arms tycoon

Chapter 284

Fu Ming and cat, as well as Leng Jianbin and other members of the General Staff, sat in a small room next to the interrogation room, watching the situation in the interrogation room through the surveillance camera.The expressions on their faces were almost the same, they opened their mouths wide and didn't know what to say.

"What method did he use? Rong Tiejun's ideological quality has been strictly trained by the general staff. Even under torture and psychotropic drugs, it is impossible to make him into this state of mind!" Leng Jianbin looked at the screen. The picture said in surprise. "What the hell is the organization hiding!"

Fu Ming watched Song Jiahao's performance with great interest. Song Jiahao only used a glass of water, and Rong Tiejun was relieved.In the more than three years since Song Jiahao joined his team, he has never shown such means.Fu Ming had never seen it either.

"Just watch quietly, maybe we can get more information."

Song Jiahao in the interrogation room sighed. It seemed that this method was indeed effective. At least, even though Rong Tiejun had undergone such strict mental resistance training, he still couldn't resist hypnotism.

This kind of hypnotism is not learned by everyone, and there are very few people in the organization who know it.Back then, Song Jiahao studied with Han Yongbing for a long time before he got the hang of it.But just relying on a little fur is already very powerful.This kind of hypnosis can deeply hypnotize the target through psychological suggestion, or language and props in a short period of time, but it will cause irreparable damage to the target's cerebral cortex.It can range from headaches to paralysis and frustration, and a slight external action will have a huge impact on the target person who has entered a deep level of hypnosis, and it will even be deeply rooted.

Even if the target person has undergone special training in resisting hypnosis, there is a certain chance of being hypnotized, let alone someone like Rong Tiejun who has not been trained in resisting hypnosis.

Anyway, Rong Tiejun is not a good person. If the cerebral cortex is injured, it will be hurt. Song Jiahao doesn't feel bad either. After all, intelligence information is the most important right now. "Name." Song Jiahao didn't cut to the point right away, after all, he could get more things by interrogating bit by bit.

The person under hypnosis will not take the initiative to say something, but the questioner will ask a question before answering.So Song Jiahao's questions must be careful and detailed, otherwise it is very likely to miss important information.

"Rong Tiejun."

"Affiliated troops."

"The Second Division of the General Staff Headquarters of the People's Liberation Army of the People's Republic of China, special investigator, military rank captain." Rong Tiejun's eyelids moved, and he only said this sentence.

Song Jiahao felt very strange, and then figured it out. According to logical thinking, Rong Tiejun can only answer in Chinese when he asks a question in Chinese. If he really has a foreign identity, then even if he wants to answer, his brain will not automatically translate it into spoken in Chinese.So Song Jiahao changed the question just now into English. "Affiliated troops."

Just as Song Jiahao thought, Rong Tiejun's answer also changed to English at this moment. "United States of America, Deputy Chief of the External Special Investigation Section of the Central Intelligence Agency. Joint Special Operations Command of the United States of America, member of the Intelligence Department of the Third Team of the SEAL Team Six."

Leng Jianbin in the monitoring room finally couldn't sit still when he heard Rong Tiejun's answer at this moment.The chair under him creaked, then bounced coldly, raised his right fist and smashed it on the table!

Rong Tiejun has a high level of authority within the General Staff. Even if they cannot touch the core orders and cannot give instructions to subordinate members, they will alert the cia and jsoc, so that the Americans will be alerted to the actions of the General Staff.With a character like Rong Tiejun, the general staff is almost translucent in front of the Americans.

"How did this kind of person pass the security review and enter the General Staff!" Leng Jianbin turned his head coldly and questioned the people behind him.

It seemed that the few people who were traveling with him were all important figures in the General Staff.Leng Jianbin moved the entire family property of the general staff here, in order to find out this undercover agent.

"Uncle Leng, you need to calm down. Maybe Rong Tiejun rebelled after he entered the General Staff." Fu Ming also frowned. He felt similar to Leng Jianbin, even more angry than Leng Jianbin. I really want to turn my head away and ask how cat got Rong Tiejun to pass the security review.It doesn't matter that he is a spy of the General Staff, but he still has the identity of an American! Untr's intelligence has also spread a lot through Rong Tiejun!Fu Ming thought about it in his heart, but he didn't explode. He controlled his emotions very effectively.

"The purpose of your sneaking into UNTR." Song Jiahao continued to ask in English.

"Obtain UNTR's confidential information, instigate the breakdown of the cooperation relationship between UNTR and the Chinese government, arrest Li Jingxue, and if the arrest fails, the assassination will be carried out."

