arms tycoon

Chapter 335 Sincerity

After a short meeting with Lin Jianping and Zeng Ziguang, Fu Ming went back to the hotel to rest again, but before he waited for a while, Leng Jianbin called again.

The special car of the Intelligence Department of the General Staff had already parked at the gate of Fu Ming's hotel. Fu Ming looked at the time, and it was only a little past eight o'clock in the evening.

Although the meeting time was brought forward, Fu Ming felt that his energy had almost recovered. At least he thought so. The SUV with a civilian license plate drove directly into Zhongnanhai without any censorship. Neither the identity certificate nor the vp pass was shown, and he was released directly.

Of course, Xu Cheng, Mo Bing and auditory hallucinations still took the initiative to hand over their weapons.

Fu Ming and his team came to the underground combat command center in Zhongnanhai. They didn't know how long it took for the elevator to reach the huge underground system. Calculated according to the descending speed of the elevator, this underground combat command center could definitely withstand a nuclear attack. Even if the center of the explosion was directly above the surface, the damage caused to the command center was only the shattering of seven armor plates. B travel through novels: sj131netb

Fu Ming sorted out the expressions on his face and walked into the room.

The room is not very big, but there are many people. There are densely packed military intelligence agents and command issuers in civilian clothes sitting in front of the computer. The surrounding walls are covered with large and small screens, and the combat map of the theater is also dynamically projected. It is displayed on the wall and refreshed every ten seconds.

Although the room was busy, it was very quiet, because everyone lowered their voices when speaking into the headset and the microphone of the phone.

In the corner of the room, there is a group of sofas piled up. Chairman Xi and several senior military officials with gray temples are discussing something in a low voice. Judging from the ages of the officers in uniforms and the epaulets on their shoulders , They are the supreme commanders and chiefs of staff of the major military regions. Of course, Leng Jianbin is also wearing a military uniform and sitting among them.

Chairman Xi's complexion is very good, he looks very calm, no different from usual, it seems that the war between China and Japan did not cause him the slightest worry at all, after looking up and seeing Fu Ming, he immediately stood up and walked quickly Step forward, meet Fu Ming and shake hands with him cordially.

Fu Ming was a little flattered, even though he is the top person in charge of UNTR now, he still respects Chairman Xi very much, so he quickly extended his hand to shake Chairman Xi's hand.

The commanders who had been sitting on the sofa all stood up one after another when they saw Chief No. [-] standing up. Their own leaders stood up, so how dare they continue to sit.

"Fu Ming, I'm very glad to see you again." Chairman Xi didn't show too much politeness. Judging from the smile on his face, the words were sincere: "Come and sit down."

"You flatter me too much." Fu Ming smiled slightly, waved Xu Cheng and others to wait at the door, and did not let them follow.

Mo Bing and Hearing Huan looked at those big figures, stunned and stunned. Those people sitting on the sofa, no matter in the country or in the whole world, were all characters who turned their hands into clouds and rained their hands, and The status can be shaken by almost anyone. Although China does not claim to be a superpower, it has the momentum of a big country. When President Xi sneezes, the ground under Obama’s feet will shake. This is not an exaggeration at all, and these can only be seen on TV. It is unbelievable that the big man he saw sat with his boss in a very friendly and friendly manner.

Seeing the expressions of the two people, Xu Cheng couldn't help laughing. He quickly poked the backs of the two people with his arm, and said in a low voice, "Don't act like a bumpkin, you'll embarrass the boss."

Mo Bing and the auditory hallucination were reminded, so they withdrew their gazes. As killers, they would probably never see those people sitting on the sofa for the rest of their lives.

Fu Ming was dragged to the sofa by Chairman Xi, and everyone consciously made room for this young man in his 20s. He sat next to Leng Jianbin, and then nodded slightly to a middle-aged man opposite: "Mr. Prime Minister, nice to meet you, you are younger than what you see on TV."

Sitting opposite him was the Premier of the State Council, Premier Li. He also smiled at Fu Ming: "People are getting old, and now it's the generation of young people. Don't be polite, let's get down to business."

Fu Ming put away his smile and quietly waited for the so-called business that Premier Li said.

"We just talked about..." Chairman Xi glanced at Fu Ming, and said calmly, "Old Li, after the full-scale war broke out, how sure are you that you can keep the people rational enough to deal with this war?"

"Things are more difficult...Now the people are very emotional, and news has already leaked out. I guess tomorrow, some people will go through legal procedures to declare demonstrations, but this situation is very special now, and the country is in chaos." Premier Li sighed deeply: "Demonstrations supporting war are definitely good, and demonstrations against war cannot be regarded as wrong, but no matter what the purpose is, demonstrations will be regarded as sabotage by those enemy agents. An important breakthrough in social stability and the rule of law.”

