arms tycoon

Chapter 302 The Tokyo Incident

After replacing the sniper, the members of Untr's team accurately hit the pilot of the media helicopter with the second shot. The windshield was smashed into pieces, and the helicopter pilot's head fell from the sky crackling. It exploded like a watermelon, brain matter, broken bones, and blood mixed milky white with a little scarlet color, sprayed on the operation panel, the helicopter suddenly lost control, a small civilian helicopter, only one pilot, and a journalist on board And aerial photographers, it is impossible for them to control the aircraft.

The helicopter lost its pilot and began to circle in the air. After a while, it flew out of people's sight. After falling from such a high altitude, and the explosion caused by the crash of the helicopter itself, the members of the two untr squads, and I don't think anyone on this helicopter could survive, even if they survived, they would fall half to death. Even the people in the Japanese cabinet intelligence room would not let the living people reveal any news about the battle scene.The helicopter spun and disappeared from the sight of everyone on the ground.

"The first target has disappeared, request fire coverage instructions!" The observer watched and heard the not-so-clear roar from a distance, and knew that the helicopter had fallen and exploded.

"What instructions are you asking for? Get rid of the dogs outside." Fu Ming was still pressing on Jack Davis' wound. The bleeding from the wound was not much, and Jack's condition was relatively good, and he was very conscious, but The severe pain still made his head covered with beads of sweat, and his lips were already purple. "Old Xu, don't worry, wait for the others!" Fu Ming didn't know the situation in the cafe, so he was still a little worried.

"Hurry up and follow in!" Seeing that Xu Cheng couldn't be stopped, Fu Ming turned around and shouted at the untr personnel next to him.The agents were about to shoot Xu Cheng who was running, but found that the advantage of sniper firepower on their side had disappeared, and the target of the sniper seemed to be their own people. [

"Sh*t, what's going on?" An agent heard a bullet flying over his head, as if he had wiped out some of his hair, "Sniper team, did you miss the target?" He pressed shouted into his microphone, but no one answered him.He understood in an instant what had happened. "Attention all combatants, the sniper team is dead, we are now suppressed by sniper fire, immediately look for cover and pay attention to cover!"

Although Untr's men only had pistols in their hands, and their numbers were smaller, they had the sniper cover, but they no longer had to hide behind cover and shoot blindly, and the situation suddenly turned around.

The coffee shop was already dilapidated, and almost all the destructible things in the coffee shop were broken due to the fighting. There were broken glass and chair legs all over the floor, not to mention the fragments of cups and saucers. Xu Cheng ran into the coffee shop. In the hall, the glass and ceramic shards under his feet were crackled by his stomping.In the coffee shop at this time, there were only T, Coco Heckindias, Mo Bing and auditory hallucinations.Earlier, in the phone call made by Coco to Xu Cheng, Rambalal and Ida Jones were mentioned, but Xu Cheng searched around, but still couldn't find these two people.

Lamba took over Ada's command position. After hearing that the sniper team was discovered and killed, he immediately judged that the assassination operation failed and ordered a retreat.Before leaving, of course, he did not forget to hold the unconscious Ada on his shoulders.

Mo Bing and Hearing were exhausted from the fight just now, their bodies were covered with wounds and blood, and they tried their best to chase after them. While admiring Lamba, they also secretly regretted it.

Especially auditory hallucinations, he touched his wrist, raised his elbow to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, his face was bruised and swollen, since he debuted as a killer, especially after joining untr, he has never been so cruel Beaten hard.Seeing Xu Cheng come in, he was relieved.

"I made a big mistake." The auditory hallucination frowned. "After Ida is unconscious, I should kill her immediately."

"It doesn't matter, they won't be reconciled!" Xu Cheng quickly ran to T's side, T had completely lost consciousness, no matter how Ke Ke and Xu Cheng called, he still didn't wake up.

"You can't carry it, you have to hug it." Mo Bing loosened the cloth strips tied to T's arm to drain the blood. Even if he lost too much blood, he couldn't put his entire right arm at risk of necrosis and amputation. "Is Jack here? He should be able to help. Hurry up and let him come over!" Mo Bing reminded Xu Cheng's livid face.

"Jack is injured and can't make it through now." Xu Cheng dropped a sentence and immediately hugged T. "Leave here immediately, help the boss get Jack into the car, and evacuate. The people should have already evacuated."

