arms tycoon

Chapter 326 Under the Sino-Japanese War

"Boss, for your safety, I think it's better to follow the people and enter the air-raid shelter under the arrangement of the government. Now the people in the cabinet intelligence room don't care about us." Xu Cheng listened to the Ula-Ula air-raid siren in the sky. Without the slightest slack, he opened the curtain a little, and watched the people who dragged their families and luggage outside, followed the command of the local police, and rushed to the air-raid shelter.

Because it was midnight, the clothes of the civilians were disheveled, the roar of the engine, the shouting of the loudspeaker, coupled with the noise of the crowd and the crying of the children, it didn't seem so noisy amidst the miserable and melodious air defense sirens.

"Before the attack started, the city was already destroyed. The national character of the Japanese! It had already disappeared after World War II." Fu Ming waved his hand to Xu Cheng: "I want to watch the fireworks, Besides, Chinese planes will only attack according to the pre-set targets, and will not make temporary changes. Although Yokohama is important, in the attack list, there are only a few places in the urban area, government departments, military bases and ports. Military and civilian airports, public transportation facilities, power networks, information and intelligence networks, satellite radar signal receiving departments, there should be so many, most of them are distributed on hills and hills, and there are civilians in urban areas, so..." Fu Ming He heard the huge whistling sound in the air, but there was not only one whistling sound.

Dozens of planes swished through the night sky. The speed obviously exceeded the speed of sound, about Mach [-].

There are very special little red dots on the wings and tail of the plane. The red dots are constantly flashing in the dark night, as if they want to tear up the dark clouds in the sky and stop the heavy snow. The red dots on the ground became a curve, and the curves emerged in the air section by section, which was very strange. [

Just when people thought that those planes were about to fly out of sight, the fleet suddenly turned a corner and flew back. However, the planes did not make any attack behavior, they just hovered in the sky.

Maybe other people don't know the true intention of these planes, but Fu Ming knows that they are waiting for the evacuation of some civilian facilities, public transportation facilities and communication systems, such as subway stations and control towers.

The fewer casualties caused, the better. There was a smile on the corner of Fu Ming's mouth. It seemed that the commanders of the Chinese navy and air force were very smart. Although the Chinese government agreed with untr to attack Japan together, untr did not participate. In this war, untr provides an opportunity, while China is singing a one-man show.

Chairman Xi wanted to sing the best of this one-man show, and he did not order it to be completely wiped out. That is to say, he did not want to completely use force to govern Japan, because doing so would bring about the resistance of the whole people and the impact of public opinion. It must be que, it is impossible for him to understand this truth.

Even if Fu Ming had guessed the intention of the Chinese government, he hadn't guessed what plane the Chinese government had sent over. The speed, shape, and those flashing red dots let Fu Ming know. Among the ten aircraft, none of the J-15 carrier-based aircraft or J-31 carrier-based aircraft belonged to any model.

If it wasn't at night, he would have discovered that these dozens of planes actually didn't have cockpits.

Changing the j-8 fighter jet into a human machine can only be done by the Chinese government. The j-8 fighter jet is a high-speed fighter jet that China has been using from the last century to the beginning of this century. It was eliminated, but there are too many of them in stock, and the quality is very good. Many aircraft can still be used. With the mentality of not wasting, the Chinese government entrusted the aircraft factory to make these J-8 fighter jets that imitate the products of the Mikoyan Design Bureau. It has been made into a target drone, a trainer plane, a dual-engine man-machine, and even a suicide attack weapon carrying a nuclear head. Of course, there is no one on it.

As long as an aircraft collides with an enemy aircraft carrier, the aircraft carrier must be scrapped, but this type of aircraft is really worthless. Instead of letting them rot in the hangar, it is better to use the waste heat.

As early as the end of the last century, the Chinese government had already applied for government funding to conduct stealth experiments on the basis of the j-8 man-machine. After the test was successful, major results were achieved.

In fact, what the radar communicator discovered at the Kyushu Island observation station in Japan more than ten minutes ago were nothing more than ordinary j-11b and j-15 without stealth performance, and the number of those light spots was only a few dozen That's all, it doesn't include the j-31 stealth fighter jet that can absorb long-wave radar, and the j-8 stealth man-machine.

This time the Chinese government has spent a lot of money. The man-machines did not take off from the Qingdao and Liaoning, but from some destroyers and cruisers, and they were launched directly into the air. The plane roared towards the Japanese mainland.

After receiving the air raid alert, the Japanese Air Self-Defense Force immediately mobilized. Although there are not many aircraft, it is good to be able to take off to resist for a while. No, eight f-15 fighter jets took off directly from the airport near Yokohama. The f-15 The pilots on board had no idea, after all, there were dozens of planes.

But when they took off and approached those fighter jets, at high speed, they found that the pilot of the opponent did not respond at all. If in the past, Chinese pilots saw the F-15 fighter jets, they would have It flew around to fight the dog as if it had been injected with chicken blood.

