arms tycoon

Chapter 298 Situation

On the evening of the third day after Fu Ming came to Japan, the Japanese government finally had an official answer.Shinzo Abe made it very clear that the Japanese government will negotiate with the new North Korea, but it will never contact the relevant personnel of UNTR, because in their view, UNTR is a terrorist organization that has been characterized by the Western world.It would be a shame not to arrest Fu Ming, the main leader of Untr.

Fu Ming couldn't laugh or cry at this answer. He still hadn't met Shinzo Abe, but the second half of this answer was a bit nonsense.Even if they gave the Japanese government and military 1 guts, they would not dare to arrest any UNTR member including Fu Ming and his security forces.

After receiving the request from the Intelligence Office of the General Staff of China, Fu Ming immediately contacted Cariana Soyce who was at the headquarters of the Three Nuclear Heavy Industry. Cariana was already very proficient in her business. She contacted the member groups of UNTR to suppress Taiwan's economy. Although UNTR won't send any military forces in this area, does UNTR still want to participate? Fu Ming is very concerned about this, so he pays more attention to it.

Coco Heikeindias and t are very interested in Tokyo, especially t, it is the first time for her to come to Tokyo, although Coco has been here many times before, but it is all because of business, and has never been serious about shopping Shopping, this time the two girls got a VS bank card with an unknown amount directly from Fu Ming, and the overdraft limit is also unknown, anyway, the untr money is all Fu Ming’s alone, no matter how much they spend it, it can’t be spent on one guide. .Fu Ming was not very worried about the safety of the two people, so he sent two people, Mo Bing and Hearing, to protect them. They said they were protecting, but in fact there was no great danger, except for a few agents from the cabinet intelligence room who were killed by these four people. Dragging it around in circles in the commercial building.

Therefore, the main job of Mo Bing and Hearing Hallucination is to carry bags, all kinds of bags, big and small.But they didn't know that besides the people from the headquarters and the Japanese Cabinet Intelligence Office, there were two other pairs of eyes staring at them. [

"The target person entered the store at two o'clock, 20 meters away, and is tracking." Lamballar pointed at the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose. The lens of the sunglasses is actually a miniature display screen, showing a local map, and Infrared rays on the target person.No matter where the four of Ke Ke went, he could track them accurately and by mistake.Coco's body has long been coated with radioactive elements by a member pretending to be a passer-by. Although the radiation frequency emitted by this element is very low and the distance is not far, the accuracy of close-range tracking is definitely better than that of electronic tracker.

"They came out for shopping at all, Ada, I don't know what to follow. Could it be that you want to attack Coco in Tokyo? This is not a good choice." Lamba took off his sunglasses and rubbed his sore face Eyes, close-range display screens are extremely harmful to the eyes, and the vision will be blurred after a while.

"It's good to go out for a stroll. We're all in Tokyo anyway. It's just a matter of time for Coco to take us shopping, which saves me finding the target myself!" Ada's tone was very relaxed. She was looking at the high-end clothes in a famous store. "Pretty is pretty, but..." Ada glanced at the price tag, and immediately looked away from the clothes. "Sure enough, it's untr, rich and powerful, with such expensive clothes, my monthly salary will be gone!" She knew in her heart, and she could only look at it.

"With a salary of several thousand dollars a month, what are you working so hard for?" Lamba put on his sunglasses again to prevent his target from being lost. "They came out, and they should enter the shop diagonally opposite. I still don't know what's the point of wandering here besides shopping!"

"Uncle, learn to relax when you are working, don't be so nervous, hey, what do you think of this dress?" Ada said and turned on the camera on her sunglasses, and the things captured by the camera were directly transmitted to Lamba on the display of the sunglasses.

Ramba rubbed his head and shook his head. "God, you'd better kill me."

Fu Ming is not idle now. Apart from pressure on the economy of Taiwan Island, he still has a lot of things to do. The second conscription has already begun. Although most of the advertisements will not be released through the official media, they will be posted on the Internet. There are still many advertisements on online radio stations.Some countries, especially Western countries, control those who sign up for UNTR's military conscription without permission as criminals and terrorist-inclined persons, but even so, there are still many young people who sign up.They are looking forward to a fiery battlefield and a high salary. As long as they can survive for five years, when they retire from untr's exclusive army, they will not only learn more than what they got in their own country's army, but also Multiply your worth and become a rich man. The conditions offered by untr are very attractive. With this money, even in areas with extremely high consumption, as long as you don't spend money randomly, you can still marry a wife and have children in peace, and live the rest of your life well.

Of course, the budget Fuming here is also carefully calculated. After all, I am a businessman and cannot lose money.In addition, Fu Ming also worked hard on the Zenith [-] satellite.

Similarly, it is impossible for UNTR to fully afford the budget of the Zenith-40.00 satellite, and it can only be sponsored by Sohoy bin Jasdin from the United Arab Emirates. The price that untr needs to pay is to permanently lease [-]% of the communication channels to the United Arab Emirates, based on the time of the satellite's life, as an official blocking communication channel.This price tag is already very high, as long as he has money, Fu Ming will still agree.

