arms tycoon

Chapter 300 Tokyo Incident

"What did you say?" Fu Ming listened to Xu Cheng's words, closed the lid of the laptop with a snap, grabbed the glasses on the table, and when he put them on, the frame of the glasses almost poked his eyes. "How many weapons do we have here, and how many people can be sent out from Tokyo? Why didn't you organize a rescue when something like this happened, and came to report to me?" Fu Ming grabbed the ppk on the table, stuck it behind his waist, and deliberately I asked Xu Cheng for a clip.

"Untr Tokyo branch can only have ten people, including me, Jack Davis..." Xu Cheng pulled Fu Ming, "Boss, Jack has already rushed over, I will stay here to take care of your safety , you should believe in Mo Bing and auditory hallucinations."

"Why should I sit here when someone is in trouble?" Fu Ming glared at Xu Cheng, and opened the door of the room. "Go down and drive, your driving skills are better than mine." Fu Ming suddenly stopped, "Is anyone injured?"

"Two minutes ago, I received a distress call from Ms. Heike Indias. T was injured and bleeding profusely, which seemed to be serious. The local police are already outside, but they don't intend to intervene now." T, Xu Cheng's complexion also became ugly, even for the sake of t, he should have rushed to the scene immediately.But Fu Ming's personal safety must be his responsibility.

Fu Ming insisted on going to the place where the incident happened, but Xu Cheng didn't stop him. He wanted to see T and rescue her, which was also an important reason why Xu Cheng didn't stop Fu Ming's actions too much. [

"The Japanese want to go to the theater..." Fu Ming said through gritted teeth. His purpose this time is to ensure the peaceful coexistence of the new Korea and Japan, and there will be no more wars in the Eastern Pacific. Good impression.It suddenly occurred to him that the stranger the Japanese are to others, the more polite they are.They seem to be very familiar just by looking at them, but they still won't take care of them if something happens.

Just as Fu Ming said, a few members of the Cabinet Intelligence Office, one block away from the cafe, turned around and got into a 138 Kanshu online store. Looking at the scene outside through the glass makes others feel very strange.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's really a fight. The Americans are more anxious than we imagined. We thought they would wait until K left Tokyo before doing anything." The man smiled and looked at the hot scene outside. This was a real gunfight It's a big movie, but the person hit by the quilt will bleed. "The Cabinet Intelligence Office only needs to conduct observations to confirm that the civilians have not been harmed. It is enough to notify the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department to take the highest responsibility and ask them to evacuate the civilians as much as possible. The local police are responsible for guarding the outside. As for the coffee shop, they want to bomb the sky. Alright, when the matter is over, we can go in and close up."

"But... Section Chief, the higher-ups are to blame..." An agent held his mobile phone and hesitated to press the keypad.

"It's okay, I'll take it if something goes wrong!"

Diagonally opposite this group of members of the Japanese Cabinet Intelligence Room, a group of American agents also looked at the scene in the cafe diagonally across the street. They didn't know which group they were until they were notified by the wire The children launched an attack on untr.

They didn't know this information before Ada Jones gave the order to start the operation.They belonged to the establishment of the intelligence office stationed in Japan, which was a little different from the headquarters. This time, it was just a routine. Fu Ming arrived in Tokyo. The people in the cabinet intelligence room wanted to follow up, and they also needed to help.

Unexpectedly, they could meet the special operations of the headquarters and the intelligence department of the Far East.

An agent leaned against a corner and lit a cigarette, in complete defiance of Tokyo's regulations that do not allow smoking in public places. "Let's go to the show, let's go to the show, we don't need us here." He squeezed the m9 pistol with only two bullets on his back, and sighed. "We have no firepower output, and the Japanese don't seem to want to do it."

Now in the coffee shop, Mo Bing and Hearing Hall had already run out of ammunition in their pistols, and Ida Jones and Rambalal also had no ammunition. After all, they only had light equipment and did not even have protective clothing.They drew their daggers.

"Unexpectedly, we have to do these things ourselves!" Lamba looked at the sharp dagger. He hadn't used it for a long time, but it has been well maintained.Weapons are the life of a soldier on the battlefield.

"No way, this action was decided on a temporary basis. If it drags on, I don't know when those people will be willing to fly over from the mainland of the United States. The local trash can't be used, so we can only come by ourselves. .” Ada touched the sharp blade horizontally with the fingerprint of her thumb. "What, are you afraid?"

"One for each person!" Lamba didn't say any more, turned his wrist, held the military dagger in the palm of his backhand, and rushed out.

"Idiot! The sniper rifle hasn't stopped firing yet!" Ada became anxious when she saw it, and quickly shouted into the microphone. "The sniper ceases fire, and the backup personnel hurry up, it's best to catch a job."

