arms tycoon

Chapter 353

"I have a question, Ida Jones. Since the target of this Japanese right-wing organization is New York, why did the nuclear bomb explode in London?" US President Barack Obama asked, looking at the investigation report in front of him.

Ada stood on the couch in Obama's office, stirring the coffee in her mug with a spoon. "I don't know either. After investigation, I didn't get any explanation for this issue. There is no news about this from Untr."

"Are the findings...really reliable?" Obama didn't feel too worried after getting the news. Japan will retaliate against the United States sooner or later, but he didn't expect it to come so soon, and it happened during his tenure. .

"There are only three pieces of information, but they are very reliable. I found these three pieces of information through our database search, and they are real, not fabricated by untr." Ada took a sip of coffee.After she returned to the United States, she directly used cia's intelligence collection and processing system to find the three messages Fu Ming sent her.It may seem difficult to find these things among the hundreds of millions of messages, but that is without any keywords.

After Fu Ming sent her a short message and searched for keywords and sentences, she found these three information records at once.There is no sign of fabrication in the time or place.

"Untr and the Chinese are forcing us not to intervene in the Japanese war." Obama rubbed his temples. "Ada, what do you think we should do?"

Ada froze for a moment, then smiled. "I don't know. Mr. President, this is not under my jurisdiction either. I'm only in charge of special operations against UNTR, political matters... It's better if I don't get involved." Ada is a very smart woman, she Try to avoid yourself from being involved in international politics, but only complete plans and orders.It made her job a lot easier.

Obama nodded, "Thank you for everything you have done for the United States of America. Take a break these days." He picked up the phone and dialed an internal number. "At two o'clock in the afternoon, we have a meeting." He wanted to pass a congressional resolution to decide whether to withdraw troops from Japan.

After all, there is the U.S. Pacific Fleet near the Japanese waters. Although it is impossible to really conflict or fight with the Chinese fleet, at least it is there, and it has a deterrent effect, and there is a U.S. naval base in Japan.

The Chinese also did not touch those naval bases, and the US Navy at the naval bases did not engage in any hostile activities against the PLA.This is a very delicate situation.

Although Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has repeatedly asked Obama to send troops, Obama has also maintained an ambiguous attitude and has not given a definite answer.

You know, Taiwan has been taken back by China. Now Taiwan is under China's actual control and is undergoing real power transfer and reorganization. The Korean Peninsula is also under the control of UNTR. Once Japan is lost, then the first island chain will soon cease to exist.

The Philippines and the Malaysian archipelago are purely two-faced. If you have milk, you are a mother.Obama is not sure, after Japan is controlled by China, will those Southeast Asian island congresses still obey the orders of the United States and restrict China.

However, in a few hours, the Chinese government will definitely announce the results of the investigation of the London nuclear explosion, which is very beneficial to them, and will definitely become the best reason to attack Japan.

In fact, what does the London nuclear explosion have to do with you Chinese?To fight a war of aggression, just fight, what excuses are there for?There is no need for China to take revenge for London.If there is a real fight, Britain and NATO can easily pinch Japan!

But on the table, China still makes sense.All forms are beneficial to China.Once the results of the investigation of the London nuclear explosion are announced, the United States will be in a dilemma.

If Japan is abandoned, then China will further threaten the Pacific Fleet naval base in Hawaii, and even important cities such as the west coast of the United States, Seattle, and Los Angeles.If you don't give up on Japan and intervene in the Japanese war, then the British will definitely not just let it go. That is undoubtedly a betrayal of the NATO allies.

At the same time, while Obama was struggling, Fu Ming had the best sleep he had had in a while.The morning sun shone into his bedroom through the gap in the curtains. He rubbed his eyes and stretched, only to find that he hadn't undressed at all last night.

However, he slept well and was content.The things in London can finally be put aside, and all the reasons can be pushed to the Japanese. Although the Beirut nuclear explosion has a lot of doubts, the suspicion of untr in international public opinion is much smaller than that of the London nuclear explosion.

The interim transitional government committee in Lebanon has been established. If there is no more trouble, the entire Middle East will be under the control of UNTR.Lebanon is waiting to be rebuilt, and it is an opportunity for development for several member companies of the Untr Alliance, the Qianli Group, the Shenzi Consortium, and the Heike Indias Group.The whole of Lebanon needs a lot of investment and construction, and this kind of profitable business is naturally fat and water will not flow to outsiders.

Thinking of the Heike Indias Group, Fu Ming couldn't stop feeling sad and worried.The sadness is because of the death of Coco Heike Indias, and the worry is the future of the Heike Indias group.Coco's grandfather, Carlos, asked Fu Ming to inherit all the assets of the group by name, but Fu Ming left Carlos there.