Song Jiahao gasped, how important is Li Jingxue?Although she is a member of the general staff, Rong Tiejun also knows the general staff's information. There is no need for the Americans to arrest Li Jingxue about the general staff.The same goes for untr, Rong Tiejun knows more than Li Jingxue.

However, Rong Tiejun's use of the status of the general staff to kill Li Jingxue will undoubtedly anger Fu Ming and provoke conflicts between UNTR, the general staff, and even the Chinese government.

This is indeed a good thing for Americans.

"Do you still have a partner, who is your superior, how often do you contact, and by what means." Song Jiahao also became impatient, he didn't have the mood to ask further questions, and suddenly asked more questions.

"I'm alone. My immediate superior, code-named Orca, is named Marblexi Iskwood. I contact you every 24 hours, and we will contact you by phone." Rong Tiejun's eyes were still half-open, and there was no A trace of expression fluctuated, and his speech was very slow, as if he was about to fall asleep.

Song Jiahao looked at the camera facing him.The time interval between Rong Tiejun and the killer whale is 24 hours.If Rong Tiejun had just talked with the killer whale on the phone before attacking Li Jingxue, then this time would have passed. The killer whale may not even know that Rong Tiejun has been arrested, and it is very likely that he is still in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The territory, perhaps, is in Kinshasa!

Looking at Song Jiahao's eyes, Fu Ming knew that this was an opportunity.

"When was the last time you contacted a killer whale?"

"Eight in the morning."

Song Jiahao looked at his watch, it was past five in the morning.The eight o'clock in the morning that Rong Tiejun said was eight o'clock in the morning yesterday, that is to say, the time has not passed.

Fu Ming stood up, pushed open the door and walked out. Cat followed closely behind him.At the same time, Song Jiahao snapped his fingers, awakening Rong Tiejun who was in a hypnotic state.

Rong Tiejun, who hadn't rested for a long time, was hypnotized again and was already exhausted. The questioning just now damaged his cerebral cortex and caused him a terrible headache.I don't even care about what I said just now.He has no memory at all.

Song Jiahao walked out of the interrogation room without looking back, and also followed Fu Ming.

After walking out of the basement door, Fu Ming sighed a long time, "Block the untr, don't let anyone in or out, our resources can last a month in this state, cancel all personnel vacations, and go outside Those who are on leave can extend their leave. It doesn’t matter if they last a few days.”

Song Jiahao is in charge of UNTR's security matters. Song Jiahao nodded quickly and agreed seriously.

"In addition, sister cat, contact Ajax Rilling. I need the support of all the military, intelligence agencies, and police in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. All freighters, cruise ships, aircraft, and any overseas transportation facilities, All review materials must be handed over to untr for a copy of the document, and these documents must be handed over to t-81192 for processing, digging three feet into the ground, and digging out the killer whale!" Fu Ming said with a cold smile. "This time, it should be regarded as our duel, but... I don't know if it will be the last time?"

"Fu Ming, UNTR is very powerful, I know it." Leng Jianbin also came out from the basement door. The sky was already bright, and the sun was showing its head on the eastern horizon. If there were clouds, they must be red. .

But the sky over the African continent is cloudless.

"He is a member of the General Staff, and the General Staff is responsible for his actions. We have to bear certain responsibilities for the appearance of American spies, so I hope that this operation can be carried out together with the General Staff. Dig out the thorn of the killer whale , has always been what we wanted to do..."

The sneer at the corner of Fu Ming's mouth didn't stop. "Uncle Leng, I hope there won't be another Rong Tiejun. Even if that person's identity is clean, I don't need any observers from the Intelligence Department of the General Staff in my untr!" Fu Ming put the word "observer" and said very heavy. "Rong Tiejun is handed over to you, but I don't want him to survive the rest of his life. This is your compensation to untr. Other than that, please don't do anything."

Fu Ming knew in his heart that this was a breakup between him and the killer whale, and this matter could only be confronted by Untr and Cia.

At the same time, Marblech Eskwood was sitting in a hotel in downtown Kinshasa, drinking coffee.He got up early because he didn't sleep at all last night.

He had a phone call with Rong Tiejun yesterday morning, and Rong Tiejun seemed very impatient, and he was very worried.Rong Tiejun informed him that he would take action.But the time has come to the present, but there is still no letter of approval.He was wondering if Rong Tiejun had failed and been arrested.

His phone rang, and he looked at the number on the screen and answered it right away.

"Mr. Killer Whale, the sad news. There is martial law in Untr. It seems that your chess piece is no longer usable." A gentle and heart-warming female voice came out from the speaker.

The killer whale spat in disgust. "Is this what you want to see? Bitch!"

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