arms tycoon

Chapter 355 Negotiation

The news that Leng Jianbin and Fu Ming got at the same time shocked the whole world a few minutes later!Just as UNTR's troops of more than 5 people had just boarded the medium-sized warship docked in the port of Kinshasa, Japan's nuclear bomb exploded.

The location is the outskirts of Tokyo.It is only [-] kilometers away from the largest frontline headquarters of the PLA.The loss of the Chinese People's Liberation Army in the nuclear explosion, due to the short time, has not received detailed statistics.

Japan, a country without nuclear bombs, actually took the lead in detonating a nuclear bomb in this war to deal with the Chinese People's Liberation Army.Moreover, this nuclear bomb actually exploded on their own land.

The outbreak of this nuclear bomb has made international public opinion further confirm the culprit of the London nuclear explosion.No one would think that the Chinese would detonate a nuclear bomb, blow up their own people and then plant it on the Japanese.

After all, there are 10,000+ PLA front-line combat troops stationed near the nuclear explosion, as well as armored divisions.No matter how insidious the Chinese government is, it will not be able to make such a large number of sacrifices to slander others.

The phone call between Fu Ming's and Leng Jianbin has not been hung up yet. At this moment, they can no longer control how the international public opinion thinks about this matter.What they saw was an opportunity.

A chance for China to use intercontinental missiles and nuclear warheads in the Japanese war!China has promised not to be the first to use nuclear weapons in a war.

But this does not mean that China will not use nuclear weapons.It should be noted that it is the first word.China's mainland already has the capability of nuclear counterattack after being hit by a nuclear attack.What's more, the nuclear bomb that exploded was still in Japan.

The coverage of the Dongfeng 31d missile is the entire East Asia and Southeast Asia. If it is modified, it can even bypass the Pacific Ocean and directly hit the United States.

Tokyo, Yokohama, and all territorial waters of Japan are within range and are completely covered!

"Uncle Leng, you are not thinking..." Fu Ming smiled slyly. "China should not use any nuclear weapons in Japan."

Leng Jianbin nodded. Although it was a great opportunity for a nuclear counterattack, he probably guessed Chairman Xi's decision after thinking for a few seconds. "That's right. In any case, there will be no more nuclear weapons in this war."

Modern warfare, even aggression, is not what it used to be.The war in the cold weapon era is to overthrow the regime, destroy the country, change the name and surname, and rule by yourself, and this place becomes your own territory.But now, it is impossible for such a thing to destroy the country to happen. The international public opinion and the existence of the United Nations will not allow such a thing to happen.

Therefore, after the United States attacked Iraq and Iraq fell, although the Saddam regime disappeared, the United States did not include Iraq into its own territory, but established a regime by itself as a puppet regime, allowing this regime to be under the control of the United States .

The United States attacked Iraq because the Saddam regime they had fostered was disobedient, so it had to be purged and replaced.China's fight against Japan is naturally the same reason.If genocide cannot be achieved, there is naturally no way to destroy other countries.The real power of the Japanese archipelago can only be obtained by overthrowing this regime and establishing its own puppet regime.

In this way, China does not want to damage Japan's local infrastructure too seriously!After all, this piece of land will be controlled by oneself in the future, and if it is broken, I will have to pay for repairs.To rebuild a country, even China can't do this kind of money-burning move a few times. The Americans have been mired in the quagmire because of Iraq, and they still owe China hundreds of billions of dollars.Using nuclear bombs and missiles to bomb the Japanese mainland is naturally simple and labor-saving, and the casualties are relatively small, but this is undoubtedly a scorched-earth policy. The civilians are all dead. This country has no labor force and production capacity, so China still needs it do what?

Even if these are not considered, the civilian casualties caused by intercontinental missiles and nuclear weapons and the huge pressure of international public opinion are very bearable.

Both Leng Jianbin and Fu Ming understood this truth. Such a complicated matter almost formed a conditioned reflex in the minds of the two foxes, the old and the young, and they could come up with the answer without thinking at all.

"If you are afraid that the international community will chew your tongue, then this bad guy can be done by UNTR or the British. The British Prime Minister has made four speeches in a row in the past few days, threatening to nuclear-pacify Tokyo! Let them take this responsibility." Fu Ming shook his head and said. "Personally, I also prefer to use nuclear bombs to fight..."