He did not receive any property from the Heikendias Group.He didn't want it, and he didn't have time to care about it. There are only a few high-level personnel in UNTR, and there are almost no people who are proficient in business management. The manpower is completely insufficient.Rather than letting it go to waste in his own hands, it is better to let Carlos take care of it for a while. Anyway, this old man's life is hard, and Fu Ming still wants to drain the last bit of wisdom of this old man.

"When Lin Jianping and Zeng Xiaoting are free... maybe it would be nice to let them take over." Fu Ming muttered to himself, it's too early to say these things now.

He washed and changed his suit, and ate his breakfast which was on the table outside.Breakfast is already prepared by untr staff.It was placed on the table before Fu Ming woke up.He walked to the window and opened it, and the frenzied air rushed into the fully air-conditioned room.Kinshasa in April still maintains the high temperature that should be expected in the tropics.If it weren't for the circulation and constant temperature system in the entire Sannuo Heavy Industry, no one would be able to stand this place.

The air distortion caused by the high temperature made Fu Ming unable to see the distant scenery clearly.He lit a cigarette, and sat on the window sill with his back directly to the window, enjoying this moment of tranquility.

He needs to relax so badly!

It's a pity that before the cigarettes were finished, there was a knock on the door.Fu Ming quickly took a few steps to snuff out the cigarette butt, then stepped forward to open the door.Fu Ming wasn't afraid that the person who came was an assassin or a spy. This was the headquarters of Sannuo Heavy Industry, and even if it was an assassin, it was impossible for him to walk through the right door.

"Brother, I hope I didn't disturb your rest." Carianna Soyce walked in the door with a smile, "You seem to be in good spirits, you had a good rest last night."

Fu Ming said with a gloomy face, jokingly. "It's good to rest, but seeing you, it should be something..."

Carianna nodded, her expression serious. "After you gave the order last night, UNTR's ground troops have returned to the Tri-Nuclear Heavy Industry by transport plane and are resting. Except for some seriously wounded who cannot move, others have returned. We have retained about 3000 troops throughout Lebanon People's security personnel, should be enough... Are these returned soldiers going to Japan now?"

Fu Ming didn't expect that the ground troops would withdraw so quickly. It seemed that Lebanon really didn't have any big storms. "No, our Y-20 transport plane should not fly directly to Japan. Let the soldiers take a rest at Trinuclear Heavy Industry for a few days. Although the war in Lebanon was short, it was very difficult. After a few days, it is still very tiring. When going to Japan..." Fu Ming thought for a while, and then continued. "Let the Chinese warships come over to transport troops. Anyway, it is an alliance, and others have nothing to say. It doesn't matter if we dispatch it after the People's Liberation Army is stationed in Tokyo."

In fact, Fu Ming didn't want to send troops to Japan earlier, he suffered a lot in Japan, and the earlier he went to Japan, the more benefits he could reap after the war.At the very least, untr really participated in the Japanese war.In Japan, the post-war economic development depended entirely on investment, and it was impossible for Fu Ming not to take it seriously.As for other aspects, leave it to China.

But Fu Ming can't send his soldiers to Japan now.Because the underground organization in Japan has not yet surfaced!If UNTR's ground troops go there inexplicably, and follow the People's Liberation Army's unexplained attack to an important city, the right-wing underground organization may have a nuclear bomb in its hands!

At that time, if I detonate the nuclear bomb again, all the family fortune I have saved so hard in my hands will be wiped out!Not to mention the benefits, even the military power is gone, untr has become a persimmon, and the Americans will definitely come up and pinch it.This decision was also Fu Ming's decision to protect himself.

Untr lost so many Suzaku-class general-purpose humanoid battle mechas in Beirut, this kind of loss is already unbearable for Fu Ming.The Suzaku class has high technological content, so high that it leads the world, but the cost is also high, and the price is also leading the world.Without the huge oil profits in the Middle East, it is impossible to pay this huge sum of money if it is close to arms trading and untr's import and export trade.Fu Ming couldn't lose any other troops.

"Understood, brother. In the past few days, you can also rest at home." Carianna said happily.

"It's you who should take a good rest." Fu Ming looked at Karianna with dark circles under her eyes and said distressedly. "If you continue to work hard, Mo Bing will have a problem with me. Let me handle the untr affairs in the past few days, and I will give you and Mo Bing a few days off."

Fu Ming no longer had the heart to make Carianna work so hard anymore.After all, I should also manage Untr's current affairs in person and learn about Untr's current situation.

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