arms tycoon

Chapter 337

Both Mo Bing and the auditory hallucination were stunned, and Xu Cheng also frowned, looking at his boss.

Fu Ming never took the initiative to drink, this was known to everyone around him, but now Fu Ming took the initiative to take three people with him, saying that he would go to the bar.

Mo Bing even thought that Fu Ming was already drunk before: "Boss, you don't have a fever..."

"What's the matter, I don't want to go." Fu Ming slapped his forehead: "Who told you that you can only drink when you go to the bar. It's past ten o'clock in the evening, and I don't want to go to bed yet. It's normal to find a place to drink and rest , The brain cells were consumed too much just now, the cafes are closed, where to go if you don’t go to the bar, I finally gave you a chance to relax, but you don’t know how to cherish it, forget it, I’ll go to the 24-hour convenience store to buy some instant food Coffee, you go back to bed and forget it..."

The auditory hallucination came up quickly, and said with a sneer: "Don't, don't, it's hard to pluck the hair of the iron cock, how can you miss this opportunity?" He quickly winked at Xu Cheng. [

The three of them arrived at the exit of Zhongnanhai. The original driver was still waiting there. It seemed that he had been ordered to send Fu Ming and others back to the hotel.

But when he learned from Fu Ming that the destination they wanted to go to, he was still taken aback, but the driver didn't say anything, just nodded, and then sent Fu Ming and the others to a bar .

Anyway, it was arranged by the leader, and he can send it wherever he says, as long as there is no accident on the way, and it has nothing to do with him if there is an accident after the delivery.

Only ten minutes later, Fu Ming and others came to the bar in the suburbs of the Imperial City. The bar here is of a lower level, and there are not too many rules. Most of the people who spend money to get drunk here have no money.

As for the bar, it's just a small dance hall. As soon as he entered the door, Fu Ming could smell the strong smell of smoke that permeated the whole bar. Even he, a big smoker, was about to be fainted. , Fu Ming sat down in the free space of the bar counter.

The pub, a filthy place, is full of underground transactions.

The so-called dark night is the refuge of the underworld. The reason why it is called black is because it cannot see the light. Of course, this bar named style is very unstyled. As a bar, it is naturally smoky and dark, only the spotlights are playing with the music There were only beams of laser lights on the body of J who was constantly swaying, and even those women in bikinis twisting their waists on the dance floor.

The rumbling sound of the subwoofer made Xu Cheng feel as if his ears had exploded, and he laughed unconsciously: "Mo Bing is hallucinating, hey, do you think there is a smell of a battlefield here?" .”

"There is no taste, but there is sound!" The eyes of auditory hallucinations are very sharp. As a killer, he can distinguish some things carefully even in the dark. He saw that on a table not far away, A young man held a pack of small pills wrapped in plastic bags in his hand, and was selling them to the people around him, and there were quite a few people who bought them.

These are rough-made things that look like fruit-flavored calcium tablets. They are ecstasy. Of course, there are also hallucinogens. Many people buy hallucinogens and throw them into the sister's room when they are not paying attention. In the cup, the color, taste and solubility are extremely strong. Just a small sip of the drink can make you faint for most of the day. If you spend dozens of dollars for a night of fun, you may be able to extort a few dollars. Why not do it, if you take a photo If you record a video and use this as a threat, then your younger sister can be directly promoted to a boss. No fool would do such a lucrative business.

But it is still very difficult to meet an extremely innocent younger sister. Everyone knows that, so although there are many people who buy the pill, there are still a small number of people who are really cheated by the pill.

"If you don't ask how much this pill sells for, maybe you can have a good time tonight." Fu Ming said with a smile, and then asked the bartender for a glass of juice.

The bartender looked at Fu Ming suspiciously. He didn't come to the bar to order juice. However, based on the principle that customers are God, the money that should be earned must be earned. The bartender took a glass of orange juice and put it in front of Fu Ming.

"Three, what do you want to order." The bartender said secretly, don't let these three people not drink the bar.

Mo Bing and the auditory hallucination looked at each other and said at the same time: "Whiskey, no ice."

Whiskey on its own, especially if it hasn't been stored for too long, can be strong.

But Xu Chengcheng is not as open as they are. He is on duty today and is responsible for Fu Ming's safety. Alcohol will destroy people's ability to reflect on affairs and logical ability. If something goes wrong, Xu Cheng can't afford it, so he Like Fu Ming, he ordered a glass of juice.

"It's really four strange people..." the bartender muttered softly.

"Boss, don't tease me, is this thing expensive? If we can do this business, we can also make money." Hallucination smiled, and patted Mo Bing on the shoulder: "It's a pity! We don't do drug business. "[

"Drugs, we don't like them. What we sell is arms, what we play is subversion, tens of millions in a second, how can those drug dealers compare, right, boss." Mo Bing took a sip of whiskey , Jiu Jin came up immediately, taking advantage of Jiu Jin, he joked to Fu Ming.