But these fighter jet fleets are still hovering over Yokohama.

Even Fu Ming felt a little strange. The Japanese planes had already taken off, but the Chinese fighter jets were still unaware: "Could it be..."

Xu Cheng looked at the scene in the sky: "Human-machine, it should be j-8 man-machine, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it... Boss, don't look, there is no suspense."

Although Fu Ming didn't know what Xu Cheng meant, he still closed the door and drew the curtains, and lay down on the bed.

Xu Cheng didn't dare to go to sleep, so he went outside the room and stayed on watch with Mo Bing. The auditory hallucinations from resting in another room also rushed over, and the sound of the air defense siren made it difficult for anyone to sleep well.

But this voice made Fu Ming extremely calm. He picked up the phone and called Carianna directly. [

Karianna quickly answered the phone, she had been waiting for the news of Fu Ming, who landed at the port of Beirut and launched a military coup directly.

"Japan has already started here, Kariana, how are the preparations for World No. [-] and World No. [-]?" In fact, Fu Ming had already called Jobas Laying, and he just wanted to confirm the details of the aircraft carrier. Lebanon and World No. Japan, he doesn't want to give up at all, so everything must be safe.

"World No. 10 and World No. 1 are in good condition. [-] minutes ago, the Chinese government sent us a notice that we already knew the news of the plane's take-off. Because there was no order from my brother, World No. [-] and World No. [-] No. just made an inspection and sent back a message [-] minute ago. All the general-purpose humanoid battle mechs are ready and ready for landing operations at any time, but..." Karianna hesitated: "I really want to let the Syrian territory untr troops into Lebanon?"

"Start immediately, immediately invest in troops, even if only 3 people are prepared, the Thor Sky Fortress, Type 99 tanks, infantry vehicles, Baihu-class and Xuanwu-class general-purpose humanoid combat mechs, let the rebels see what is A real modern war." Fu Ming didn't hesitate at all, and just about to say something, he heard a bang, the explosion exploded in the sky outside the room, and a sharp sound crossed the sky from far to near, Then there was another heavy explosion, which made the windows of Fu Ming's room tremble continuously.

Fu Ming got up from the bed, walked to the side of the door, looked at the end of the street not far away, the wreckage of the burning plane, thick smoke rising high under the light of the fire, straight into the sky.

Fu Ming hurriedly raised his head to look at the sky. Among the previous eight F-15 fighter jets, one was missing, and there were no signs of damage to the dozens of man-machines.

Because there were too many of them, Fu Ming didn't count them carefully at all. Even if one or two were missing, it wouldn't affect the overall combat effectiveness at all.

These man-machines waited for a few minutes, and finally started their own attack. The guides mounted on the man-machines kept falling from the shelf. And with a strange arc, the blue tail flame whizzed forward, leading to its target.

Guidance requires a target to guide. For air guidance, it usually directly tracks the infrared radiation of the enemy plane, that is, the heat radiation caused by the jet engine. For ground guidance, it needs another guidance. GPS also Well, laser guidance is also a must.

Although no one is manipulating the j-8 man-machine, it has laser guidance equipment. The green laser light hits the target building quietly, and the guide roars towards it.

The buildings in Japan, especially the buildings here in Yokohama, except high-rise buildings with earthquake-proof function, other houses can only be called earthquake shelters.

That is to say, when an earthquake comes, the structure of these houses is simply impossible to withstand. However, these materials are very light, so the casualties caused by the collapse of the houses during the earthquake can be reduced. This is the Japanese construction company and Japan. The experience of the government over the years.

In addition to the benefit of reducing casualties, there is another benefit, that is, it is easier to be demolished.

Of course, what is convenient now are these j-8 man-machines and these guides in China.

The guide roared, hit the entrance of the subway accurately, and flew in from the entrance. After a few seconds, a dull sound came from the ground. The huge explosion made the surface bulge up, and a huge explosion occurred on the ground. There were cracks in the cracks, frightening smoke and dust spewed from the entrance, and the interior of the subway station had already begun to collapse.

Gradually, the surface sank from the cracks, and the hollow subway station has also been filled.

Fu Ming frowned, and moved his eyes to the sky again. He suddenly discovered that a man-machine was running at full power, chasing a Japanese f-15 fighter, but this f-15 fighter was He followed closely behind another man-machine, biting its tail firmly.

Fu Ming took another look at the still burning wreckage of the plane not far away, and suddenly understood something, no wonder Xu Cheng said that there was no suspense anymore, the way j-8 attacked f-15 was actually by bumping, dozens of A man-machine is cheap to build, and without a driver, it is simply too cost-effective to hit those f-15s controlled by a driver.

"Brother, do you want to maintain the original order?" Kariana couldn't help worrying when she heard the rumbling explosion from Fu Ming's side: "Are you okay?"

"Relax, I am safe. The original order remains unchanged. The fighting here will not last for too long. I hope Untr can control the entire Beirut within 48 hours."

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