arms tycoon

Chapter 333 Rescue

Time passed by every minute and every second, and more than seven hours had passed since the nuclear explosion in Beirut. Fu Ming only stayed in Hong Kong for an hour. Immediately found a hotel to rest. Two days and one night of sleepless nights made him fall asleep on a sunny winter morning. Even a special soldier like Xu Cheng couldn't hold on, let alone Mo Bing and auditory hallucinations.

But this does not mean that Fu Ming's safety cannot be guaranteed. At the very least, there are agents from the Intelligence Department of the General Staff and the National Security Bureau protecting the periphery.

Of course, before boarding the plane, Fu Ming specifically told Karianna to deploy helicopters from World No. [-] and World No. [-] to carry out the rescue operation of the Suzaku-level pilots in the urban area of ​​Beirut. It will take a long time, and Fu Ming doesn't think these ground troops can play a big role in the rescue operation. After all, no matter how useless the Lebanese government army is, it is also a government army with a large number of people, and the firearms are provided by Untr. It was very difficult to fight, and the progress was slow.

Most importantly, for combat needs, UNTR's ground troops hardly carried any rescue facilities, and it was impossible to go deep into areas heavily polluted by nuclear explosions.

So after discussing with Harry Crowder and Daisy Sparrow, Fu Ming decided to activate the helicopter for rescue. The level of electromagnetic interference is still very strong. All electronic equipment and navigation equipment, even the compass, have failed when the helicopter has just entered the sky over Beirut city. A dozen helicopters are in groups. Hovering in the low sky, looking for the dilapidated Suzaku from among the ruins. B travel through novels: sj131netb

The decision made by the UNTR headquarters was to select pilots and rescuers with great flying experience, to prevent the pilots of the Suzaku class from getting out of the cockpit, to lift the cockpit directly, and bring them back to World [-] and World [-].

However, even the egg-shaped cockpit has been contaminated by nuclear pollution, so the decks of World No. [-] and World No. [-] have been emptied, and the remaining medical staff and nuclear pollution processing personnel have put on heavy protective clothing. Chemical clothing to prevent ionizing radiation from harming them.

Sitting in the cockpit of the Suzaku-class, Luther Alex was full of exhaustion. He almost fell asleep in these few hours, but he still tried his best to stay awake. Originally, the Suzaku-class was in Beirut. A kind of enemy exists, but he never thought that the government composed of extreme racists in Lebanon would detonate this nuclear without any humanity and hesitation. Could it be that the lives of the civilians lost in Beirut are so cheap?When the Suzaku class attacked Beirut, according to Fu Ming's intention, he tried not to damage civilian buildings as much as possible so as not to cause casualties early.

It was the first time he led a team to conduct a large-scale battle. Apart from this incident, there was nothing he could do about it. Ming will not ignore it, and they will definitely take it back regardless of life or death.

Luther opened the locker under the seat, and there was only a sip of drinking water left in it, and the food was finished, but fortunately, the constant temperature and fresh air circulation were maintained in the egg-shaped cockpit. With the support of the remaining power, the life support system is working very well. He is trying his best to wait for rescue. He can't see the situation outside now, and he doesn't know where he is, let alone what state his companions are in. .

"They should be fine..." Luther muttered in a low voice, "Is this broken place really closed?"

If you don't have a strong psychological quality, you will be locked up in such a small space in an egg-shaped cockpit for seven hours, no one speaks, and you don't know the outside situation, and your life is still on the timer on the top of your head. Little by little, if it were someone else, they would have gone crazy long ago.

Probably because he was familiar with the cockpit, Luther felt that it was nothing. The long-term general-purpose humanoid combat mech driving test, even if he was allowed to stay here for dozens of hours, there would be no problem. He closed his eyes and thought Rested for a while, but didn't want to fall asleep, he was still trying to stay awake.

Suddenly, there was a roaring sound from outside. After the nuclear explosion, the outside was already completely silent, except for the occasional wind. .

Luther thumped in his heart: "Damn, the Lebanese government army must have come to mop up the tail. The nuclear bomb was blown up, and they still didn't let us go." He cursed, wanted to go out but couldn't, He didn't have any protective measures on his body, and going out rashly would only expose his body to severe nuclear pollution.

The roaring sound became clearer and clearer from far to near.

On the helicopter formation not far away, the pilot was carefully observing the surrounding terrain, and the co-pilot was also looking at a paper map, looking around.

All electronic equipment was already disabled when they first entered the sky over Beirut, not to mention the communication between the helicopters and World No. [-] and World No. [-], even the communication between helicopters was very difficult, so the helicopter formation Each of the planes dare not be too far away from their companions. Fortunately, they can still flash each other's lights as a simple connection.

"It's too miserable." The co-pilot pinched the paper map, which is a satellite map. On the map, each building location, coordinates, and the location of the nuclear explosion were carefully marked. Before the nuclear explosion, the Suzaku-class The exact locations of all the bodies were found from satellite images.