Fu Ming just shook his head and didn't speak. Probably, like the underworld, he can only come out at night. After all, his exposure rate is already too high. The lights in the bar are dim, which is just enough to hide his identity. If it is in broad daylight , someone will definitely recognize him, he is the supreme leader of untr who is now on the cusp of the crisis, k.

Fu Ming tried his best not to think of Cocoa and the war between Lebanon and Japan. He wanted to relax a little, even if it was only for a few hours. He took a sip of the juice and looked at the dancers on the dance floor who were constantly swaying to the music. people.

"When have I ever been this crazy?" Fu Ming asked himself, his answer was, no, since junior high school, when he was not old enough to enter a bar, he had already started to receive various weapons and business education, all he had Accepting things is unimaginable for ordinary people.

In the past six or seven years, he sacrificed his most impulsive age and time in exchange for untr, who is now gaining momentum. Fu Ming's eyes showed a trace of regret and unwillingness.

A girl approached Fu Ming, patted him on the shoulder, and brought Fu Ming back from his contemplation to reality.

Xu Chengcheng wanted to stop the girl, but seeing the girl getting closer, his face was familiar, so he let the girl's hand touch Fu Ming's shoulder.

Fu Ming turned his head subconsciously, looked at the girl's face, and felt a little familiar. He searched for this face in his brain, and finally remembered her name after a few seconds: "Su Xuan, why are you here? .”

This girl is exactly Su Xuan. Fu Ming met her by accident in the parking lot. When Su Xuan was reversing the car for the first time, she damaged Fu Ming's red flag car. But he met a killer from the intelligence room of the Japanese cabinet, and a hole was pierced by a pistol in his abdomen.

"The famous Mr. K didn't say hello when he left. If I didn't look carefully at you, I wouldn't dare to recognize you?" Su Xuan raised the cocktail in her hand and laughed twice, as if she didn't blame Fu Ming for leaving without saying goodbye. He also didn't hold any resentment because Fu Ming hurt her. She learned afterwards that those who hurt her were already dead.

The auditory hallucination quickly stood up and walked to the side, gave up a seat, and then pulled Mo Bing away from here. Xu Cheng also moved a place very wisely, giving the two of them some private space.

"In China, you should call me Fu Ming." Fu Ming whispered, "I'm glad to see you again, I hope the last injury didn't leave you with any sequelae." Fu Ming raised the orange juice and touched Su Xuan He took a sip of the glass: "Please sit down." After speaking, he took a sip of the juice seriously.

"Just use this to toast to me." Su Xuan said with a smile. The gunshot wound almost left her with no scars. In this age of advanced technology, it is basically common to use lasers to remove scars , and the medical expenses are also fully reimbursed by the National Security Bureau, but it is just a troublesome point: "You are a busy person, why do you have time to go back to China?"

"Look at some friends and hide from enemies." Naturally, Fu Ming would not tell Su Xuan that he came to see Chairman Xi for a meeting: "I never thought that Lawyer Su would like to come to this kind of place."

"Life is stressful! I also need a way to relax. You don't like drinking." Su Xuan took a sip of the cocktail in her hand. Although the alcohol content was not high, the comfort brought by the alcohol did not diminish in the slightest. She took a sip of the cocktail, There were two blushes on her face.

Only then did Fu Ming take a closer look at Su Xuan. Su Xuan's clothes were very fashionable, with a white long-sleeved shirt on her upper body and a miniskirt on her lower body. Against the backdrop of thick stockings, her beautiful legs were slender and straight, and she was picky.

"I don't like alcohol, as you said, I also need a place to relax!" Fu Ming smiled, "This is just right."

"Untr, now the momentum is fierce, the whole world is trembling for the rise of untr, how many people know that the top leader of utnr is sitting next to me, this is something that ordinary people dare not even think about , By coincidence, I actually know you." Su Xuan laughed a few times, and she didn't know if it was the effect of alcohol, which made her talk more: "Are we friends?"

Fu Ming was taken aback for a moment: "It should be considered..."

"Gossip, Ke Ke Heike Indias is your fiancée." Su Xuan suddenly became serious.

Fu Ming's complexion changed suddenly. Originally, he wanted to relax tonight. When he mentioned cocoa, he still couldn't help feeling uncomfortable for a while, but he still admitted: "Yes..."

Looking at Fu Ming's face, Su Xuan also realized that she had gone too far: "I'm sorry... I feel sorry for your loss..."[

Fu Ming waved his hand and was about to say something when he saw a man he had seen before at the door of the bar.

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