Fu Ming swallowed. It turned out that the Chinese government wanted to suppress the demonstrations. Indeed, whether it was anti-Japanese demonstrations or anti-war demonstrations, most of the people who participated in the demonstrations were more emotional. If someone caught this If there is an opportunity, large-scale incitement may turn a legal demonstration into a riot, or even a riot.

The original purpose of the parade was not achieved, but it disturbed their social stability and military morale first. B travel through novels: sj131netb

"But pressing...isn't a solution." Fu Ming looked at the people around him and said in a low voice. The people sitting on the sofa are high and powerful, and can affect the whole world, although Fu Ming is also This kind of person who can have a very short impact on the whole world, he still feels that he has no right to speak here.

A small untr, turning against China is still not enough to watch. To put it bluntly, China beats the United States, and both sides suffer. A battle mech, or even a quantum computer is out of the question.

Furthermore, the people sitting on the sofa are all in their forties, and Fu Mingcai is a young man in his 20s. Although he has experienced the same things as them, after all, he eats a few more meals and has more experience. , so Fu Ming is still very cautious and self-effacing. This traditional concept is deeply rooted in his mind. Although the education he has received since childhood is not traditional Chinese education, he is a Chinese at heart.

Fu Ming's attitude has won the favor of most of the people present, but this is only the vast majority of people, there are always people who are dissatisfied with him.

"In any case, I hope you can remain humble. Mr. K, Mr. Chairman invites you to sit here, not to allow untr to interfere in China's internal affairs." A discordant voice came from the outermost circle of the sofa circle, the voice was very It was cold, and the speaker was a middle-aged man in his 50s. He was also wearing a military uniform, and the epaulets on his shoulders were very dazzling. The meaning of what he said was very clear.

Fu Ming is here and has no right to speak.

Fu Ming looked at the person who spoke seriously. He always felt that the middle-aged man looked familiar, but according to his memory, Fu Ming was very sure that he had never seen this man before. He looked at the middle-aged officer carefully, and suddenly On the officer's armband, he saw the words Nanjing Military Region.

Fu Ming searched for this person's appearance in his brain, but apart from feeling familiar, he was absolutely sure that he had never seen this person before: "This person is familiar, no way..."

"This is Commander Zheng Yingying, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Nanjing Military Region." Leng Jianbin looked at Fu Ming's bewildered eyes and reminded him in a timely manner.

Fu Ming suddenly remembered that at last year's Zhuhai Air Show, he met a dude, the second generation of the army, whose name was Zheng Tailong. Fu Ming glanced at Xu Cheng, and Xu Cheng who was not far away seemed to hear What, he quickly turned his head aside, indicating that this matter has nothing to do with him.

In fact, it was Fu Ming's order that made Xu Cheng beat up Zheng Tailong, and Zheng Yingying, who had been threatening revenge, let the matter go under the mediation of Leng Jianbin. Cheng is not a fool, although according to Fu Ming's status, Zheng Yingying will not do anything to Fu Ming, but Xu Cheng is Fu Ming's subordinate, no matter how nicely he put it, Xu Cheng is just a bodyguard, Zheng Yingying can't deal with Fu Ming Obviously, Xu Cheng as a whole still has this ability.

Zheng Yingying has always held a grudge against Ming. The last time Xu Cheng beat Zheng Tailong very badly, he lay in bed for two months and did not get off. After more than half a year of recuperation, he was discharged from the hospital not long ago. Fortunately, no root cause was left.

It's just that Xu Cheng has already kept his hand. If he hits hard, he won't be able to take care of himself for the rest of his life.

"Commander Zheng..." Fu Ming laughed inwardly, he was obviously the deputy commander of the military region, but he wanted to be called "Commander".

Fu Ming showed a smile: "I finally saw the deity, and it is more majestic than I imagined. I think we should put aside our personal grievances here, let's not mention it for now, don't let these trivial matters affect the decision... ..."

Chairman Xi glanced at Leng Jianbin. He didn't seem to know what was going on here. He wanted to find answers from Leng Jianbin, but Leng Jianbin responded with a full face. This kind of thing is really not very good now. Say it to your face.

The muscles on Zheng Yingying's face were twitching. After all, he was his own son. He couldn't get out of bed after being beaten for half a year. How could he not retaliate? If it wasn't for Chairman Xi and Premier Li, he would have turned his back on Fu Ming a long time ago. up.

"Well, untr is our partner, and Fu Ming is also our distinguished guest. He has the right to participate in domestic and foreign affairs related to the war between us and Japan." Chairman Xi did not say it out. If China unilaterally He will definitely not act rashly.

But before the war, untr had promised the Chinese government and would definitely stand on their side. But until now, Chairman Xi has not seen that untr has paid a single soldier or even a penny, but is a general-purpose person of untr The heavy losses of the small fighter mech formation in Lebanon made him a little uneasy, so he suspended the process of fighting against Japan, and stopped directly after the air battle.

"Fu Ming, I need to see Untr's sincerity."

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