arms tycoon

Chapter 282 Under the non-existent organization

January 2011, Las Vegas airport homicide, the next day.Song Jiahao found Fu Ming three hours ago.

Somewhere in New York, United States of America.

A man with an oriental face, wearing a windbreaker, walked into the lobby of a hotel.He took off his wool cap, patted the snow on his body, and strode towards the front desk.

It is now noon, and the female receptionist at the front desk is drowsy. Although the weather outside is relatively cold and New York is in the midst of a snowstorm, the air conditioner in the room is fully turned on, and the floor-to-ceiling windows are shrouded in fog, reflecting The bright light made the people in the room only see the hazy scenery outside.

"Miss, may I ask if you have seen this person?" The eastern man took out a photo from his pocket and took it on the table.

His voice woke up the female receptionist at the front desk.

"I'm sorry, sir. All I can say is that I don't know." The female receptionist spread her hands. "We want to keep the customer's information confidential, this is his personal privacy."

"That is to say, this person does live here?" The man sneered. "Thank you very much!"

The female receptionist watched the man walk into the elevator with different eyes, and before she had time to call the security personnel, the elevator door was closed.

The moment the female receptionist hesitated, the man had already found the name and room number he wanted to see from the notebook under the female receptionist's hands.He saw that the female receptionist glanced down, and the notebook in the counter was where the female receptionist was looking.

This kind of trick is really commonplace for this man.After the man got out of the elevator, he stopped in front of the house number. He reached out and knocked on the door, but there was no movement inside.

Just as he sighed and was about to turn around to leave, the door of the room creaked and was opened from the inside.

"Song Jiahao, you are indeed here." The man sighed. This hotel was where he and Song Jiahao stayed in New York for their last mission.As a safe house, it still rarely attracts attention.Since Song Jiahao suddenly disappeared without a trace after the Las Vegas airport incident yesterday, people in the organization have been guessing that he must have come here.

The man knew Song Jiahao too well, they were the closest comrades in arms.

"Old Han, you're finally here!" Song Jiahao hurriedly turned around and packed his things. He also planned to burn everything related to him, including towels, and he would not leave any personal information here. , including DNA. "The organization has found a way to get out of here? God, I don't even dare to make a phone call, cia is going crazy now!"

The man's name was Han Yongbing, he was Song Jiahao's comrade-in-arms for two years, and he could be regarded as his leading brother and master.He understands all the characteristics of Song Jiahao's behavior, because he taught Song Jiahao all these.Han Yongbing looked at Song Jiahao who was busy destroying the traces he had left, and slowly frowned.

"How did things develop to such an extent? Why were they stopped by the security personnel at the airport when they were doing it?"

Song Jiahao said without turning his head. "How do I know! No one else stopped me, but I was the only one who stopped me! I'm unlucky, drinking cold water can get stuck between my teeth. Don't talk about this, how do we get out of here?" Song Jiahao had almost prepared all his things , just a fire to burn everything down.He put everything about himself, including towels and other clothes, in the tub and doused it with highly volatile lighter kerosene, which is cheap, a few dollars a bottle, and can be bought at will , but it is enough to burn these things, and when they are almost burned, they will be washed with hot water from the shower, and nothing will be left.He wiped down almost everything to make sure there were no fingerprints, even the shoes were intentionally one size too large.

Song Jiahao turned around, "Excuse me!" When he completely turned his face away, the scene in front of him stunned him.

Han Yongbing was holding an m1911 pistol to his head.

"Old Han, what do you mean!" Song Jiahao looked at Han Yongbing with an incredulous look.

"Xiao Song, I'm sorry..." Han Yongbing frowned, but the gun in his hand was shaking constantly. "We have no way to take you away. There is really nothing we can do. The whole territory is under lockdown, in order not to leak the secrets... I can only do this. This is the task assigned to me by my superiors. Soldiers, obeying orders is their bounden duty. "The corner of Han Yongbing's mouth was twitching constantly. Although this was an order, he still couldn't shoot right away when Song Jiahao had his back turned to him.He felt that even if Song Jiahao was going to die, he couldn't be allowed to die for no apparent reason.

"From the very beginning, I knew that this way of serving would definitely not end well, but I really didn't expect that I would die at the hands of my own people, and I really didn't expect that the person who killed me would be you !” Song Jiahao sighed and shook his head, he took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it for himself. "You can't do it."

After Han Yongbing heard it, he trembled again.

"If you're really that cold-blooded, you can shoot and blow my head off when my back is turned to you. I don't even have time to react. You can't do it." Song Jiahao finally sighed . "The organization sent you here to keep me alive. Because they know you can't do it, you will let me go. I will disappear and hide my identity, and I will live for the rest of my life."

Han Yongbing put down his pistol and lowered his head. "Before I came, I had already thought about what to do. But, Xiao Song, you are my brother!" Han Yongbing walked to the window and opened the curtains.

Perhaps the following scene is normal in the eyes of ordinary people.But in Han Yongbing's eyes, something was wrong. "Organizational considerations are already very thorough. We don't want to give up any of our comrades..." Han Yongbing has been in the organization for seven or eight years.He has killed everything from an eighty-year-old woman to a five-year-old child.

There are no principles, no bottom line, no benevolence and morality, only loyalty, only orders, and only interests.At the very beginning, Han Yongbing still had doubts about those so-called orders, but now, all he can do is obey.He is a machine, if not for this matter, Song Jiahao would soon become a machine, a killing machine.

