arms tycoon

Chapter 317 Last Words

"Hahahahahaha..." Coco Heike Indias suddenly laughed, and after a few seconds of silence, she finally knew what Ida Jones wanted to do.

Coco moved her wrist and placed it under the table.She knew that she would be suspicious today.Therefore, she had to leave something for Fu Ming.

"If you want to kill me in front of Fu Ming, there are many opportunities." Ke Ke recalled the assassination during the day, whether it was bombing, snipers, or later agents, if she really wanted to kill her, there was no way. There is no need to go to such trouble to capture her.

Ke Ke knew that arresting her here and letting Fu Ming personally send her to the taxi driven by Rambalal would be the biggest blow to Fu Ming, which would make Fu Ming feel the most serious sense of guilt, resulting in Mental distortion.The impact it caused was far greater than killing Fu Ming in front of her. "You think you know everything about K, and you have mastered his principles and behavior patterns. But I want to tell you, even if you do this, K will not follow your ideas to make the next plan." Cocoa put away her smile , her face changed into a trace of coldness, she groped for a long time, and finally found a raised nail on the chair.

She scratched her index finger hard on the nail, and blood oozed out immediately. She squeezed her index finger desperately, trying to make the blood flow a little more, so that she could write the last words.No one in the room noticed her movements, and everyone just stared at her beautiful and gloomy face.She tried hard not to show her pain in her expression.Ke Ke didn't let the blood drip on the ground. Ada is a very strict person, and a little clue will make her vigilant.Ke Ke knew that Fu Ming would definitely find this place, even if he would be abandoned in the wilderness within the next ten minutes. [

She struggled to write four capital letters on the back of the table.

"You don't know K. The reason is very simple. I haven't been with him for a long time, but I am the closest person around him. Even I haven't really guessed his mind, at least, after he told me everything I don’t know anything about the plan. Miss Jones, sooner or later you will pay for your arrogance and insidiousness.” Coco diverted everyone’s attention, she is a smart girl, no one noticed that she was sitting at the table writing on the back.

After speaking and writing, Ke Ke touched the blood on her pink skirt to stop the bleeding.Finally, she closed her eyes.

"Do you have any last words?" Ada frowned, but still ignored Ke Ke's threat.At least in her opinion, what Ke Ke said was a threat.

"It's so worth it to trade my life for all success. Curse you forever, come on, devil!" Coco said through gritted teeth, but his eyes didn't open.

"Thank you for your compliment." Ada looked at Rambalal behind her. The hand holding the pistol did not tremble in the slightest. She gently pulled her index finger, and only heard a bang, and the 9mm pistol in the ppk was fired. .

The stick penetrated and hit the wooden wall behind Coco, opening a hole in the wall.The spot on her forehead was not very big, and the blood wasn't too much.Ke Ke just frowned slightly, then lost her balance, and fell backwards under the impact of the bullet.

The chair hit the floor and made a harsh sound, but there was no sound when Ke Ke fell down, she was so soft.

If one day, someone told you to sacrifice your own life in exchange for the peace of the world, would you do it?

This is Coco's answer.She chose the answer without hesitation, like Fu Zhongtian, Vasily Ivanovich, her father Hussein Heikindias, and the vampire Alexander s Wellington.

The moment she closed her eyes, Keke knew what she was doing, she chose to believe in Fu Ming, she believed in the man who gave her madness, surprise, worry, worry, and love without any complaints.

To be able to exchange one's life for the ambition of a lover, to be able to exchange one's life for the peace and stability of billions of people in the world, to be able to exchange the past of one's life for the future of mankind is so worth it.

"That's the meaning of my life and death." At the last moment of falling down, Ke Ke thought.

Ada looked at Ke Ke who was lying on the ground with an expression on her face. Ke Ke seemed to be asleep, and there was no pain on her face. Of course, her heart stopped beating and she couldn't breathe anymore. A bead of blood ran down her forehead. The wound slowly flowed down, and after a few seconds, the underside of Coco's head was slowly soaked in dark red blood.

The blood slowly flowed out and spread slowly, staining a large area of ​​the wooden floor red.Ada went around the table, took a few steps forward, and kicked Coco's body.