"What a local tyrant, oil is such a good thing!" Fu Ming looked at a number on the laptop screen, and the countless zeros behind the number made him feel very headache, so he didn't look at the money donated by Suo Hao again. Rubbing his temples, he suddenly remembered the money thrown to the Korean peninsula.

Kim Jong-un has always been noncommittal about the Dokdo incident. Fu Ming asked him not to fight, but he didn't give an accurate answer. Fu Ming really had no choice but to find a breakthrough through Japan.Although I did not meet Shinzo Abe, Japan's official answer is still very pertinent.Taking a step back, the new North Korea is now able to re-establish the country, and the people can continue to rely on the assistance of other countries. Of course, apart from China, the United States, and Russia for food aid, humanitarian organizations and other countries Private philanthropists have also spent a lot of effort in this area. Materials from all over the world are concentrated in this area. The Korean peninsula is even a bit saturated with daily necessities.

The one who pays the most here is untr.Items from other countries can be given away for free, but not from untr.What is given must be rewarded.Fu Ming asked Kim Jong-un for a piece of land, to be precise, a large piece of land, enough to build a second triple-nuclear heavy industry.The location is located on the outskirts of Busan, and the transportation and resource acquisition are also relatively convenient.Kim Jong-un signed his name on the lease transfer plan very generously and happily.The three nuclear heavy industry branch can bring new vigor and vitality to Busan, which has been hit hard by the economy.

It is a relatively large market for technical workers to eat, drink, eat, eat, drink, live, and travel in Busan, not to mention the demand for ordinary labor, which can almost solve 40.00% of Busan and its surrounding cities. Employment of the unemployed!

"Type 96 tank!" Fu Ming opened another page of the laptop.The design drawings and data were sent by the Chinese military.Leng Jianbin was very happy, and within 10 minutes after Fu Ming promised to contain Taiwan's economy, he sent this lengthy document to Fu Ming.Fu Ming also sent this information to Harry Cloud's mailbox immediately.This one in the computer is a copy file.

As Leng Jianbin said, the information in this document is complete, except for one thing, the engine.The tank engine is the most important thing that constitutes the main combat effectiveness of the tank. Whether it is mobility or theater adaptability, a powerful engine is required.On the Chinese side, aircraft, tanks, and engines are all short boards, and this confidential technology will not be disclosed to untr.As for the laser rangefinder, high-pressure smoothbore gun, automatic fire extinguishing system, and fire control system, they are all universal. You can use them with any tank you want. Leng Jianbin is not stingy in this regard. .

Compared with the Shenguang laser weapon system and the Type 96 tank, Taiwan Island is more important, and the Chinese government is still very clear about this calculation.

"The Type 99 tank was modified and developed based on the Type 96 tank. It should be regarded as a magical modification of the Type 96 tank." Standing behind Fu Ming, Xu Cheng was very interested when he saw the tank.

"Oh, by the way, isn't there a 98 tank? That year's military parade..." Fu Ming would think of China's National Day military parade in his mind.The uniform and imposing team is called the "clone legion" by the Western media.In fact, this title is not an exaggeration at all.

"98?" Xu Cheng laughed out loud. "That tank was refitted on the basis of the Type 96 main battle tank. In fact, the Type 98 tank was only a prototype, and it was not mass-produced or installed, because this tank was designed for the military parade at all. , The time was really too late, the military parade was carried out without any verification of actual combat use, or even equipped with any electronic equipment. The Type 98 tank has only an empty shell, and there is nothing else in it. There is nothing inside." Xu Cheng shook his head. "At that time, the Chinese military, in order to look good, really had no choice. For this reason, the general manager was trained by the boss. Boss, if we want to vigorously develop the Type 96 tank, then the 99 modified tank is ours. specific goals."[

"99 reform..." Fu Ming felt even more headache when he thought of this. "Engine, engine! Do you really want me to pull the old man's face and buy the old man's goods?" Fu Ming didn't want to go to the Russians. It's not like buying someone else's. "Budget, small money...not enough!" Fu Ming cried out, patting his forehead.

"Then... our 69 modified tank is no longer needed?" Xu Cheng's eyes lit up, and he suddenly thought of something.

"Before the new tanks are mass-produced, we still need an armed force for the time being. There is no battle to fight. After the three-core heavy industry's homeland is attacked by JSO, there will be no more danger. I guess it is enough to reserve a formation for homeland defense. , other tanks can be rested temporarily to save military expenses." Fu Ming blinked his eyes, trying not to understand what Xu Cheng meant.

"Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, I think those armed groups or terrorists who can't afford m11 and t90 tanks will urgently need the 69-modified main battle tank with modern warfare capabilities..." Xu Cheng patted Fu Ming's shoulder. "The smart one was confused for a while, if you sell them, it will be over..."

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