash can. "If it really blows up, it's my life. I don't deserve to die!"

The teacher's face brightened a little, "Which class are you in? Why are you still wandering around during class time, and this classmate! Cough..."

Hearing the teacher call her a classmate, cat almost jumped to the teacher. "Teacher, what instructions do you have?"

"The school stipulates that you should dress like this..."

"I'm very sorry, I'm here to find someone, and I've registered with the guard." In Fu Ming's mind, the guard's expression when he saw his signature is still there.

The more the teacher looked at it, the more he felt that something was wrong, and he walked away in doubt. When he walked more than ten meters and found that this person was so familiar, he looked back and saw that Fu Ming and cat had disappeared.

"If I remember correctly, it should be this classroom. get out of class will be over in a few minutes." Fu Ming looked at his watch, entered the teaching building, and stopped in front of a classroom door.

"Did you hear that, am I that young? You actually think of me as a student!" Cat danced and said, girls always like to hear people praise her, and cat is exactly this age.

Fu Ming rolled his eyes at her, then pulled out a peaked cap from cat's bag, and put it on his head.He didn't want to be chased and intercepted by the students here. Once someone recognized him, the consequences would be disastrous.When he was studying in university, Fu Ming had caused quite a few sensational events. Although Imperial Capital University has had many famous people since ancient times, Fu Ming, who has full influence on the world, is nothing more than the best.

In the future, when this group of students grow old, they can brag to his descendants. I was in the same class as the top person in charge of the untr.

Fu Ming lowered his hat down, almost covering his face. He took out his cell phone, because the cell phone vibrated slightly a few minutes ago.This is a text message.

"The news is accurate. North Korea unilaterally tore up the armistice agreement." The message was very brief, and the sender was Kariana, but this news still shocked Fu Ming.

"It seems that the person surnamed Jin has also got the news. This is about to start a fight!" Fu Ming glanced at the cat after reading the message, and then deleted the message.

"Why are the North Koreans fighting now? Are there warships in the Pacific Ocean that are not as big as the Chinese fishery administration ships?" Cat laughed disdainfully. "It is impossible for the Chinese government not to intervene in this incident. Maybe they will ask us for help! You said, the Chinese government just tricked us once, can you pull your face down and ask us for help this time?"

"Don't care about him, if we really want our help, we'll have to beat them up this time. Even if they don't speak, Untr's figure will still appear on the battlefield. But..." Fu Ming hesitated, but still Didn't plan to say it.

"You always say half of what you say!" cat didn't care, "You just said it. But what?"

Fu Ming listened to the music ringtone for the end of get out of class, and whispered out. "I always feel that this matter is a bit strange. It is said that Japan and South Korea are at war, and the Americans have no time to hide. After all, they are all allies. In the previous wars in the Eastern Pacific, NATO, the United States, the European Union, Russia and even China did not even have a fart." Let it go, I hope that these two economic powers can make some extra money for themselves. In this regard, at least in terms of arms, Russia, China and the United States control this matter very tightly. Untr has no interest here. I can’t get in the way. Taking a step back, Japan and South Korea are at war, so what’s the matter with North Korea? North Korea has always supported South Korea’s recovery of the disputed islands, why did it suddenly..." After Fu Ming analyzed it carefully, the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong .

"Depending on the situation, at least meeting Kim Jong-un won't be dangerous." Cat tried his best to find Zeng Xiaoting and Lin Jianping among the students after class.

The eyes of most of the students were still on cat, that woman who was dressed in bright clothes and was first-class in terms of figure, skin and appearance, satisfies her vanity firmly here.And the slightly skinny man next to him who couldn't see his face, wearing a dark T-shirt and a peaked cap on a hot day, seemed to be a foil, and didn't attract the attention of the students at all.

Lin Jianping and Zeng Xiaoting were talking about something, and walked out from the exit. After seeing the cat, Lin Jianping ran over quickly, and Zeng Xiaoting ran faster than Lin Jianping, and gave the cat a bear hug as soon as he came up.

Cat looked at the pale Fu Ming beside him, and smiled strangely. "Even your girlfriend doesn't know you anymore. Don't be too low-key, boss."

Zeng Xiaoting didn't expect Fu Ming to come here at all, she was stunned for a moment, and then slipped into Fu Ming's arms. "I miss you!"

Fu Ming gently kissed Zeng Xiaoting's forehead, and was about to get away to go to Lin Jianping's side, and wanted to ask him if he was going to North Korea to see the world, but someone grabbed his shoulders suddenly.The gunshot wound hadn't healed yet. Although the bone fragments had been removed, that part was still fixed by the steel plate.The movement of La Fuming's shoulders is very taboo in untr now.

Fu Ming broke out in cold sweat from the pain, but he still didn't make a sound. He turned around and saw a young man he didn't know standing behind him.

"You are?" Fu Ming tried hard to recall this face in his mind, but he didn't have any impression.The hat also fell to the ground during the pull just now.

"I want to ask you, who are you to hug Zeng Xiaoting? She is my woman!" The man wanted to push Fu Ming, which was undoubtedly a provocative act.Although Fu Ming hasn't had physical training for a long time, and his fighting skills have deteriorated, but it's no problem to deal with a little guy without getting injured.The key point is that Fu Ming was injured, and he couldn't fight back if he was bullied.

Lin Jianping hurried forward to pull the two people away, while Fu Ming was looking at Zeng Xiaoting with a puzzled expression. Betrayal was the most intolerable behavior for Fu Ming.

"Don't blame him. This kid has been pestering Zeng Xiaoting since the day before yesterday. I asked someone to help protect her these few days. I went to the Zhuhai Air Show with you, and after I came back, I dismissed him and I am responsible for it myself. I haven't figured out the name of this person yet, leave everything to me, don't make this a big deal, this is a school, not a battlefield!" Looking at Fu Ming's expression, Lin Jianping felt that something was wrong.

Fu Ming was in a bad mood at first, but after being involved in this matter, he became even more frightened, and had the urge to pull out his pistol and shoot the kid in front of him.However, he almost instinctively took his left hand back from the back of his waist, greeted him with a smile, and stretched out his left hand to shake hands with him. "I'm Zeng Xiaoting's boyfriend, Fu Ming. My right shoulder is injured. I'm very sorry." Fu Ming's smile made cat feel very scared.Every time there is such a smile, Fu Ming must want to kill someone in his heart.

"Boss, let Lin Jianping handle this matter..." cat just wanted to go forward to pull Fu Ming back, but Fu Ming turned his head and gave him a glare.

"My own woman is my own business. You can't control it. Tell me, friend. How do you plan to win love? Seeing that I am not here, does it mean that I have no ability to take care of this matter?" Fu The expression on Ming's face did not change at all, and his tone was very peaceful.

"You just said, what's your name?" The student finally frowned.

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