Dealing with terrorists, arresting intelligence criminals, assassinating defectors, and taking revenge on the families of spies from other countries are all things they have done.They are a group of people who do not exist, whether it is the military, the police, domestic or foreign, no one will recognize their identities.

They do not have any law enforcement power, and what they do will not be legally recognized even in China.They are people who walk in a gray area. They can only survive by relying on their own abilities. Even if they see the domestic police, they have to avoid them.

The organization will not provide them with any shelter.

"I want to let you go, but someone doesn't want to let you go!" Han Yongbing wiped the fog from the glass window, looking at the heavy snow outside the window, and the pedestrians hurrying in the street under the heavy snow.He noticed that two cars stopped at the intersection not far from the hotel, and every ten seconds, a Westerner would get off the car.

Those people looked very ordinary and dressed very casually, but they were different from the passers-by. Most of the passers-by had snow on their bodies, but they just got out of the car and looked very clean.

A total of six people came down, and all of them walked into the hotel gate without exception.

In fact, cia didn't want to make this matter too big. The person who died was a defector. In order to provide the US government with information about the Chinese military, the news media hid this, which prevented the US government from mobilizing everyone to find it. The killer was Song Jiahao.They can only come secretly, to hide their eyes and ears.

You can't lie to others, at least you can deceive yourself.

Han Yongbing took out another pistol that he had already prepared, and just handed it to Song Jiahao when he heard a knock on the door.He walked slowly towards the door.

Song Jiahao checked the magazine, pulled the bolt, and the bullet was loaded with a click. He pointed the muzzle of the gun at the wooden door, ready to shoot through.

It is impossible to have room service at this time, even if someone from CIA finds a waiter to trick the door into opening, that waiter can only blame himself for being unlucky.After all, compared to the waiter's life, Song Jiahao still felt that his life was more precious.

But before Song Jiahao could pull the trigger, there was a bang, and the door was blasted open from the outside with golden sparks, and smoke and dust billowed everywhere. Both Song Jiahao and Han Yongbing were stunned for a few seconds. Then came back to God.

"Smoke bomb!" Han Yongbing looked at the tumbling cylindrical object on the ground, and smoke was constantly escaping from the object.

Song Jiahao covered his nose with his left hand, raised the gun with his right hand and pulled the trigger resolutely. The bullet flew not far before hitting the first CIA officer who ran out of the smoke.

The CIA member fell to the ground in response, without even yelling, lying on the ground twitching continuously, and couldn't see how much blood was on the ground.

"You go first, I'll cover!" Han Yongbing also shot continuously into the cloud of smoke, and there was a painful scream from the smoke, and then the bullet flew out of the smoke again, rubbing Han Yongbing's head flew out. "In the past, you were always covering, but this time it's me!"

Song Jiahao gritted his teeth, he didn't care about the politeness at this time, he turned his head and glanced at Han Yongbing who was constantly changing magazines, Han Yongbing's cover position was indeed better than his own.And the closer he was to the window, the higher the chance of escaping.

"Old Han, take care!" Song Jiahao yelled back, broke the window directly, jumped from the third floor, and then smashed hard on the roof of a car, which made a whining noise. The windshield was all cracked.He rolled off the car and was covered in mud and water. Because it was snowing, the speed of the cars on the road was not very fast. Several cars stopped in front of him. The drivers stuck out their heads and cursed, but Song Jia Hao still held the gun in his hand, so he dared not speak any more.

Song Jiahao looked up at the room, but heard a gunshot behind him, followed by a piercing pain from his waist, which almost made him faint.

He subconsciously turned around to fight back, and the two bullets whizzed and flew for about ten meters, and the enemy fell to the ground. "Sure enough, there are people below!" Normally, he would have noticed whether there were people below, but now, he was so worried about Han Yongbing's situation that he was distracted for a few seconds at this moment.

If within a few seconds, the cia officer's marksmanship had been more accurate, the bullet would not have hit Song Jiahao's waist.

He desperately clutched his wound to stop the bleeding, but the blood continued to seep from his fingers. He knew that no one could help him now.In his mind, he suddenly remembered the man he bumped into at the airport yesterday.

He remembered that it was an Asian face with a Chinese taste on it.

Han Yongbing was still struggling in the room, with only one bullet left.He originally wanted to keep the bullet for himself, but an oval-shaped object rolled out of the smoke and slowly stopped at his feet.

Frag grenade, he knew, he didn't need the last bullet.

The grenade exploded under his feet, and the air wave caused by the explosion made the whole room a mess, and the smoke emitted by the smoke bomb was also dispersed by the shock wave.Two dilapidated windows, even the window frames were shaken off, and the broken glass scattered to the sidewalk below the windows. Pedestrians stopped to watch the explosion, and some people were still filming with their mobile phones.

A cia officer pointed a pistol at Han Yongbing's head and walked slowly over. He kicked off the pistol in Han Yongbing's hand with his feet. Han Yongbing's body was beyond recognition, and his clothes were all black. There was also blood oozing out continuously, the wound was deep, and the blood flowed all over the ground.

Even so, the cia officer still shot Han Yongxin twice in the chest.Because Han Yongxin killed four cia personnel in the battle just now, and it was still blocked by smoke.

Song Jiahao staggered down the path to avoid being noticed. He saw a parking lot and skillfully stole a car. After he sat in the driver's seat, he sighed and used the rags of his shirt The splinters bandaged their own wounds to stop the bleeding.

Not far away, there was a dull explosion sound, Song Jiahao's hands shook, and the force of the bandage was too great, and he gritted his teeth in pain from the wound, he probably knew what happened.

"Old Han, thank you."

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