"It's really horrible!" The pilot carefully held the control in his hand, and now he can only drive the helicopter with his rich driving experience, and he can't use any auxiliary equipment: "There is not even a clean place left. "

"No, there are still clean places." The co-pilot pointed to the front.

The sky is filled with the dust produced by the explosion, which adheres to the clouds and blocks the sun. The evening sun cannot shine in at all. Now all the colors in downtown Beirut are red. The mushroom cloud has gradually dissipated, but it is still A huge cloud column was left in the sky, shocking the people who saw it, knowing what happened here.

Dust, strips of paper, rags, and the gusts of wind blown up by the explosion kept flying past the eyes of the helicopter pilot and co-pilot, but fortunately, they didn't affect the flight of the helicopter.

The driver looked in the direction pointed by the co-pilot, and saw a huge deep pit with a diameter of hundreds of meters and a depth of more than 50 meters. It was the center of the nuclear explosion. In that deep pit, except for the yellow soil , nothing, the people who watched were terrified. B travel through novels: sj131netb

"Hey, is it really clean?" The driver sneered.

Outside the deep pit, debris of collapsed buildings, cars, and tree trunks were scattered all over the ground, and the electric poles were tilted aside. It was impossible to know if there was a road there, and all the landmarks had disappeared. The only thing the entire helicopter formation knows now is that the location of the deep pit is the location of the nuclear explosion.

The residual heat there has not yet dissipated, and the terrifying temperature still distorts the air, making everything in the deep pit look so unreal.

The power of the nuclear explosion can only be realized after experiencing it. The whole city is dead silent.

No body was exposed outside, because all those who stayed outside during the explosion were directly swept away by the huge shock wave.

"I can't find the mark! Those Suzaku-class aircraft must have been shaken out by the shock wave, and they are no longer in their original positions. What should I do?" The co-pilot looked at the driver through the two holes in the chemical-resistant mask on his face. .

"Take the center of the explosion as the center of radiation, and search along the extension line of their original location. They must have been blown out by the shock wave. Even if the angle is wrong, it will not be too bad if they encounter something during the flight. It’s far away, and now I don’t have time to make precise calculations, so I can only make a rough idea.” The driver Nai said: “We will be in charge of Mr. Luther Alex’s body, use the lamp language, let others Each of the planes confirms its own target and does not fly too far."

The helicopter formed a straight line between the center of the explosion and the position of Luther Alex's Suzaku before the explosion, and then searched along the direction of the shock wave through this straight line. Sure enough, it didn't take long to find it. A universal humanoid battle mech.

The dilapidated Suzaku was loitering in the surrounding cars so abruptly that if the co-pilot hadn't watched it carefully, the driver would almost have flown over it.

"How should we contact him, Mr. Alex can't come out!" The co-pilot glanced at the pilot: "Put me down, use the hook, and directly fish up the egg-shaped cockpit." He thought about it for a while For a while, the shell of the egg-shaped cockpit can be shot, and its shell has rings for fixing hooks.

"Go down and hook the hook. I'll pull you up first, and then fish the cockpit away." The pilot could only nod, agreeing with the co-pilot's idea. The two of them have chemical protective suits on them, so it's okay to be careful. of.

After fastening the hook, the co-pilot knocked twice on the cockpit.

The armor of the Suzaku class has been completely damaged, and the cockpit is exposed to the outside. Fortunately, it is relatively thick. Luther was delighted when he heard the movement outside. This is obviously not an enemy. He thought that the roar was the engine of the tank, but as the sound got closer, he found that it was the sound of the propeller of the helicopter. He immediately understood that it was the sound of the untr Rescue Team.

He immediately hit the inner wall of the cockpit with his fist twice.

The co-pilot breathed a sigh of relief. Although he didn't know if it was Luther Alex, even if it wasn't him, the pilot of the Suzaku-class body was still alive. He used the rope to bring himself back to hovering in the air. on the helicopter, and then signaled to the driver that it was time to recover.

The driver carefully pulled up the joystick, and the helicopter slowly climbed up. The loose steel cables were gradually straightened up, and creaking and creaking sounds echoed in the air.

In the end, the egg-shaped cockpit was finally pulled out from the ruins of the Suzaku-class body by the helicopter, and it was dragged directly into the air, and the worn-out armor covering the cockpit fell off with a splash and hit the ground.

Luther felt that he was slowly rising, and finally he lost his balance. Following the position adjustment of the egg-shaped cockpit, one of them lost his footing and fell heavily from the driver's seat.

It turned out that the fixed position of the co-pilot's hook was not upright, but oblique. In addition, Luther was not wearing a seat belt, and was directly thrown against the inner wall of the cockpit, grinning for a while.

"I don't know how to be gentle." Luther knocked on the inner wall of the cockpit. Although he was very angry, he said this sentence with a smile. After all, he was saved.

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