As Xu Cheng said, after Lamba left with Ida, the agents retreated under alternate cover. Although the two squad members of Untr had accurate marksmanship, Agent Knight was well-trained and knew in advance. The sniper position, although unable to fight back, the Cangzi still knew how to hide. They knew where the bunker could provide them with safety, so the other agents did not suffer too much damage, and they only left three bodies.

But Untr suffered heavy losses, T was seriously injured and unconscious, Jack was completely unable to move due to the gunshot wound, Mo Bing and auditory hallucinations were physically exhausted, and almost passed out. In addition, three other Untr personnel fell to the ground, Two were seriously injured and one died.In desperation, Fu Ming could only order to destroy the face and fingerprint information of the dead UNTR member, so that the people in the cabinet intelligence room could start with it, and there was no way to catch evidence that this was the UNTR member.

"Brother, I'm sorry." A UNTR member finished what he was supposed to do, and bowed to the corpse. "I can't take you away, I will take care of your parents in the future." He touched his face, and trotted into the car with a dark face.

Four cars roared and left here quickly, but members of the Japanese branch and the Japanese Cabinet Intelligence Office did not stop them, and the local police who just arrived saw the tragic scene here, and dared to stop them. Because the police car that was still burning turned upside down in front of them.

"The local hospital won't treat them, so what should I do..." Xu Cheng was driving the car, trying to concentrate as much as possible, driving fast but not exceeding the speed limit, which did not attract the attention of the traffic police.They can't go wrong now.Xu Cheng looked at T and Jack in the back seat from the rearview mirror above his head. Ke Ke was looking at the two seriously injured. In the cars behind, the other two untr personnel were also dying.

Fu Ming took off his glasses and rubbed his temples. "Directly go back to the untr branch in Tokyo. It should not have been found there. We have helicopters there. I will contact the Chinese government and arrange the nearest supply ship to the waters near Japan. They should agree to this request and cannot stay in Tokyo." Let's go down, everyone must be transferred." Fu Ming knew in his heart that even if the local hospital in Tokyo could treat the wounded on his side, the gunshot wounds would definitely be questioned by the police. The International Court of Justice will officially define UNTR as a terrorist organization like a crazy wild dog.Fu Ming had already taken out his mobile phone to call Leng Jianbin.

In fact, Xu Cheng didn't know what to do. The two wounded in Untr and Jack's physical condition were easy to say. He had received more training and had better physical fitness. Although he was seriously injured, Jack was still able to hold on. It seems that it can last for a while, but T's injury is different. Excessive blood loss is not another injury. Even if it can be treated after shock, long-term ischemia and hypoxia in the brain and internal organs will cause permanent damage to body functions. Sexual injury, vegetative people are light.

According to Ke Ke, nearly half an hour has passed since T was injured. Fu Ming and Xu Cheng couldn't react to what happened in just half an hour. What happened was like a dream. .

"I don't know...whether she can hold on..." Xu Cheng murmured in his heart. "Hurry up, hurry up..."[

Fu Ming looked at Xu Cheng's frowning, and patted Xu Cheng's shoulder. "Old Xu, auspicious people have their own destiny, don't worry, we can't have any accidents now."

Xu Cheng took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly. In order to avoid encountering a red light, he chose a road with the fewest intersections according to the car's navigator. Although it was a bit devious, it was better than waiting for a red light. But it is much faster.

Leng Jianbin agreed very happily after receiving the call. Taiwan's offensive operation has entered the first day, and the login is very smooth. The Taiwan authorities basically did not resist, because all resistance will only turn into so-called bloodshed.Originally, the landing of the Marine Corps had nothing to do with the Intelligence Department of the General Staff, but this time Untr is willing to intervene in the economy of the Taiwan authorities, and this credit will go to Leng Jianbin.

Before receiving the call about the accident in Tokyo, Leng Jianbin still had a smile on his face.But worse and worse news kept coming. It wasn't until Fu Ming personally called and explained the matter that Leng Jianbin really realized how serious the matter was.At first he thought that Untr was looking for trouble, but he didn't expect that it was the Americans who took the lead.

"These Yankees just don't like others!" Leng Jianbin cursed directly on the phone. "Let me help you contact the navy. It happens that there is a supply ship near the Ryukyu Islands. It is used for landing operations, but it should not be needed now. The ship will immediately head north, and your helicopter can go directly south. Directly carry out guided landing. The supply ship has a well-conditioned operating room and extremely experienced military doctors." Leng Jianbin licked his lips. "Fu Ming, this account..."

"Tokyo." Fu Ming replied in a low voice. "I will be back again."

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