"They are coming!" The auditory hallucination pressed the wound on T's right arm, but the blood was still sticking out from the pieces of clothes and fingers, and the amount of bleeding was so huge that it couldn't be stopped at all, and T's consciousness became more and more blurred. Can only make a simple wink or shake the head in response to other people's words.

"Miss Heckindias, take care of her!" The hallucination pulled Keke over. "Hold here, don't let go!" He then moved the cloth strip on T's arm a little closer to his heart, and then tied it tightly.

Ke Ke nodded, "Hold on, K will come back to save us soon!" She took T from the hand of the hallucination, and pressed the bleeding point with all her strength.

The pain didn't make T wake up, and her consciousness became more blurred.

"The cover fire of the sniper rifle seems to have stopped. They want to do it themselves. It must be Ada Jones. I am really reluctant to kill her. Leave that man to me!" Mo Bing looked at the man who rushed towards him. Rambalal also rushed out. [

Hallucination looked around, there was no one to take advantage of, so he could only deal with Ida Jones with his bare hands.

Although Ada was young and a woman, that was her capital.Women can do a lot of things that men can't.But auditory hallucinations, as a professional killer, don't think about these things anymore. In his opinion, there are only two words to describe the beautiful woman with a knife in her hand--enemy!

The first meeting between Mo Bing and Lanba made Mo Bing very surprised when he arrived. Lanba just followed his momentum and stretched out his hand to pull him. The smashed wooden table was hit by Mo Bing, and immediately fell apart, but when Mo Bing turned his head to avoid the knife, he found that Lamba's attention was not on himself, but holding a sharp blade, straight Headed over to Coco and T!

"Damn it, is the target really Miss Heckindias?" Mo Bing hurriedly got up from the ground. Because of his smaller size and more flexibility, he moved faster than Lamba.He desperately accelerated his running speed to the fastest speed, then stepped on the scattered chairs and tables on the ground and jumped into the air. His two arms locked Lamba's neck from behind. Press down to the ground.

"Your opponent is me!" Mo Bing still maintained this movement, Lamba's neck was locked, and he couldn't breathe for a while, and his face flushed within a few seconds.

"Whispering!" How could Ramba be trapped by this kind of moves? When he was in the US Marine Corps, he won the free fighting champion in the entire army for three consecutive times.Although Lan Ba ​​couldn't turn his head back, he still knew the exact location of Mo Bing's head, and poked the dagger with his backhand, aiming at Mo Bing's eyes.

Mo Bing's reaction was not unpleasant, but even with such a quick reaction, the blade still brushed his cheek, and a bloody cut appeared on his face immediately.He jumped up from the ground, feeling numbness and tingling in his face, and then warm liquid gurgling down the cheeks under his eyes.

Mo Bing touched the blood, then licked it in his mouth, and looked at Lanba ferociously.

"You are an interesting enemy." Lamba threw away the dagger in his hand. "Fair duel, men and men, come."

On the other hand, Hearing Hallucination and Ada are not so civilized. Hearing Hallucination almost exhausts everything available to fight Ada. Killers are unscrupulous and do not need any fairness.The auditory hallucination was kicked to the ground by Ada, and before Ada's blade came, he picked up a chair and stood in front of him.

The dagger is extremely sharp, and Ada's strength is not small. The tip of the dagger plunged into the wood of the chair, and the tip of the knife came out from the other end of the wood, but Ada tried to pull it out, but Life and death can't move!There are barbs on the dagger.

The auditory hallucination was overjoyed, Ada hadn't let go yet, he pulled the chair back, and Ada was also pulled to his side, the auditory hallucination gritted his teeth, and the wound on his left arm that was scratched by the dagger began to There was a lot of bleeding, and he endured the severe pain, and directly hit Ada's head with his forehead.

Hearing a bang, the forehead of the auditory hallucination actually started to bleed, and Ada was lying straight on the ground, losing consciousness.

"I'm so impatient!" The auditory hallucination spit, and originally wanted to help Mo Bing immediately, but just as Ada fell down, gunshots rang out outside the door, and the original backup personnel passed through the Tokyo police blockade Line, came near the coffee shop.They were not stopped by those policemen.

This group of people held mk18 carbines in their hands.A string of babbles flew past the hallucination, and he quickly hid behind the coffee shop bar.

At the same time, the three cars of Jack and the members of Untr's Tokyo resident rushed towards them. Although the police cars of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department were blocking them outside, they ignored the roadblock and rushed straight over, causing trouble to the neighbors. The Tokyo police all drew their pistols and shot at the car.

Jack ignored them, and just drove the car to the door of the coffee shop. As soon as he opened the door, he saw the oncoming people who were also at the door.

"Damn it, it's still too late!"

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