Although Fu Ming couldn't see him, Leng Jianbin gave him a blank look, and said coldly. "The post-war construction does not need to be done by the British, nor by you untr. Of course you are willing! Since that organization has surfaced, let's wait until the untr's troops arrive before carrying out joint encirclement and suppression. The number of casualties is not high yet. I know, but... I guess the troops attacking Tokyo from the center may be abolished. There is already a clue, so I'm not afraid that we won't be able to find out. When you come over, you will start to act immediately. You have to fill the vacancy of the army in the center. And... ...Aren't you coming?"

Fu Ming was taken aback for a moment. According to the information he received, Ida Jones returned to the United States by plane as early as the day he received his call.The big enemy is not in Yokohama, so Fu Ming naturally feels that there is no need for him to go to Japan.It's dangerous to go there. Although it's busy here, it's still very safe after all.What's more, he wants to work for Kariana for a few more days, so that Karianna can take a good rest.

Leng Jianbin is looking for him now, probably because he has something important to do!Fu Ming thought about it, and considered a more compromise method. "Well, my troops will go there first. I will ask Wayne Brad to follow your instructions on how to arrange it. After these 5 people go to Japan, they don't have to go back to Kinshasa. Please help me arrange They were sent directly to New North Korea! But don’t let my 5 people go to the front as cannon fodder, I can’t betray my soldiers.”

"Don't worry, absolutely not. There is no problem with the delivery to New North Korea. What about you? Are you really not coming?" Leng Jianbin asked eagerly. "We want to discuss with you how to share Japan's interests..."

What the hell is there to do in Japan?Oil is not available, food is not available, even beef is imported from other countries, farmland is very scarce, and there are no mineral resources, all rely on imports.The only thing is that the environment is good, but that's a fart!Fu Ming smiled wryly while thinking about this. "As I said, I only want economic benefits. Divide other things as you like!" Economic benefits alone are the most valuable things in Japan.Although Japan is small, its economy is still thriving with the support of the United States, without any decline.Of course, after the outbreak of the Eastern Pacific War, Japan obviously failed. "After my people arrive, I will also fly to the imperial capital immediately..."

Leng Jianbin thought to himself, good boy, economic interests include a lot of things.Controlling the port is also an economic benefit. When untr controls the port in Yokohama or other places, even Chinese transport ships will have to pay!However, Untr is willing to help China take the blame, and it doesn't seem to matter to give them some benefits. Anyway, Untr is completely out of control, and it seems to be a good choice to serve as an ally. "This has been discussed a long time ago, and I have no objection. I really have something very important to say. Don't fly to the imperial capital. Don't you have the original Yun-20? I heard that a lot of them have been built. Imitation, of course, you can also take the Yun-20 directly, go to the Shandong Peninsula, find an airport at random, tell me after you make a temporary decision, and I will immediately let the airport clear a runway, no matter whether there is a flight or not!"

"Then thank you very much!" Fu Ming exchanged pleasantries with Leng Jianbin, the two foxes hung up the phone, Fu Ming gave the order for all the soldiers to board the ship, and then made a call to Carianna.

The time difference between Dubai and Kinshasa is not too big. Cariana Sois and Mo Bing are enjoying the morning sun on the artificial beach outside the Burj Al Arab Hotel in Dubai.

The blue water and blue sky are sparkling, and the sea water is so clear that you can even see the small fish swimming slowly below.The sun is not an attitude, but to prevent UV burns, the two still put on sunscreen.

"Carianna, how's it going here?" Mo Bing said very proudly. He can still afford the money. He usually praises such a long salary. He was born and died. If he didn't enjoy it while he was alive, he would be too fucked. !

"Expensive is quite expensive..." The current Karianna is no longer the ignorant girl who was bullied by others.Hanging around with cat and following Fu Ming has made her grow into a strong woman, even though she is only 20 years old.

Under Wayne Brad's dedicated teaching, Carianna has also become a qualified female warrior. Girls are weak and can't handle machine guns and sniper rifles, but light weapons, such as rifles and pistols, are still used. It's not bad, of course, if you want her to fly a plane, drive a tank and play cannons, then it will definitely not work.

Gun training is simple, but when it comes to close combat, it's not that simple.Mo Bing is a killer, and his actual combat experience in this area is no less than that of Wayne Brad.But cat has been learning from Mo Bing and auditory hallucinations for so long, and it has only scratched the surface. Karianna is too thin to withstand high-intensity training at all, so she can only be so-so.

While the two were enjoying their vacation, Fu Ming called.Even when the two are sunbathing, they don't forget to keep their satellite phones close at hand.

Before Carianna answered the phone, Mo Bing immediately sat up and looked at the people around him vigilantly.

"The smell is wrong! The smell of blood!" Mo Bing said coldly, holding Carianna's hand.

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