Now Coco can only be at the mercy of her, and her body is straightened.Ada raised the pistol again, aimed at Coco's left chest, and fired three more shots.Blood spouted from Ke Ke's chest, and the blood stained her white T-shirt, turning the whole T-shirt into a piercing bright red.

The child fell to the floor with a crackling sound.And the muzzle of the ppk also emitted blue smoke due to overheating, which did not disperse for a long time.

Lamba walked quickly, came to Ada, and held her arm.

"That's enough, she's dead." Even Rambalal couldn't bear to look at Coco Heikeindias, who was lying on the ground, counted by his body, and had already lost his vital signs. [

Ada gritted her teeth and finally put down the pistol.She suppressed her beating heart, opened the safety of the ppk pistol, opened her mouth to say something, but didn't say it.Her mind was in turmoil, and she didn't know what she had just done.In the end, was it really what she planned?Won't things go according to their own plan?Or, what Ke Ke said just now is the truth, is it true that K is not under the control of anyone?

She asked herself thousands of times in her mind, but she didn't know the answers to these questions.Things have already been done, and it is too late to regret now.

Lamba frowned, turned and said to the detective next to him. "Get out of here immediately, destroy all evidence, call the police anonymously, and don't leave any clues."

Several agents saluted Lamba and backed out.

"What happened to you just now?" Lamba pulled Ada outside the house, and the two quickly got into the car.Ramba started the car and looked at Ada, who was still holding a pistol in his hand, with dull eyes. "That's the way it is, there's no going back!"

"I just don't know if it's the right thing to do." Ada shook her lips, "The next thing is up to you, I want..."

"I know, go back to sleep." Lamba lightly stepped on the accelerator, and the car left in the dark night.

After 15 minutes, Fu Ming rushed here as soon as he heard the news.A very ordinary farm in the suburbs of Birmingham.The owner of the farm didn't know what happened in his warehouse, he stood outside the cordon in a daze, and was stared at by three policemen.

"We have kept the scene, but before you go in, please be mentally prepared..." A policeman stood in front of Fu Ming before he entered the house. "If necessary..."

Fu Ming's face was gloomy, and he didn't speak, but just glanced at Xu Cheng.

Xu Cheng behind him immediately stepped forward, pulled the policeman away, and whispered to him. "I know you are kind, but this is UNTR's internal affairs. Please find your Mr. Sheriff. I need to talk to him." Xu Cheng knew what to do in this situation.The first thing is to drive away all nearby news media reporters, block all news, and control reporting.

Anyway, there have been a lot of reporting restrictions recently, and the media have become numb, and they can only follow the government's orders.

"Don't..." T just followed, wanting to say a few words before Fu Ming entered the room, but before she finished speaking, Fu Ming walked into the room impatiently.

What came oncoming was a heart-piercing smell of blood.There were bloodstains all over the floor, and Coco on the ground was motionless, covered in bloodstains.

She had stopped bleeding because all the blood was on the ground.The blood is still viscous, and it has only been more than ten minutes, and it has not yet oxidized and coagulated.

Fu Ming walked towards Ke Ke step by step with difficult steps. She slowly squatted down in front of Ke Ke, and reached out to touch her. Click Erase.He picked up Coco, completely ignoring the blood on Coco's body.Fu Ming held Ke Ke's right hand, but Ke Ke had no reaction, his body was still warm, but he could no longer make any nerve reflexes.

Fu Ming put Ke Ke's hand on his face, trying to use his body temperature to keep Ke Ke from getting cold so quickly.He whispered in a voice that only he could hear. "I'm here, I'm sorry, I'm here..." He closed his eyes hard, and let out a low growl from his throat. "I'm coming... I'm damn..."

"Boss..." T followed in, and she squatted beside Fu Ming, trying to comfort Fu Ming. "Don't..." T choked up, looking at Ke Ke's tightly closed beautiful eyes. In the daytime, this cute girl was still alive and joking with him standing beside him.

"Don't talk, she's tired, let her sleep for a while..." Even with his eyes closed, two lines of tears still oozed from the corners of Fu Ming's eyes, and when he opened them, the tears seemed to burst. Like the flood, it can't stop anymore.

"She's too tired, just sleep for a while..."

38 Kanshuwang Haige) e

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